RP Calculation



just wondering if anyone can give me what the formula used to calculate how many rps you get for a kill is.. I know it doesn't make any difference when playing (Kill everything on sight regardless ;)) but I just like knowing little details like this..

So far I know it depends on lvls, current rps of both players, and I've heard rumors that how often you've died yourself can affect your rp value too... anything else it depends on? and anyone know exactly how each of these factors contribute to rps exactly...??


Brannor McThife

I think you pretty much coverred it. The less you die, the more you're worth. The current rps is also important, as killing a noob RvR just won't get you much. And killing Sinister or Giona should get you a few if they're your first RvR kill.


PS AHA! Finally see who you are. I remember seeing you running around in Yggdra with that mace twice the size of you. I was thinking, WTF is this??? Then you hit me with your mace for just over 100, and started that debuff crap and DD's for another 100 or so. Couldn't quite figure out what the hell class you were...so I smacked you... 480, and 750 (crit). You were yellow con at the time (Me=L44). Was laughing myself silly...just one question...can you actually run with that thing on your back? ;)


I think it's a standard amount for the level of the target (900-920 base for a lvl 50) modified by the amount of rp's they got (Pryd/Mid's highest rp holders give about 930-940). And as far as I know, this is modified if the target has been attacked the last x (20?) minutes by someone else and maybe by the amount of time after the target left his last rez sickness.

If someone knows and posts the exact numbers/formulae it would be more than welcome. :)


hehe I remember that, I was thrilled getting killed by a celeb :) think I was only 41 at the time, or else I coulda hit you for a bit more I would hope. Couldn't believe how much it hurt tho when you got me OUCHIE!! (think that's still second highest I was ever hit for, highest being a bolt from zarff)

Sorry to hear your chars are on hold now :( was hoping to have a rematch someday (with a bit of luck I may have a new hammer to try out soon) ah well *sigh*..

hehe yeah the life of a luri champ is great always nice to surprise ppl even if (in this case) I died. Makes a nice change from the norm :cool:



Maybe its this formula: number of rps per character in a group that killed 1 target

rp =    (el / yl) x el x yl


If I was a level 50 paladin (soon) and was in a group of level 50s that killed a level 50 enemy....

rp =  ( 50 / 50 ) x 50 x 50

rp = 2500

rp = 50


el = enemy level
yl = your level
agl = average group level

i just made it up. In this formula the number of people in your group is irrelevant. Only the levels make any difference in rps gained. For example, using this formula, if the enemy was a theoretical level 60 then each person in the group would get 70 points. I should introduce group count code though....


I killed Arawan last night and got just under 1000 RP... which was nice :)


Hmm I always suspected there were people out there that used math for the fun of it (but not this gal!) and now Lanceloc has proved me right. :)

Damn where were you when I was taking statistics at the university?! LOL


With all due respect, that formula is suspect. The formula simplifies to be independent of y1:

rp = el x el

I don't believe this formula.


ok maybe its this

      ( el / pl ) x ( 10 x el )         pl
rp = ___________________________  x __________
                  gc                    agl


el = enemy level
pl = player level
gc = group count
agl = average group level

and dont forget BODMAS (brackets off, division, multiplication, addition, substraction in that order).

The (el/pl) gives the ratio of enemy to player level meaning the higher the enemy level the more rp you get.
The (10 x el) gives you 10 times whatever the enemy/player level ratio.
All is divided by group count to spread the rp around your group members
The pl / agl part will give you more xp than your group mates if your level is higher.


rp you get depend on from what i have observed

Enemy player level
Enemy player rp

It is my guess that it is more dependant upon the rp a player has, perhaps with some base amount per level. Some blues for example pay <50, while some have payed >250. At a wild guess i would suspect though that there is a set amount of rp allocated per realm level or rank. 595 for example i have got from both Zoyster and Outlaw recently, and they are different levels afaik. Just my guesses :)


This time pl disappears from the formula. Don't think that can be right either :(


for in a group id guess it is this

rp * ( yl / gl )

rp = rp from kill if killed solo
yl = your level
gl = sum of levels in a group

this is assuming it was just the members in the group that killed the target, otherwise the relative damage inflicted by members in and out of the group would need to be taken into account :)


I thought that putting brackets around certain calculations e.g. (el/pl), within the formula meant that they are exclusive and cant be cancelled when one of the variables exists below the division line?

Anyway, to really find out the exact formula would be to do some tests. Anyone have any time to waste? :D


I'm fairly sure about how it works for groups actually..

each member gets x / n where x is rps for soloing, n is number of ppl in the group. However rp gains at lower realm levels are capped so whilst each person gets x/n rps, the caps mean that some will get less.. after next patch each person get x/n * 1.25 I think if in a full group of 8

Also you only get these rps if you're within a certain range of the enemy killed.. if you're not the rps still get divided by x/n way.. but the ones that would go to you are just lost totaly :(



I think it is also partly dependent on the lvl you are compared to them. I've never gotten more than 1RP for a grey con kill and i don't think I ever got more than 10 for a green con kill.

Blues can give me anything between 1 and 300 or so.

Is the RP division in groups dmg dependent, or is it just the total RPs/people in your group. I know the total RPs get bumped up in a future patch for group kills.

- Pathfinder -

The single largest factor determining RP (if your soloing) is your lv compared to their lv; the difference in RP earned by killing people of different RRs is quite small. At 50, a greycon can be anything between lv 1 and lv 35, which translates roughly into 0 - 200+ RP.

Similar to XPing, if you kill a lv 50 with 2 ppl, and one of you is significantly lower in lv, alot of RP will be "wasted". As for the distribution of RP in a grp, you all get the same amount prior to the lv calculation, ie killing a 50 would result in roughly 920 RP, split between the two of you for 460 each, but the lower lv person will then experience the lv RP cap, and the excess RP will be wasted.

Factors such as if the target has been damaged/damaged people recently are also taken into account; if someone who's been hitting you dies, you'll receive a portion of the RP, even if you never hit back.


at level 30ish i did a test with a level 50 friend about rp, and i got over 900 for killing him (took goddam ages heh), so i dont think it is capped

also i have got more than 1 for a gray, but usually less than 50,, but thats because few grays would have many rp and the ones that are normally worth more are those that would be useful in a group at many levels, ie speed song people.

i believe it is based most heavily on the RP of the target, and partially on the level.


I would read the patch notes if I were you regarding increase to group rp:


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.49 Release Notes



- Groups now get more Realm Points when killing other players. A full group of 8 people gets a 100% bonus - 12.5% per person in the group.

- The range that Realm Points are awarded for group members has been doubled from 4000 to 8000 units.

ie 1.48 coming next week does diddly squat to fix grouped rp, we will still get seriously poo rp for group kills


heya aeiedil *wink wink* ^^

when it comes to recieving rp's at higher levels i notice that you get sums awfully close to and around the 1000rp range. example; i killed winter yesterday completely solo in emain and i recieved 1000ish rp's. i then later killed another 50ish guy and got *drumroll* 1000ish again!! /gasp

rp awarding is tweaked alot in later patches tho.. a much higher cap on how much you can recieve and a 12.5% bonus for every groupmember in your group (100% for full group). very cool stuff :)


Augh!! My head hurts!! So, after the patch I can't just leech RPs from the nukers? I actually have to learn all this maths? PLS NOOO!


hehe xarr :) unfortunatly most my kills of level 50's aint so successful. more normally in the 800-950 region though, so still quite high. if only there was a level 50 with 0 rp to test on, would be interesting to see how many rp they were worth.

oh and btw xarr, i outrank you ;) i made rank 3 level 0 yesterday :D

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