Rough Guide to 1.81+1.82


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Full patch notes are available here.

This is not a full guide, read the patch notes for that - this is very simply some of the most important changes for those who cba to read lots of pages of writing:

To sum up very briefly:

-Armsman/Warrior/Hero love: many shouts buffs and spells to remove CC, decrease magic damage, increase ABS for group, climb walls etc. Also they get 10% more HP as well as more magic resistance. New arms RR5 for 50% parry/block bonus.

-Friar/Warden love: both classes get Offensive Group Heal proc, which gives chance to proc when you melee an enemy in rej line, offensive PBAE heal procs for when the friar or warden hit an enemy, and for friar only, defensive PBAE heal proc in enh line for when friar is hit. Fatigue reduction buffs for friar are now GROUP spells. Wardens can now spec shield and have 1.8 spec points :s Friar's weaponskill has been increased, and styles have been modified to include heal procs.

-You will now get realm points for healing, mezzing, killing enemy pets, repairing keep doors.

-You can now use /autoloot to pick up loot automatically.

-RR13 is now available.

-Assassins now have weaponskill/con poisons instead of str/con, and some CS styles give abs debuffs. PA and backstab damage has been increased. All assassins now get remedy. NS' get self-damage shield buff and new DOT insta spell. SBs now get a crush damage insta buff and increased stealth movement after they get a deathblow.

-Primary healers now get cure NS and group cures etc in their high rejuv lines.

-TOA is now easy. Won't go into it here but you only need credit and scrolls to get arti activated. If you have unactivated artis, you can trade them in for the scroll book. Encounters are easier and you can buy important ML items.

-Two new emotes, /worship and /drink.

-Reactionary combat: you have a 3 second window to use reactionary styles...

-Bainshee cone damage now falls off after 45 degrees.

-Moc is now usable by Sorcs when BOF/Warguard is up.

-You can now only have 1 brittle guard at a time.

-Thane boosts la la.

-Banelord ML2 and 8 do not remove stealth.

-Warlock nerfs: 3 seconds between chambers, more power use on UI, less damage on UI.

-New NPCs - porters, smiths healers. Cba to go into details.

-'Stealther' NPCs how have less range on detection in keeps.

-You can now turn off rps and xp for battlegrounds.

-You can reset your rps for battlegrounds.

-Interface changes + boosts.

-People can now join guilds on other services in the cluster. Guilds can now join foreign alliances.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I'm not liking the warrior boost :( poor Albs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
this is one of the best changes imo (pve wise)

- The Master Level requirements for entering the Halls of Ma'ati have been removed.

- The Master Level requirement for Deep Volcanus has been changed to Master Level One.

- The Master Level requirement for Aerus City has been changed to Master Level Three.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Warlock nerf, about fucking time!

I see some pretty nifty allaround nice changes in these patches, but seriously it is a Midgard lub patch when it comes to fg vs fg.

Warriors are by far the best BG'er in the game, lets break it down :

He has the ability to spec 50 shield without gimping his spec

He is heavy tank thus shitloads of hps

He has all the new nifty heavy tank abilities

His RR5 ability is just stupid combined with BG

Not to mention, if tanks target the BG, the Shaman can do focus absorb cone thingy on them, since Midgard is the only real realm who can spec for that spell without gimping themselves.

Nerf Midgard :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Inc inflated rps!

Realm And Experience Point Changes

- Realm points will now be awarded for successfully repairing or damaging a door or outpost piece. Players will receive approximately 10% of the amount repaired in realm points. (Note that realm points for repairing or destructing a door or outpost piece will not work in the battlegrounds.)

- Realm points will now be awarded for healing players with single target and group heal spells who are involved in RvR combat. Players will receive roughly 5% of the amount of hit points restored in realm points. Note that realm points are not awarded for spread heals, heal over time spells or any other heal spell that is not a single target or group heal type spell. (Note that realm points for healing players will not work in the battlegrounds.)

- Added a new /xpoff command. This allows players to stop receiving experience points if they choose (primarily for use in the battlegrounds). This feature can be turned off by using /xpoff again. Players will be reminded that they have this feature on each time they enter the game, but not every time they would have gained experience points. Note that experience messages will not print when the player has experience turned off.

- When eligible for a free level, clicking on your trainer with /xpoff set will give the player a message telling them they can claim their free level if they turn experience back on.

- Added a new /rpoff command. This allows players to stop receiving realm points if they choose (primarily for use in the battlegrounds). This feature can be turned off by using /rpoff again. Players will be reminded that they have this feature on each time they enter the game, but not every time they would have gained realm points. Note that realm point messages will not print when the player has realm points turned off.

- Dead players will now continue to retain and receive their realm point credit on targets until they release. This will work for solo players as well as grouped players in terms of continuing to contribute their share to the kill if a target is being attacked by another non grouped player as well.

- All damage to primary pets (Not turrets, theurgist pets, or BD pets besides the commander) now gives realm point credit on the pet's owner as well. If a pet with 1600 hp is controlled by a player with roughly 1600 hp, and two solo players kill each of them, they will get roughly even shares of the credit.

- Re-breaking an object which was previously broken, and only repaired up to roughly 25% will result in a reduction in the overall realm point value of the object. (To roughly 1/4 what it would have been worth at full health.)

- A player's realm level is now worth an equal part to their overall realm point value to their level. Previously their level was worth (Their level - 20)^2, or 1 - 900, and their realm level was worth an additional 1 - 100. Now their realm level is worth 10 points per realm level (thats realm level, or 1 - 110 rather than realm rank rank 1 - 11), so with the other change we're putting in, increasing the max realm rank to 13, players could now be worth up to roughly 2100 realm points, not accounting for bonuses.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
xxManiacxx said:
Say hello to my big 2h dragon sword!

*evil laughter*

Me luwi NS shivers tbh :p stay away wit dat ewul s0rd!!

And gifv already :D

Got stuff to do, ppl to see, horses to chat up!



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
wish this change came earlier, when people actually leveled in i had someone to kill :p

Darkness Falls Changes

We have made changes to the way the shifting of Darkness Falls occurs between realms. Here is a breakdown of how this will now work :

- When Darkness Falls changes hands, there is now a 15 minute timer activated. Until this timer expires, the realm that loses DF access can still enter the dungeon.

- Each realm has its own potential timer. If DF changes hands multiple times, all three realms could have access simultaneously.

- If this timer is active, it will display as such along with time remaining to all in the /realm window.

- When a realm takes control of DF, if they have a 15 minute re-entry timer, it's zeroed out.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
warrior luv :worthy: - say hello to my new toon :p



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2005
eggy said:
-TOA is now easy. Won't go into it here but you only need credit and scrolls to get arti activated. If you have unactivated artis, you can trade them in for the scroll book. Encounters are easier and you can buy important ML items.

reactivate ? yes in a hart beat (as soon as i get money that is )


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
Ta, have read patch notes but this is good for the lazy ppl :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
thane boost la la? WTF MORE INFO!

Even though we all know it. <3


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
-You will now get realm points for healing, mezzing, killing enemy pets, repairing keep doors.

So, a Cabalist and a SM can now safely RP PL each other on the bottom of the ocean?!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2005
nope cos u can kill the pets as much as u like and get nothing.. not unless u kill him as well


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
Inc inflated rps!

- A player's realm level is now worth an equal part to their overall realm point value to their level. Previously their level was worth (Their level - 20)^2, or 1 - 900, and their realm level was worth an additional 1 - 100. Now their realm level is worth 10 points per realm level (thats realm level, or 1 - 110 rather than realm rank rank 1 - 11), so with the other change we're putting in, increasing the max realm rank to 13, players could now be worth up to roughly 2100 realm points, not accounting for bonuses.

remember killing some rr10 sorc on US with a rr2 bd and getting a little over 3k..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
So, a Cabalist and a SM can now safely RP PL each other on the bottom of the ocean?!

Nah it was my bad writing - basically, if two soloers approach a chanter, one nukes his pet, one nukes the chanter, you'll both get rps.

Damage done on pet is included in the RP split when the char dies :)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
eggy said:
Damage done on pet is included in the RP split when the char dies :)

a.k.a. no more spamming styles on the necro in shadeform :p

Moaning Myrtle

Fledgling Freddie
Mar 22, 2006
Gear said:
a.k.a. no more spamming styles on the necro in shadeform :p

That's fine by long as Mythic give Necros a 1000 radius instant unpurgable 1 min duration AOE stun (with no timer) so FGs learn to fuck off and leave me alone ;)

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