root? mez?



Can someone tell me the difference between a root and a mesmerize spell? They both make the target stop moving, and they both brake if the target is hit by melee or spells, right?

So... what's the difference, apart from the name....? :)

Brannor McThife

From experiences with my Druid and a friend's Healer, (and other classes) root stops movement and slowly breaks...meaning it fades rather than stops. Also, while rooted, you can still hit, etc., whereas when Mezzed, you cannot do anything other than swivel around.

Hope that helps...I'm sure someone will give a better explanation.



in addition.

ANY action against a mezzed reature, instantly breaks mezz.

you can still debuff a rooted one.

also, you can only mezz something, if it isnt damaged. if it is, it will be enraged, and spell auto-fails (if your target for a AoE mezz is enraged, it will fail for ALL the creatures, so chose wisely).

as posted by Brannor, the root slowly increase in speed. The root is active, until the creature is up to full speed. Either by getting damage, or root simply running out. after this, you can re-root.

so a bit difference there :)


Lately, paladins Heal chant seems to break roots and mezz within a certain range. so i think perhaps, that ANY form of aggro steal (that goes above a certain level. a single heal wont do it, altho a insta heal, or Group instaheal) have a chance of breaking it. Within a certain range, ofc.
So pallies, please be careful at tanglers :D


hmm. All these different things which can break mezz. It's so confusing :(

Brannor McThife

Paladin heal "song" break mezz? You sure? It shouldn't. Aggro "stealing" happens throughout a fight, the mezzed mobs change aggro while you're killing another, and since the paladin heal song generates aggro, just like a healers, it comes down to who has healed more/damaged it more (and we all know that the paladin pulsing heal generates a lot of aggro because it heals everyone in group). Mezz length varies a lot. So although it appears to break mezz, I really don't think it does.

I'd like to see if this can be confirmed by others, cause I was planning on a paladin someday.



Well if mezzed creatures break free after a hit why can't we? I've been mezzed dozen of times and got killed because I couldn't do anything, not even after the first hit.

Elric IA

Well if mezzed creatures break free after a hit why can't we? I've been mezzed dozen of times and got killed because I couldn't do anything, not even after the first hit.

Good point there. The same rules should apply to players as well as mobs.


afaik, no heals or chants break mezz. It may appear that high aggro heals and chants break mezz as a mezzed mob has an active hate list. So when the mezz breaks the mob heads straight for the Healer or Pally. Remember that the delved duration of mezz is for a yellow? target, so mezz duration on higher cons mobs is generally shorter.

ALL spells cast on mezzed mobs break mezz regardless of misses/resists. The same goes for melee and ranged attacks, misses DO break mezz.

Also, damaged mobs can be mezzed. I think its something like a mob with <50% hp is considered enraged and cannot be mezzed but can still be rooted.

Brannor McThife

80% I believe, but go safe wih 90%. I mean...not like you're going to be able to work it out when you're fighting multiple purples. ;)



Thanks, people, there were a few differences... :)

Funny thing is, I knew about half of them already, but it seems I needed you to tell me about them, before I could remember that... :D


If you're hit whilst mezzed you'll be unmezzed...

I can't remember if the mezz timers are in our version or not (they will be in 1.48 if they weren't in 1.45) this means you can only be mezzed once per minute....

You might have been getting chain-mezzed... or possibly stunned
(stun is like mezz except nothing breaks it... of course stuns only go up to about 10 seconds in length as opposed to the two minute mezzes)


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
cannot do anything other than swivel around.
tihihihih.... I don't know why but this just cracked me up. I can imagine a buttload of un-oiled mids swiveling around *eeeeu-eeeeeeu-eeeeeeeeeu-eeeeeu-eeeeu* "" :)


There was something about a bug with heal spells breaking roots... very strange.,.. but it gets fixed this patch :)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by SFXman

tihihihih.... I don't know why but this just cracked me up. I can imagine a buttload of un-oiled mids swiveling around *eeeeu-eeeeeeu-eeeeeeeeeu-eeeeeu-eeeeu* "" :)

Don't joke. :( They should add this to the Warrior section of Guides:

"Be prepared to be mezzed, rooted, stunned, mezzed again, rooted again, and many other variations of this while the rest of your party is slaughterred and you stand by, useless with your weapon draw...turning in circles hoping some stupid git will accidently hit you before they're all ready to climb into you."

I guess the same can be applied to Zerkers as ranged combat. I still think Zerker's "rage" should make them 100% resistant to any form of mezz or root. Us poor warriors are nothing more than something that needs a few more hits to kill. :rolleyes: Bring on Purge.



There's indeed a very annoying bug that a heal to close to them breaks all roots. I've seen it happen at the tanglers lots of time when there's no AE mezzer around but just a AE rooter.

Very annoying and very lethal too :)


You forgot to mention the unwritten rule about mezzing:

If you are a tank in a group and the mobs get mezzed, you must all go for a different mezzed mobs, or if you are a caster with an AoE DD spell you must use this. ;)

Seriously its is worth mentioning diminishing returns - if you re-mezz/re-root a mob, then the mezzed/rooted time is halfed. Not sure if its the same for stun and snare.


Minimum mob health for mez is 75% btw not 80%. Also something to take into account, mez, stun and root are on different timers so you can root a mob then leave it 30s and still get a full length mez on it. Also healing doesn't add aggro to mezzed mobas, it does for rooted. This means if your group roots a mob then does a lot of healing it'll aggro the healer when root breaks. If you mez it it'll aggro the mezzer when mez breaks as it'll still have an almost clear hate list. The upshot of that is mezzing tends to be better as you don't end up with a mob stuck on your healer. :) Also a resisted mez doesn't break mez - useful for remezzing, a resisted root will break mez though.

In RvR there are no 75% hp enrage resists (except on pets and realm guards, tho I think pets get it removed in this patch). Also there are timers so you can be mezzed/rooted/stunned only once per minute (one of each). ATM root timers are broken so you can be chain rooted, this is fixed in 1.48. I'm not sure if rooting breaks root but if so there could be a lot of people getting wiped cos they tried to chain root. :)
Another useful thing to know - Mez doesn't break mez in RvR. I think it's the only spell you can cast on a mezzed opponent which won't break the mez on them.


just a quick question I got while being flagged for an advisor...
the same rules as mez/root also applies to stun rigth?

question is: Target C is stunned by Player A.. then before the stun breaks Player B stuns the target again...

afaik the duration of the new stun is halved and what I was wondering about.. since the rules for stun is similar for mez/root will the old stun disappear and the new stun take over or will the old stun time out and the new stun continue with ((duration/2) - old stuns time left when new stun) OR the old stun time out and the new stun already applied to the target will start to affect it..

anyone know anything about this?


The new stun/root/mezz will take effect as soon as it hits the mob, overwriting what ever is left on the timer with the new half duration stun/root/mezz, unless it gets resisted.


Reason why, im making this bold statement is, that while doing a pikeman pull for 2 hours, with a paladin in the group, the rooted and mezzed ones, would ALL charge at us after approx 7-8 seconds of standing still.


No AoE CC was pressent, which means the pikes should NOT charge, all at one time, since the root/mezz was not cast simultaneously.

they would ONLY charge, in situations, where the paladin got close to the rooted/mezzed (not close enough for them to hit hit, as that usually breaks Root)

they only did this, when the paladin was heal chanting

Again, i cant back this up by any hard evidence, except the testing done in PvE.
But it sure as hell look ...... interesting... :D


Mezz/root/stun can all be re-cast on the same mob, but each time the duration is half of last.



Yes there is a bug where healing would break rooted mobs if you were to close, but i believe that has been fixed in this patch. :D

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