

One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
For mank (as I think you want to go to Rome) and anyone who is bored...

I went to Rome.

Ancient Rome(tm) was great, Vatican was jawdropping, marvellous architechture every 2 metres in the city. Can't recommend it enough. fucking horrid. Traffic is a nightmare, steretype of Italian drivers is way under the mark. Zebra crossing + green light = pedestrians can means "who gives a fuck get out of my way roadkill". Found the locals to be rude and worse still...the women were munters :(.
Went with the gf, it was her first proper trip abroad and she liked it but agreed with me.

Still, went to Stadio Olympico (sp?) and bought Roma and Lazio shirts and got to go on the pitch :).

Anyone else been? What did you think?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You bought Roma AND Lazio tops there? I'm suprised you weren't killed for doing that.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I was thinking about going but you've just put me off and I find Italian football about as interesting as watching bowls, so I think I'll go to Madrid again or something.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I've been there a couple of times (work related).

The Vatican was great as you said (did you know that if you stand on one of the little circles in the middle of the square that all the outer pillars line up?), but the rest was pretty grim.

The collesium was surrounded by heavy traffic, the forum looked as if it was a building site, and the surrounding area is a bit dodgy to say the least. The Italian war memorial, just down from the forum, was the biggest one I've ever seen... very impressive if a bit OTT.

I didn't find the locals unfriendly though (but I was with Italian colleagues).

Rome isn't on my list of cities to revisit, but Naples definitley is.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I'm off to Spain for a week in January, work unfortunately :(


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Went there a couple of years ago and, funnily enough, my ex went there last month and we were comparing notes just last night. We both agreed with what you have to say about the traffic and the crossings - a red light just means "drive faster!!!" to the Italian drivers ;)

She enjoyed La Vatican, although I gave that a miss myself - there were so many sites of Ancient Rome to see that I spent all day travelling from one tourist spot to another. Plus I took a day trip down to Naples and Pompeii which was a highlight.

My personal favourite, though, was walking down the Via Ignatia (spelling?) past the home of a Byzantine nobleman who moved to Rome after the fall of Constantinople to the grave of Scipio.

Have to disagree about the Italian women though - both the ex girlfriend and myself thought they were pretty hot. They do, it must be said, become rather fat and horrible around their 40th year - but up until then they're fine.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I thoroughly enjoyed Rome! Its a fantatsic city. Its been one of the best trips Ive been on. I didnt have a problem with traffic or rude people or munters...

I even hired a scooter around Rome and had no problems. Maybe you had a bad few days.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Went there for a day last summer while working on campsites in Italy.

Hired scooters with some of my fellow employees, and just cruised around (70km) Rome for the day, seeing pretty much everything from the outside.

Drivers in Rome aren't as bad as Naples, but still leave a lot to be desdired. If you don't expect anyone to follow traffic rules, then you will do just fine in anticiptating what happens next.

Most historic things are pretty impressive, the coliseum being rather nice, though the Pantheon was the thing that impressed me the most.

But you really need 5 or 6 days if you want to see everything... best not to go in high season as well, unless you like qeueing for hours on end.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
hi boys, i'm living in rome.
i do not speak english, and understend=( , but i have understand some phrases.

Rome is a very big citye is not only colossium, phanteom etc but she have more (quarters?)for example i'm living in Ostia near the sea=)
traffic is very heavy in the center:( I (council?) to use a metropolitan,(is not beatiful like that londoner)but is good, or use a moped if u do not have a family.
there are a very pretty discotheques, pubs, storees and pretty woman lolol;)
there are more palace of the ministers, more museum, and more art works(or arcihitettures?)

the people of rome is not gentleman like the english people, we are a little rude lol but not all and in excess;O

the name of the stadium is: olimpico lolol:pwhere playng rome and lazio, but this years are not very strong-.- =( the best is juventus><
the olimpico and the (umh...italians'ulligans?i do not say the word sorry)are very funny and the curve are very colored and beatiful=))

any beatiful cityes are naples venezia, florence, milan etc...

if you would happy and kill all japanise(lolololol i joke) go to rome:D

sorry for my very very very very bad english, i can try=(


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Thanks for posting articfury, nice to hear from you. And you write better english than most of the forumites, and certainly better than 99% of the people in the DAoC forums ;)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Ah, someone with taste in football teams.

Forza Zlatan and ADP!


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
I went to Rome when I was 10 years old, for the Beatification of Claudine Thevenet (the woman who started the Convent of Jesus and Mary where I went to boarding school).

We had about 7 days there and saw some amazing sites (not the football stadium :p), architecture everywhere. I guess I was too young to notice if the people were rude or not and whether the women are beautiful however it is somewhere I would like to revisit :).

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