~rolls eyes~


Cap'n Sissyfoo


I was wondering how everyone else deals with the amount of pricks in this game? Some people are so incredibly moronic and rude it pisses me off beyond belief!

For example, about 20 minutes ago I was looking for a group and asked somebody if I could join him. Anyway, to a short story even shorter his group was tackling Clerks and I was looking for something a bit tastier in the XP dept. Later on this little conversation happened via PM's:

Moron: What did you say?
Me: Um...nothing?
Moron: Feck off ya wuss
Me: Er...what are you talking about? I haven't said anything.
Moron: sry wrng cht
Me: At least make sure you are insulting the right person, muppet.
Moron: I said sry dint i. reply button is confusing.

~rolls eyes~

Another example, earlier this afternoon I was out XP'ing with a guildie (and not doing very well) when we came across a group that had been totally wiped out. Out of the kindness of our hearts we stopped and rezzed them and only ONE of them thought it necessary to say 'thank you' and then the Sorcerer had the cheek to say to my friend, "~cleric name~, gimme a dex buff". Naturally, the cleric didn't give this rude sorcerer the buff and we hung around long enough to watch them get wiped out again, then we promptly rezzed the only one of them who had bothered to thank us and left the rest.

Well, I am sure you are all bored now but I had several other examples from today alone but I am tired of thinking about it.

~sigh~ I don't even think this topic has a point anymore. I just needed to get it off my chest. Damn all you rude morons.

Sissyfoo ~stressed out and going to bed~


I just ignore them and move on, no point getting worked up about it as these idiots really arn't worth the time. Just make sure they don't bring you down to there level.


Originally posted by Kagato.
I just ignore them and move on, no point getting worked up about it as these idiots really arn't worth the time. Just make sure they don't bring you down to there level.

I couldnt agree more with Kagato ............ best thing u can do is ignore em


idiots suck

Plenty of dimwits out there. i just tuff it out and try to hang with the good folk. believe it or not, my freind list was full the other day =), so perhaps it only seems that there are more losers than good folks sometimes


Gotta love that line :)

Me: At least make sure you are insulting the right person, muppet


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Sage advice. I guess I must have been a bit stressed out yesterday. You'd think I would be used to it after playing so many online games but I guess the unique talent of the Moron is to find new and interesting ways of pissing people off. ;)

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