Roll a PvP Enchanter



Ever wondered how the other half lives?
Wonder if those claims that hib isnt overpowered its just skill, tactics and teamwork?

Do it, roll one.

Take your safety flag off at lvl6 and begin ganking ppl 4-5+ lvls higher than u without even breaking into a sweat. Take on 2 ppl at once? No problem. They get too close u can always pbaoe them at lvl7. I only have 2.5sec stun atm but thats ok, i get 5s at lvl15 :D

Sick. But fun.


Roll a cleric. Don't get past level 9 so you don't have to take your flag off :)



Chanters on PvP are sick :( Even a really low level one snares you just like a high lvl one would (i.e. so you can barely move) and their stun is rarely resisted. Air theurgist's are pretty nasty as well, the pets aren't a high enough level to interupt however the chain stun effect prevents any kind of counter attack.

Another thing that came to my attention on PvP was the power of end song. You can sprint for as long as you like and your endurance bar will not go down ! Its no wonder when im trying to kill bards in rvr they get away so easily.


Chanters are sickly overpowered and those pets should be nerfed to hell.

I take on redcons without a second thought unless its skalds (use your imagination and guess what I think about that).

The other day some redcon airtheurg got pissed at me - result: 11-2 my favor. Skill? or overpoweredness?

However, and this is the interesting part, IF casters are supposed to take anything down they get the drop on, chanters are right on the spot. I never lose a match I initiate (except when I get cocky with a purpcon paladin).


that's just the same with my spiritmaster :) My pbaoe does even more damage than an equal lvled chanter + my dd's if specced are not just dd but give me my hp back too :) Chanter nukes me 4 times, I lifetap him once and I'm at 100% hp, he is on 5% :clap:

However it are the damned pets that annoy me, getting nuked by a pet you can't see and a caster you can't find :mad:


SM's are powerful, not overpowered...
Chanters wouldn't be overpowered if
a) the pet DD did about 2 thirds the dmg it does now
b) the pet needed LOS OR the pet had a medium-small mana pool
c) the pet DD didn't snare.


I made an enchanter so I could enchant people's weapons.

Then after reading so much about them, I didn't want to get a reputation just because I'm an enchanter.

"Look! An Enchanter! Let's kill her before she kills us!"

There lays great power in the mages, and great weakness. You'll find out soon what that is.


necros are going to be pure evil on pvp :clap:

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by Janera
I made an enchanter so I could enchant people's weapons.

Then after reading so much about them, I didn't want to get a reputation just because I'm an enchanter.

"Look! An Enchanter! Let's kill her before she kills us!"

There lays great power in the mages, and great weakness. You'll find out soon what that is.

sory to break your buble, but names have absolutley nothing to do with what type of class you play, enchanter isnt someone who can enchant ones weap and give it say extra ice dmg, theurgists arent the "siege masters" they are claimed to be, etc


"Janera is a neutral Enchanter"

Or something like that. Long time since I played on PvP.
I just think enchanters are enchanting, and I love playing them because I like enchanting people's weapons and armor.

However, many people doesn't think that of Enchanters and'd kill them anyways ^-^



Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Chanters are sickly overpowered and those pets should be nerfed to hell.

I take on redcons without a second thought unless its skalds (use your imagination and guess what I think about that).

The other day some redcon airtheurg got pissed at me - result: 11-2 my favor. Skill? or overpoweredness?

However, and this is the interesting part, IF casters are supposed to take anything down they get the drop on, chanters are right on the spot. I never lose a match I initiate (except when I get cocky with a purpcon paladin).

Well....its both...
To play a enchanter as newbie is alot simpler then to play a theurg at newb stage...

I had the same kind of duel against a enchanter (red con) AS a theurg, and i won 6 times, lost once. Then again, after i made my 7'th enchanter, and made that on the pvp server, i did kill two reds at the same time (cleric and armsmaster) 4 times in a row and such...don't judge too fast on the pvp server, case people play chars they are totaly newb as. There is REALLY few classes that can take a skilled air theurg in a duel, at least not on the low levels. Light enchanter might be among them though.


Hahaha make warden and still spank those enchanters or other nukers when they try to run when you've been hit, Endurance chant on + sprint and watch em when their end runs empty and you get closer by the second ^^ trust me unforgetable :)

Funniest thing after that is being called a cheater LOL


Well, that snare nuking pet will still make you slower than their sprint+speed, which will allow them to get distance and stun+nuke^x :/


Re: well...

Originally posted by inuyasha

Well....its both...
To play a enchanter as newbie is alot simpler then to play a theurg at newb stage...

I had the same kind of duel against a enchanter (red con) AS a theurg, and i won 6 times, lost once. Then again, after i made my 7'th enchanter, and made that on the pvp server, i did kill two reds at the same time (cleric and armsmaster) 4 times in a row and such...don't judge too fast on the pvp server, case people play chars they are totaly newb as. There is REALLY few classes that can take a skilled air theurg in a duel, at least not on the low levels. Light enchanter might be among them though.

Yeah, well the problem is that you don't need much skill or practice at all to own with a chanter. Which on the other hand makes it a very popular character. And it makes it annoying to be on the receiving end.


konah stop messing about with hibbie crap and get back to excalibur ! ;)


Originally posted by Khalen
Hahaha make warden and still spank those enchanters or other nukers when they try to run when you've been hit, Endurance chant on + sprint and watch em when their end runs empty and you get closer by the second ^^ trust me unforgetable :)

Funniest thing after that is being called a cheater LOL

Please explain how that saves you from the snareDD? =/

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