Roleplaying thread please don't hijack> The DDS require Aid...



To all members of Albion...

The Dead Dragons Society require your aid. Recently one of our members commited suicide during a wedding a wedding ceremony at Camelot. Since then, her spirit has been seen around Albion, swearing to put to death all members of the DDS. Currently, our Faithful, and our Magic Users are researching, and studying ways as to how to release the spirit of our fallen comarde, without causing harm to any of our lliving members. We would appreciate all the help you can give to us in finding the spirit, so we may try to communicate with her.

Her name is Ellarin, and even in death she has been spotted wearing the emblem of the DDS.

If anyone spots her, please do not approach her, but inform a member of our guild, so we may send one of our own to try to speak with her. We do not wish to cause harm to anyone, and we currently have not managed to assess how powerful she may be.

If you need more information, feel free to visit our guildhall, you may find it at

Please contact any of the DDS here, or in the land. They will be able to get an officer to get in touch with you.

Thank you all.

Peace be with you.

Talen Sun


That was quite a wedding, didn't expect to see anyway jumping of the balcony.


a wedding?

as a member of the church i would like to know why i wasn't invited to attend.


Cause friars are to drunk and disorderly mate.

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