roleplaying, just some thoughts



soo..... im just wondering... Does anyone roleplay on alb/exc at all?

I'vent met to many people... actually 0 so far in exc. In alb/pryd there are tons of em and i must say that it is a lot of fun. Specially since when you roleplay for a bit ( you dont have to type old english, just type in a good manner) people are more kindly, behave more and helps the realm more.

Sadly enough, daoc has become more of a RP and seal farm on excalibur. It is a shame that europe doesnt have a roleplaying server but that doesnt stop people from doing so.

alb/pryd has PARP (Prydwen Association of Roleplayers) but we dont really have anything.

Is there an RP oriented guild out here? or would there be enough people to create one?

Just a thought here in the middle of the night... tired and fuzzy ;)


Role play is cool but inot met any here at all


i met a french guy who came to excalibur because he was hoping for some roleplay guilds...

told him prydwen was a better bet :)


met a few on beta alb/exc but 0 since... :( i've met a few that done it as a joke but not 100% all the time..which sucks seeing as its a RPG


We are all dreaming about Roleplaying-servers, dear Lusse - but since Mythic & GoA has the highest rang on the capitalism-scale - we wont get it.

"No, GoA & Mythic don't pleasure their custimors, but their vallets" - Really importaint to remember. :(

As for roleplaying guilds .. hmm ... i think albion has one, but i never see them around, or sumthing.. doubt they still excist...

If you decide to make one, I'll be there to join. :)



*edit* cowled answered while i was posting so i gotta change my post ;)

So there is no present RP guild atm. How do people feel about joining one (if made) with their mains? Or alts if so you prefer.

Would be nice to see the interest numbers so there is atleast something to work with


Possibly with my Alt Cabby. Have another potential in the pipeline at the mo, so depends on that :)


prywen is the roleplaying server:p excal is the farm=)



I try to roleplay a little bit, meaning i am not running around yelling 'HEY m8, gimme EB' or 'HEY D00d gimme 5g, NOW'
I always reply 'Sorry sir, this world is too dangerous to run around with money, come with me to camelot castle and i'll give you some' offcourse, typical reply is then: 'FUCK OFF LOSER'


i always try to stay in the setting i am playing. However, i am aware that most players don't think like that, and i have no problem with that, everybody plays the game as he wishes.


i posted a suggestion on a guild

as i recall, a couple of weeks, days ago, i posted a topic here in general discussion i think, concerning a roleplayguild. Eversince i posted it i had some kids destroying the idea, and i had a couple of verry positive replies. I already have a couple of persons willing to join. Still i haven't got enough players to start a guild.
Maybe in the near future things will be started, who knows.
The only demand i have that i want ppl to be at least 21 years of age, IRL that is. Cause u can expect some for of cooperation froim these type of ppl.

if anyone would be interested, the post is called, suggestion

posted by ironheart.

if u wanne react in game contact me, or nightheart. Both characters are unguilded.


greetz ironheart


whilst I admire the idea of an RP guild - restricting it by IRL age isn't going to help...

While you might _in general_ find the 15 year olds to be more likely to be 'l33t d00ds wh0 0wn j00 4$$!' there are probably some talended and wannabe roleplayers in that segment of the population.

A blanket ban is a bad idea - just a blanket 'level of maturity' requirement would be good :) Maturity and Age are two entirely different things.

As for RP, I like to roleplay at the little ones as they run around begging for buffs. Tis quite amusing :) Had one elementalists asking me in-character how good ice-wizards are (hard to explain pbaoe in character I tell you ;))



Originally posted by Fingoniel
whilst I admire the idea of an RP guild - restricting it by IRL age isn't going to help...

While you might _in general_ find the 15 year olds to be more likely to be 'l33t d00ds wh0 0wn j00 4$$!' there are probably some talended and wannabe roleplayers in that segment of the population.

ur absolutely right mate. It could be that these ppl would be even better roleplayers then most of the "Elder" generation. But how to verify something like that? Give ppl a trial period?
Or do u narrow margins to be able to construct something a little bit faster and even a bit more solid. BeCause, age is, and allways will be experience ;-) I don't wanne offend younger ppl. It's just easier to talk to ppl of a certain age. They have the capacity to be able to think things more thrue, not act on impulses. (altho it does happen offcourse, all are humans)


First of all, I agree on the fact that age and maturity can be 'years' apart. Roleplaying is a nice thing to do but very dependent on the degree you wish to do it at. I think many will want to try it, some will stick with it while others will see its not their thing.

While some dream of a complete guild using old english language and curtesy rules, such a thing as almost impossible to achieve.
Technical or playstyle questions have to be answered in a clear way in order to actually 'teach' the one you're explaining it to.

A good RP guild also offers their members the possibility to play their characters as THEY see it (so not the 'you're a paladin and paladins are like ... ' sort of utter nonsense).

Should there be a nice RP guild out there, I would be tempted to try that (looking for a fine guild atm that can use some good PvE/questing knowledge) but to be very honest, I think it will be more likely to kick off on a co-op or the prydwen server.



Originally posted by ironheart

ur absolutely right mate. It could be that these ppl would be even better roleplayers then most of the "Elder" generation. But how to verify something like that? Give ppl a trial period?
Or do u narrow margins to be able to construct something a little bit faster and even a bit more solid. BeCause, age is, and allways will be experience ;-) I don't wanne offend younger ppl. It's just easier to talk to ppl of a certain age. They have the capacity to be able to think things more thrue, not act on impulses. (altho it does happen offcourse, all are humans)

talk to them for ten minutes :)

Probably harder to discern mature/immature players if english isn't your first language though... (or isn't their first language).

Hmm.. difficult it is, challenging path you have before you.
(Yoda-like, has my typing become)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I personally would like to see more role players in game. Not because I role play or even like role playing but because they are so much more damned polite than half the people in game.

I think I have come across one proper role player when I was running through Camp Forest. He yelled, "Hail good Wizard! Could you spare a moment of your time, sir?" Anyhoo, I helped him out on a quest he was trying to do and gave him a pocket full of gold and off he went on his merry way and I spent the better part of an hour thinking about what a nice chap he was. Aww...

I would like to see a reduction in the use of the word 'm8' or 'mate' and those other foul words. Arrgh! I hate them so much!!

I would love a role play only server to be set up! I would be there so damn quickly. I may not be a role player as such but I would be free of all that bullshit l33t d0dz0r language which infuriates me beyond sanity.

p.s. Anyone who has seen me using such phrases as 'j00' or 'l33tz0r' etc etc blah blah...I WAS BEING IRONIC!!

~gulps down another bottle of anti-stress pills~


I dont really fancy to have an age control. Cause lets face it... i've met more immature 20+ than -20.

im myself 23 and a father and wouldnt fancy to close the doors for all the mature players eventho they are 14.

It sounds like there is indeed enough people to make a RP guild happen.

I would love to be part of it and help to build it up. Alltho I wouldnt fancy being the guild leader. As I reckon that such person will need to put some time and effort into it and as a father I cant give so much time to the game :)


then let's do it

Who is in?

/em raises her hand.

Just find a name :)

<RolePlayers> ?

<TahRolePlayers> ?:)


To an extent though, isn't just playing the game role-playing? Personaly I can't stand role playinging. I am Sir Gonselto! Secret son of Arthur and I have come to seek the hand of a fair.... >Lox shoots Mr. Gonselto<

I blame my brother for playing Baldur's Gate and introducing me to kobolds, but still, in the game I am Loxleyhood, the Master Scout, who thinks it might be a good idea to get dc then go back to mmg.

This is still role playing however as im really >name< the 16 year old who should really be revising for his mock GCSEs.


I made a guild on Excalbiur Albion called Valorous Warriors. It failed. Completely. People doesn't want to stay cause there's so few people. However, I would -love- to join one that is forming as Isac, my Paladin, and Eola, the Wizard (she's comming back, guys, WITH her chants ;) ).

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