Roleplaying Guild: The Valorous Warriors



I would like to announce the recruit men for the Valorous Warriors.

Our view on roleplay is to ditch the "online language" wich included using phrases like "thx m8", "np", "u rez me?" etc.

If you wish to speak medievalish, it is up to you.
"Thank you, my Lord", "Certainly, I shall aid you" and the like is optional.

We're trying to make DaoC be an MMORPG instead of an MMOG, wich it is now. There's too much dings, thx's and m8's around :)

Contact Lord Galadawn if you wish to join.

wolvon fury

Tell me about it, When i here someone say,...

"Ding" I just want to hit them with a large trout,

From my 17 levels in Albion/Exel as a Ice Wizard, before giveing up, Had enuth of it all,

I remember there was one person, who i shall not name, he was a Armsman,

Every time we engage the enemys, he would shout

"D13FUCK3NBA5TARD!!!!11" about 3 times :rolleyes:

Shhheessh, Do hyped up 14yr olds Get a 'ard feeling from swearing on the Internet, he was so bad it wasn't funny,

Maby if i seen your guild, while i was playing there, Might of changed my mind......


Originally posted by wolvon fury
Tell me about it, When i here someone say,...

"Ding" I just want to hit them with a large trout,

I get the same feeling.. :puke:



Any set levels, amount of online time required? - and this is on the excalibur server, right?

wolvon fury

Must say, tis a very nice web-site, and Sounds very intresting,
Since school is finally here, Maby Albion/Exel Won't be as bad,
and i may give it anuther try..

Tho i still gotta work :eek:


High online activity is *only* required if you're assigned for certain tasks, like leading RvR battles, guild raids and the like.

But as an ordinary member (wich is something extraordinare) there's no limit to how much or how little you're online.


hmm gonna take a bit longer for you in rvr then...
"Large hiberian force incoming from the north,my lord"
you will be dead before you even have time to write down Large...

and yes i do a little Ding when i lvled, nothing wrong with that
all the other words are just shortcuts

great ideê thoe, but i dont belive its gonna work sence 40% of the server doesnt seem to understand english :p

Mousah mOO
Pikeman at 50
<Dragon Knights>
Excal - Inactive

Skullbasher TinCanCrusher
skald at 41
<Clan Chaos>
Prydwen - Active

Flame away if you like, i couldnt care less :)

Hit ^_^

mousah you can allways remove main chat and broad chat from your screen to get rid of most spam :p
and only try speaking to fellow guildes and Npc's
and maybe some other rpg guild if there still are any.


So "Large hibernian forces incomming form the north" would be "l hib f inc f n" ?

I never talk when I fight enemies, why should I talk when fighting Hibernians or Midgardians?

Forgot to add: I have never EVER seen people use thx, np, m8 and phrases like that in any game or IRC other than DaoC.


Personally, and please no offence meant here, but I cannot STAND people who speak "medievalish", especially out of context or badly.
I.e: "plz my lord do you help me with something" (ok, english isn't my first language but don't try and speak archaically if you can't speak normally in the first place)
Or just out of context - i.e. called a minstrel 'my lord' - no, i'm not your lord, i'm a street-theif turned wandering performer and besides that, i'm a rogue.
Another bugbear - people who roleplay as drunken friars. How about I take my friar and roleplay excommunicating your drunken ass? Ascetic soldier of god and '/em clobbers X with his ale mug!' just don't go together, for me......

Anyhoo, rather off-topic rant...
Good luck with the guild. I think you'll need it really, because of the high proportion of english-as-2nd-language people around, and also because of the low proportion of roleplayers on Excal as opposed to Prydwen. but hey. Hope it works out :)


Drunken friars are ok ;) as are ascetic scholarly ones, and holier than thou ones...

you don't have to go medieval on your group either...

something as simple as

/say good day to you master wizard, could you enchant my sword?

/say go away little beggar. Nothing here for you.

no thees or thous or flowery language... that's about as roleplay as 'thnx' etc. ;)

obviously typing out full stuff in group chat won't work for killing monsters... if you're exping you do your usual /g inc! etc.

but you don't have to /say thnx m8
you can /say thanks, mate

not like it's time critical :)

and unless the 'roleplay fascism law' went to pass, you don't have to worry about it unless you're in a roleplaying guild.


So cool m8 :)

I wish u good luck with the guild, sad i can't join :)


We have an emblem now. Nice Paladin payed 80% of it.

Medieval talk is optional, as written.
*I* am your Lord. My rank is His Lordship :)

"Rumour goes you're seeking companions. Might this be true?"

That's not medievalish, really. that's just being polite.


Roleplay blew more exitement into daoc for me. I was in a mid grp at lvl 20 which roleplayed BIGTIME. It was just for the fun to start with, but it really turned out to me more.

There was no: OOP, this time they said: "The magic flows much, i need to rest to regain power, my followers".

Or the: Rest, this time it was "We have fought well, i need some rest, my friends".

And one of the trolls were going nuts yelling: WICKED CREATURES, I SHALL HUNT YOU DOWN".. etc :)..

I LOVED THAT GRP! Really funny, and i look so much forward to see Roleplaying-daoc-servers in EU.

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