Roleplaying: Another true story



Although im not a role player myself i feel i must share this with you as it goes to show it definately has a place.
At the beginning of the year an old work colleague of mine was involved ina severe road accident which left him severely disabled. He was left with limited upper body movement ie neck, shoulders and one arm. As you can imagine the emotional dificulties with this must be very dificult to deal with especially as my friend was a very active person. Up to 3 months ago he was very suicidal and needed alot of emotional help.
Recently i went to see him and was astounded by the change in him and his upbeat outlook. He had got into playing daoc as a suggestion i made sometime ago and now he lives and breathes the game as it allows him to become someone else free of physical boundaries.
I have plenty of moans about the game but it really opened my eyes to how it has manged to bring my friend back , something some of the best physios and physchotherapy couldnt do as he is a very happy person now.
Food for thought and i hope i havent depressed anyone ;)


To be honest, online gaming is brilliant for anyone who has problems moving about / interacting ect.

Glad to hear it's helped your friend - sometimes the simplest of things can make a huge difference.


I like it when things happen for the better.

A nice story.


I liked this story, and I can really imagine how someone in this unfortunate situation can enjoy a game such as this. Large community where you are the character of heroic proportions and where you can just... interact with others.

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Ozwin, you could also argue that a disabled person may become too reliant on an online persona to give him or her confidence that won't translate to real world situations once the computer is switched off.

It is a great story, and I'm not trying to spoil it, but there are two sides to every coin.


This story made me smile, glad your friend's happier now :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Great story, aye. :)

And for becoming addicted to our online personas? I sure as hell am;)

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