Roleplay in DAOC?



I've been playing DAOIC for some time now, and my main character is 41st lvl.
Not bad since. I only play about once or twice a week.

Anyway, I've noticed that I spend most of my time at Lyonesse at the tanglers, now as most of you who have played in Albion, this is not the most exciting of gameplay.
So, I'm wondering, Is there any roleplay in Excal/Albion?
I.E. organised "Events" "In Character" or stuff like that?
You know, things like tourneys I guess or stuff like that.
Coz I'm at the level where I'm too low to go into RvR much and
too high for most of the interesting places.
Ys I know I can goto DF and the Barrows, but they get boring after a bit as well.

Or if such a thing doesn't exist in Excal/Albion, is there another realm/server that has a lot of Roleplay?

Brannor McThife

You spend your life in That Place, and wonder why you don't see any RPing? :rolleyes:



The point is, I'm quite aware that Lyonesse is not a great Rolplaying place.
Which is why I'm asking here about places that DO have Roleplaying.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I second Matax's recommendation. Hibernia/Prydwen seems to have a good deal of RPing (well, relative to other realms/servers) and there are two dedicated roleplay guilds there. The Artisans of Willow and Ny Markee Shee.

Also at these forums you will find a list of roleplaying guilds for each realm on Prydwen, in that realms General Discussion forum. Hope that helps!


When you try to RP in exculibarius, where i play, it usually leads to very hostile words from the FFS suxor joo momma generation. One time tried to teach someone how to say through, not truu, and an entire freaking clan got to a spamming fit with my private(har har...i know..private..yeah..real funny).

Usually i jsut let go and go with the "oom, agro, etc" talk. One time got even the leet wondering what i was on about when i kept saying "P[insert number]%" since noone keeps the mini screen on :p

- Pathfinder -

Excal = kids
Prudwen = PPL who actually believe Victorian English equals RPing

Oh well :m00:


{Excal = kids
Prudwen = PPL who actually believe Victorian English equals RPing}

Good to see you're not over-generalising there Pathfinder :p
Maybe you are just talking to the wrong people.

I think if you have a look at the stories in the Willow Tavern, and the events organised by PARP and others, you'll see that a hell of a lot of effort goes into creating roleplay stories and events.

Lafala Arifel

Also recommend for a good place to find out what roleplay events are being organised in your realm.
This only covers the Prydwen server though, so not much use unless you're considering switching... I've not come across any excalibur equivalent.


You know, I think I've actually seen someone try to roleplay once or twice on Excalibur.
Whenever I tried to reply in kind, however, I was always drowned out by deluges of 'leetspeaking' kids telling the poor sot to get a grip.

I've now given up hope of ever seeing roleplaying on Excalibur.

Náttrún Bergsveinsdóttir, kobold Skald of the 39th season, Excalibur.
"Come back here and let me DD you ag-- ow."


Me playing a Bard = Playing the role of a Bard. Thats enough roleplaying for me. You want to roleplay more than that, get a Dice/pen/paper thing going, or move to Never Winter Nights or something sheesh :p


Originally posted by old.Biffsmash
Me playing a Bard = Playing the role of a Bard. Thats enough roleplaying for me. You want to roleplay more than that, get a Dice/pen/paper thing going, or move to Never Winter Nights or something sheesh :p

Because the game DAOC is described as a MMO"RPG" which equals RolePlaying Game.
So, since, as some people have kindly pointed out here, there are some Realms/servers that have a roleplaying element. There's no need for me to take your other options.

Regarding running a Pen and Paper RPG, Well, I used to a lot, but now I live in Denmark and my Danish language skills not really being good enough to run a Pen and paper RPG. That is no longer possible.

Regarding Neverwinter Nights, actually, I AM playing/running that At the moment. In fact I am converting my Rolemaster Pen and Paper campaign to Neverwinter nights and I'm gonna be running that for some ppl in the UK I used to run Rolemaster for.

But I guess the reason I'm asking the question here is, I would like to also play DAOC with a more RPG flavour to it, since that is the type of game it supposed to be.
But ATM, I'm finding it unsatisfying at the higher levels.
Now of course I could just let happen what is tending to happen and play NWN's more and more and probably end up not playing DAOC at all, or I could try some of the suggestions of other people here.


prydwen = people who wish they had chosen a populated rvr server

(hey look i can make sweeping generalisations which annoy people too!)


Originally posted by Nattrún
You know, I think I've actually seen someone try to roleplay once or twice on Excalibur.
Whenever I tried to reply in kind, however, I was always drowned out by deluges of 'leetspeaking' kids telling the poor sot to get a grip.

I've now given up hope of ever seeing roleplaying on Excalibur.

Náttrún Bergsveinsdóttir, kobold Skald of the 39th season, Excalibur.
"Come back here and let me DD you ag-- ow."

Probably saw Matax or Me thier, trying RP guild on Excalibur/Midgard. It didn't work out and had to disband.
The only people who wanted to roleplay where the ones with Main characters (like us, although Matax did put allot of time and effort into the guild and website at the time) on Prydwen. So the guild was more of an alt guild.

From my personal experience (after trying 1/2 realm/server combinations for the first month & half) I would say that if anybody really wants to RP come to the prydwen server.


Sorry to hear the problems on excal. I've always found prydwen to have an excellent rp community.

Come on over and join the Templars!


as Lafala said, PARP is a good place to check these things out. It is a player run organization, that aims to host events of smaller and large importance. This organization, originates in Albion, and is meant to be an alternative to the people who wants to have some form of roleplay, but do not wish to have it full time (as in a roleplay guild), and it is meant for people who like to participate in events, such as The Ludlow Bazaar.
Lately, we've had the hibernians of Prydwen join up, and form their own division. They havent made many things yet, but they have some projects going.
We're still trying to get a Midgard division going as well.

Prydwen was labeled 'unofficial roleplaying server' by large parts of the community, at retail launch, so i guess its not that odd :)


A huge thanks to the Templar last night.

I've been trying to make one of my characters more of a roleplayer, and last night at Level 8 i mithra provided the perfect opertunity to group with the Templar, thanks guys....

I really enjoyed it and look forward to another session... sometime..

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