Role Playing..



just been looking at the Mid thread about there little Role Playing session n i think it would be a pretty good idea if we did one ourselves....seeing as alb is geting rather boring :eek:

i was thinking along the lines of a hunt of sum sort.....

eg 10 people spread out threw the realm in all different locations each one with a clue (riddle,loc, location of mob, history ie bloody bledmeer...) which leads to the next persons location...once you find the last person probably in sum hard place (duno where DM,barrows, lyonese mb?) then they give u 8 items which u share out in your group...any level grp can enter of course and it may be a idea to get maybe 2 or 3 hunts going for 40+ one for 30-40 one for 20-30 ( i think a -10-20 would be to limited as they cannot jounry into many places without dying)

i duno if it would work or not its just a idea flame away if u wish but i'm just geting bloody bored of the normal Exp, RvR, Item hunting sessions....

nuff said :p


I've got an idea why don't i make a new blonde mullet wearing highlander and call it Jamie Oliver. I can run around Albion on a tiny scooter lisping out stupid sounding cockny rhyming slang and talking about sainsburys while partied with a group of strangers paid to look like they know me, but actually think i'm a twat.
Then whoever finds me should kill me and i will log with my minstrel and pay them one mithril and award them with a beautiful highlander girl called Jewels for putting me out of my misery,
"I fuckin hate Jamie Oliver"


It's a nice idea Treniel.:clap: :clap:
We were trying to put together a similar thing for a guild evening. Maybe nice to check if it's fun on a smaller sclale before launching it realm-wide.

Nice addition to your idea might be to create a storyline to get the players more into the event. Anyways, our guild is up for us :)
Count us in if you need any help too.



Good idea Tre

But there is also a lot of stuff same kind!

Like Running Races, LvL 1 only...from dif places...from WC to the end of the Lyonesse..etc etc

Or horse races...

Those r played a lot USA..and they r famous also...and if u dont have room in Exca, make the running race in diff server, but in Alb...=)..

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