ROFL Déjà vu?



From the leader of Albion realm Merlin:

Copy from Merlin Board:
Just want all to know that this is nothing spur of the moment, and that this is something that has been building up with me for a while.

First off, the realm. Guys, this realm sucks. Albion doesnt suck...Albion/Merlin SUCKS! I swear, this is just one of the worst Albion servers out there. I have tried almost everything I can do as the leader to unite this realm and to get stuff organized. Im currently working on an "Albion Alliance" consisting of the top 20 guilds as a last ditch effort to clean up this mess. You saw what happened with the relics...Albs dont go out until 5 or so keeps are down...that is no way to run a defense. The morons had 3 different chat groups going....for some reason 125 albs attacked Renaris with 70 hibs inside. I mean really, this realm totally and utterly sucks. Mid/Merlin is not like this..sure they have a couple of hardcore cheaters...but they also have alot of pride..they muster up people for defense like nothing I have ever seen before in Albion. 50 take Bledmeer, you get 125 mids after you. In Albion, if 50 take Beno, you are lucky to get 50 to match it back...and by the time you do get the 50, you are already down 3-4 keeps. This realm sucks..and it's not like this everywhere else.

The game, is starting to suck as well. The competitiveness is's all zerg now. /Level was stupid as hell, and I will tell you why. Most of the people that are using the /level thing on other servers, are ALBIONS! Why, because we as a realm are so screwed with instant stun/mez, that we can't even give a good fight. Therefore, most people will /level to another server. Before, people, mainly albs, stuck with their old characters...because they didnt want to go through the level grind again. Now that /level is available, they will do it all the time. And where will they go? Well to hib and mid of course. Have you met any guilds in Albion yet that did /level? HELL NO! They are all in Mid/Hib, and it will continue to stay that way. So what does that mean for rvr and what not...means ZERGS. And I know how much you all hate zerging as much as I do. It's a pathetic way to fight...but who has the advantage in zerging...THE MIDS AND HIBS. Why? BECAUSE INSTANT STUN/MEZ. You dont even have to cast anymore in this game, because you can just click a button and know that 95% of the time, you are going to win. This game, is going down. This realm, is going down with it.

The people of Albion, are screwed by Mythic. The people of Albion-Merlin, are screwed by themselves. This server has some of the worst people on it...who just flat out dont give a crap about anything but themselves. 200 for a dragon raid...375 i had for Sidi raid before. Most ever on a relic raid I had was 145. Most ever I saw in keep defense was 170 and that was because of a patch week, it's usually much much less than that. We are losing alot of our better players as a realm in general. The people who try to step up and lead, do not have a clue what they are doing.

Quite frankly guys, Im getting fed up with this game. Keep mean nothing, relics mean very little. The imbalances is one thing, but the lack of motivation for victory on this server is what's finishing us off. No one frigin cares, and we are too small as a guild of 40 members to save the world all the time. Sure we have our great moments, and no one can take them away from us. But as a whole, we cant top Mids and Hibs knocking on Excal doors at 6am on a weekday morning. That is just crap. And we can't blame it on "Hibgard", because it's the Albs fault for not defending when the first keep was attacked. You stop them once, you stop them for good. Not to mention the massive Alb zerg in emain, which is the reason why they came to our frontier in the first place.

The only game I have ever seen that had true balance in combat with a 3-way, is Starcraft...which isnt an MMORG, it's a strategy game. Anyway, to be honest guys, I dont think this game is going to get better...I have no faith in Mythic. I dont think the "RVR expansion" will do @#%$ for what we believe in. I dont think that Trials of Atlantic will do anything but take more people away from RvR. I dont think Mythic will ever learn that you cant require 150 people to kill 1 mob, like Golestandt, and then only drop 1 piece of 100quality loot. Stuff like this, is just stupid.

Read it Mythic. Albs dont care anymore, why should they when they can do /level to the winning side.


Albion is a very nice realm, for PvE. Only hib can compare with the scenery in some points. Paladins are argueably the best pve tanks. Insta mezz or regular mezz does not make that much of a difference in either. Necro is best powerlevel class and so on. It's fun if you like pve.

Carlos Bananos

albion merlin is screwed anyway, midgard is over 50% (prolly over 60) of the population or smth

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