so sat...well, laying here at HQ with a cold surfing the net and having various conversations via facebook and txt and get into a txt conversation with my mate which I think you might find funny, allow me to transcribe:
Mate: my beard is going white!
Me: you should do a handstand and see if anyone mistakes you for a pint of guiness.
Mate: To cheer myself up I am eating a very strong gum bleeding mature cheddar and digestives.
Me: I just had a whole bar of Dr Who chocolate I got for xmas, it did not cheer me up as was not bigger on the inside as I had expected Why do you need cheering up? White beards are cool just ask santa or sean connery.
Mate: One of them is hundereds of years old and the other keeps elfs as slaves!
Me: *double take* wait what? rofl!!
Mate: my beard is going white!
Me: you should do a handstand and see if anyone mistakes you for a pint of guiness.
Mate: To cheer myself up I am eating a very strong gum bleeding mature cheddar and digestives.
Me: I just had a whole bar of Dr Who chocolate I got for xmas, it did not cheer me up as was not bigger on the inside as I had expected Why do you need cheering up? White beards are cool just ask santa or sean connery.
Mate: One of them is hundereds of years old and the other keeps elfs as slaves!
Me: *double take* wait what? rofl!!