Been playing it for a bit with some mates. A bit annoying that it takes so long to unlock tracks, but then we also stepped up to play it on hard, so that complicates things!
I still haven't finished Rock Band 1 let alone getting into Rock Band 2. TBH I think I am done with rythm based games, they cost too much and I don't have the time or space to play them at the moment, which is bad. But I am moving next year so hopefully I can get a place that has enough room to set everything up without waking the neighbour beneath me.
Full on Me (Drums) MrsJ (Vocals) #1 son (Bass) and #2 son (Lead).
Awesome fun!!!
I grumbled about it for ages, though, until finding the right manual calibration for it (+60ms) so I could actually be hitting the drums in time to the music, rather than the screen
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