Ringtones / Logos 3410



Anyone know any good websites to download Ringtones and Logos for the Nokia 3410?

Or even to make custom logos and shit, just im gettin a data cable for it


I actually dispise phones, i walk past people now and again in groups just playing snake or listening to the seronic beeps of their phones.

im like.. WTF!


Why can't people be happy to just have a mobile with out turning it into some gaudy tarts accessory?
I have no idea.
I guess you have a BOKIA?
I got a Sony something-or-other. I can't stand BOKIAs, every Tom Dick and Harry has one, so unoriginal.
That said, there should be loads of sites available to download annoying ring tones and loud graphics.
Try an Interweb search thingy.


Some people play with them for hours. I was waiting for a (delayed) train at the station for over an hour. I had my book out and the guy sat next to me was fiddling with his phone for the entire time.

Beep. Beep beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep beep beep beep beep. Beep. Beep beep beep. Beep. Beep beep beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep.


That's what bothers me the most is that people don't have a clue that their phone has a ringer volume on it.

The last thing I want when I'm trying to snooze on the way to work is Flight of the Valkyries blasted in my ear at 7am.

I've set up profiles on my phone (took 5 mins) so that when I get on the train I can set it to "quiet" and when I get off I can set it to "loud" so I can hear it over london traffic.

Also if I do play the games on it on the train I turn the beeps off.

The worst ones are the ones who manage to sleep through their own phone going off full blast. Then you don't just get a short blast. :(

Anyway if you want to customise you phone just get hold of the Nokia PC Suite software from the website and get your self an IR adapter (far more cost effective in the long term). That way you can download MIDI files and pictures from the net for free and convert them with th ePC Suite for use on your phone.


i like one beep, long silence with vibrate
it just annoys me less


I can't find a single ring tone on my T68i that I like, even the low tone is too high pitched for me :(


i just dont like the ringtones already available on the phones.

Id like something new... not that anyone phones me on it anyway :(

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