RightNow, RightNEVER ! Been waiting for over 3 weeks now !



Ok, what kind of service am I paying for ??

First reported problem on 2003-06-04
No reply, posted again at 2003-06-13
After a few more days, I posted again at 2003-06-21

And still not a single word/request of update etc in RightNow or mail about this :mad:

This is really starting to annoy me, please feel free to join in my whine with your experiences of RightNEVER :m00:


been waiting 31 days for 1, and 20 days for an another.
I remember reading that they were concentrating on urgent problems like stuck chars etc, and leaving less urgent ones a little longer but this takes the piss tbh. :(


little longer .. umm .. ull prolly get a reply when u stop playing :]

Brannor McThife

If you have a real issue, and are not getting any help from Rightnow. Try lookup an E&E from your server and bug them to bug you server GM.



Goa servers have GM's ? :eek7:

Ive never had a bad experience with rightnow... used it twice, both responces back the next day... <i know thats not any help but.....>


LOL my warden was lvl 40 could not respec w8ed 3 weeks b4 started levelling then when i go to about lvl 47 got reply sorry u have levelled past 2 levells allowed. Ended up having to pay loads for a respec stone.


Well, more of this misery please :D

I bet GOA think they supply a good service just because they unstuck chars etc...

We're paying for contents and stuff, and they neglect to fix the problems connected to that...

YET, they have the time to start new GOA quests and in the descriptions of those they say that "please report any problems with these quests.. etc.."

How is that possible ?


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
If you have a real issue, and are not getting any help from Rightnow. Try lookup an E&E from your server and bug them to bug you server GM.


What do you mean with "real issue"?
I posted in Right Now 6 of june about one real and serious issue for me. No answer.

Is Goa giving us a better service after making us to pay more?


Posted a prob at RightNow 06/05/2003. Still no reply..

I made me mind up, and I'm moving to SWG, hoping I'll get better service there. Had nuff of DAoC, and GOA.

Roo Stercogburn

Krak is this a bad time to mention the extra subs was actually the rest of us chipping in to keep you out of the game?


Just kidding, hope you manage to sort it out mate ;)


Account closed.

Discussion Thread
Customer (Jörgen KNUTSEN) 05/23/2003 12:42 PM
Due to your awful customer service, the fact that most of your support staff do not speak English, and your idiotic subscription password system, I have closed all three of my accounts.
Thank you for your 'help'.

Get off your arses and do something too :)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Krak is this a bad time to mention the extra subs was actually the rest of us chipping in to keep you out of the game?


Just kidding, hope you manage to sort it out mate ;)


If you had sent me the money instead I could have payed a visit to GOA HQ, and save all of you a lot of money and me the trouble of non-cooperative support staff :cool:

Well, if I only had 1 char and they screwed up like this I'm almost certain that I'd stop playing and wait for WorldOfWarcraft or something like that... But then again, seems GOA is trying to make their CS as bad/nonexistent as Blizzard's support for Diablo2 back when I played that game...

Now some might say you didn't had to pay to play on Battle.Net, so that's why they had that lousy support :rolleyes:

Truth is I got better support from the Blizzard CS staff when I come to think about it...
Took maybe a week to get an answer about some hardware issue and game not starting on my old Dell PC- and that they fixed for free...
1 week PWNS 3 weeks+ waiting

Moral of the story: Blizzard's CS was crap and free, but still better than GOA's CS atm

Teh Krypt

Sony Online Entertainment provide a much better support system, goa are like rats compared to them. You can have an online tech support chat from 9 - 3 (afink its those hours) but thats US time as its really a US game, planetside, only 1 euro server ect.

Nearly all my problems have been solved within 15 mins. ;)

ps. GoA please give my reply to two questions. :(


I posted an issue that was very important and urgent on 26th may - still no reply, even with updates to the problem on my part added to the post. It seems that if you have lost your subs password or have got stuck in game they are pretty quick but if you actually have a question they just dont ever answer. It's quite frankly just apalling.


I've ordered star wars galaxies for the US servers, it should come next week :D

(I closed my 3 accounts too btw - Bought a third a while ago i was levelling a pac healer on, now closed, my shaman bot account, now closed, my main account, also closed)


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Sony Online Entertainment provide a much better support system, goa are like rats compared to them. You can have an online tech support chat from 9 - 3 (afink its those hours) but thats US time as its really a US game, planetside, only 1 euro server ect.

Nearly all my problems have been solved within 15 mins. ;)

ps. GoA please give my reply to two questions. :(

maybe I've read you wrong... but you're saying there's only support for planetside from 9pm to 3am?


Originally posted by Saburo.

I posted in Right Now 6 of june about one real and serious issue for me. No answer.

They answered me today that they apologize for the delaying and that they will try to solve my problem soon.

That´s ok for me, late but ok.


Originally posted by Saburo.
They answered me today that they apologize for the delaying and that they will try to solve my problem soon.

That´s ok for me, late but ok.

20 days for a reply... hey thats better than the support I offer to my users at work :)


Customer Support :

We are aware of the recent slowdown in the answer time of our Customer Support. While the stuck problems and restorations of characters are solved fast, we are currently in the process of changing the team and are training a new breed of CSRs which is causing a delay in the resolution of some quest problems and technical issues. We are sorry for the inconvenience this can cause. Everything should be back to normal soonish, time for the team to catch up.

Well, they admit but still only mention "soonish"
If this was a company vs company issue, the company that lacked the support the payed for could demand some deductions or refunds of money. What do we have to put up with ?? We have to PAY MORE THAN BEFORE !!!:eek:

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Flimgoblin
maybe I've read you wrong... but you're saying there's only support for planetside from 9pm to 3am?

No, you can contact them AS WELL. And its 3pm :p, I mean you can get INSTANT support at that time.


Am I supposed to laugh or cry ??
Got 3 mails today with the exact same message- sure I know it's an automated response... Or maybe not ? Got same message for all 3 reports reported with a few weeks interval - maybe they just think:
Hey, let's close all current requests ! If they don't respond in 48 hours we can cut back on the CS obligations, since most cases will be closed !!
GOA-boss: Hey, great idea !! Take a few weeks off (again), no-one will notice except that mad guy Krakatau

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 48 hours.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

Blessed enchantments, can't pick epic weapon

Discussion Thread
Response (CS) 07/03/2003 10:45 AM

Due to a technical change, we couldn't answer to your request in a normal delay.
We appologize for the trouble.
If your problem is still existing, please contact us again.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

Cool, if I don't reply within 48 hours case is considered solved...

Still unsolved, and 1 month since problem reported:mad:

GOA ............... Nah, I can't be bothered to vent my feelings

BTW, if this is an automated response, i sure like their line saying:
"Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center."


Well they aint even fast on helping players with stuck/deleted chars.

Have friends that have been waiting 2 weeks for stuck char and over 1 week now for a deleted one.


I got the same email responce for a problem I reported about a month ago. What a joke.



I reported a deleted character a month ago.
No reponse ever since. Got the automated sorry message today, saying if I still have the problem, then I should contact em.
Do they really think I'll have solved the problem by waiting ?

Custumer service sucks balls.

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