Riddles me this, Riddle me that...


Jan 12, 2004

I know a word of letters three.
Add two, and fewer there will be.


Whoever makes it, tells it not.
Whoever takes it, knows it not.
And whoever knows it wants it not.


Two words, my answer is only two words.
To keep me, you must give me.


All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard.


Until I am measured
I am not known,
Yet how you miss me
When I have flown.


When set loose
I fly away,
Never so cursed
As when I go astray.


You heard me before,
Yet you hear me again,
Then I die,
'Till you call me again.


You can see nothing else
When you look in my face,
I will look you in the eye
And I will never lie.


My tines be long,
My tines be short
My tines end ere
My first report.
What am I?


A hundred and one
by fifty divide,
And if a cipher
is rightly applied,
The answer is one from nine.


I am a three digit number.
My tens digit is five more than my ones digit.
My hundreds digit is eight less than my tens digit.
What number am I?


A large truck is crossing a bridge 1 mile long. The bridge can only hold 14000 lbs, which is the exact weight of the truck. The truck makes it half way across the bridge and stops. A bird lands on the truck. Does the bridge collapse? Give a reason.
No it does not collapse. Because it has driven a half mile - you would subtract the gas used from the total weight of the truck.


If you have three oranges and you take away two, how many will you have?


The following sentence is false. The preceding sentence is true. Are these sentences true or false?


What 7 letter word becomes longer when the third letter is removed?


With pointed fangs it sits in wait,
With piercing force its doles out fate,
Over bloodless victims proclaiming its might,
Eternally joining in a single bite.
What am I?


A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bustrip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why?


On a fine sunny day a ship was in the harbor. All of a sudden the ship began to sink. There was no storm and nothing wrong with the ship yet it sank right in front of the spectators eyes.
What caused the ship to sink?


Name an eight letter word that has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end.


Two convicts are locked in a cell. There is an unbarred window high up in the cell. No matter if they stand on the bed or one on top of the other they can't reach the window to escape. They then decide to tunnel out. However, they give up with the tunneling because it will take too long. Finally one of the convicts figures out how to escape from the cell. What is his plan?


Mr. Moody grumbles about bad time-keeping trains from morning till night!.

On one particular morning he was quiet justified.

His train left on time for the one hour journey, to Clarksville, and it arrived 5 minutes late.

However, Mr. Moody 's watch showed it to be 3 minutes early, so he adjusted his watch by putting it forward 3 minutes.

His watch kept time during the day, and on the return journey in the evening the train started on time, according to his watch, and arrived on time, according to the station clock.

If the train travelled 25 percent faster on the return journey than it did on the morning journey, was the station clock fast or slow, and by how much?


What English word is nine letters long, and can remain an English word at each step as you remove one letter at a time, right down to a single letter. List the letter you remove each time and the words that result at each step.


Are you good at math? Complete the last two in this sequence: 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=3, 7=5, 8=5, 9=4, 10=3, 11=?, 12=?


A farmer was going to town with a fox, a goose and a sack of corn. When he came to a stream, he had to cross in a tiny boat, and could only take across one thing at a time. However, if he left the fox alone with the goose, the fox would eat the goose, and if he left the goose alone with the corn, the goose would eat the corn. How does he get them all safely over the stream?


A frog fell into a hole that was 14 1/2 feet deep. He could jump 3 feet, but he slid back a foot each time he jumped. How many jumps does it take him to get out of the hole?


A man had twelve toothpicks in front of him. He took one away. Now he had nine in front of him. How is this possible?


Continue the series: o t t f f s s _ _ _

OK i know some of you already know the answers, but please dont spoil it for the others. So those that have not seen these riddles before, whats the answers :)



Jan 12, 2004
Can some1 delete this post please, posted on Off Topic now.



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