Returning to the game



Hello, not sure if there are many people here who will remember me, but I played Morden Luinrandir (50 Theurgist) and Illiandra Valentine (50 Infiltrator) on Prydwen back when the game was released, up until just before ToA came out.

I've also played a bit on the US servers since then so I'm familiar with ToA and Catacombs.

I'm currently downloading the game to come back, but want to ask a few questions first.

Firstly, which server do I play?

Cluster seems to have more players, and has ToA to play through, but I quite like the anti-buffbot code on classic servers, and I suspect I'll have more luck finding a group to level with on Glastonbury.

I'm probably going to play Hibernia (Valewalker maybe) or Albion (Possibly Sorcerer or Friar) and just want to know where I'm likely to be able to find groupmates and a decent guild, as I don't really want to have to level to 50 solo.

I am interested in the endgame PvE and PvP content, but I won't be playing my existing 50s again as I'd like to try different classes (and I'll also just get a new account since it'd cost the same to do that as it would to buy the expansions that my old one's missing).

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