Returning to DOAC



Hi All,

I have just returned to DAOC after about a year away playing all the usual suspects (AC2 etc).... But for a laugh I thought I would install Camelot and see whats new.... Big surprise was finding my charracter was still stored... How cool is that... Next surprise was how good the game looked and played...

So, two questions.

1) Who wants to impresse me with a blaze of intelligence by brining me up to speed on what I have missed in the last year?

2) Can anyone tell me how to access guild commands when I am not a leader? When I "re-activated" my charracter I found him to be the only surviving member of the guild. I would like to try and re-activate the guild too, but I can't get access to the commands... Is there a way around this, or do I need to make some kind of "appeal" in game...

WHich leads me onto point three...

3) Is there any in game help?????

Thanks for your time in reading this. I look forward to the replies. Be as breif as you want, Ican always follow up anything said here by researching it with google... :)

Damn it felt good to have my old charracter out there again...


Eeeeeeep.. and welcome back! :)
and now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to perform the mysterious eastern trick that very few before has survived, and even fewer made it to tell the tale.. watch me do "the-try-to-answer-this-post" (drumrolls)

1) uhm... Darkness Falls, Battlegrounds, Various nerfs and de-nerfs of casters, Shrouded Isles, Realm abilities, Realm Frontiers with the new Random Object Generator (random stats on loot, SI also ROG).. Some twinking on keeps, making relics harder to take etc. etc.

2) If you're the only existing member of the guild left and you're NOT the guild master then you're in deep shit.. you'll have to quit the guild and then start it over again with the same emblem and name (obviously) and be the GM yourself.. you also might have a small chance in hell to make it snow or get the devil to serve you chips and beer infront of the TV and even a smaller chance to send a question to Rigth-now-next-year (GOA customer "support") to make them elect you the GM :)

3. Yes, if it can be called "help"... F1 toggles the most basic questions, but you can also do a /advise to see if there are any online advisors online that can answer some questions.. (but these are only players themselves that have opted to be listed as advisors, so dont expect them to do some game-master tricks for you ;))

And for everything else check out the past patch notes up to 1.60 (we're getting that patch next week) to see in detail spesificly what have changed..

btw, good to see some "old" players return :) (not many of us left...)


to 2)

when you lack of a GM rightnow will promote the person that is next in rank. if youre the last active player that should be you then


I was under the impression that if the GM is inactive in a guild for a few weeks, then the game automatically promotes the highest active plater to GM-ship. Probably what happened was that when the GM finally went inactive, nobody was available to take his place.



Thanks for the heads up. I have just done some trawling through the internet and the entries for Battleground and others looks interesting, but somewhat daunting to absorb. Surely new comers do not have to go through all this... Is there a new manual (PDF) available from somewhere? I have looked on the offical sites but I can only find the very first one. Perhaps I am overlooking the link.

On my last point perhaps I should have stressed it as "is there and IN GAME help", by which I meant DM's able to help with appeals and so forth...

The Guild problems seems to be a .... well... Problem... It seems as though I was not automatiicaly selected as leader, and this was possibly because my charracter was not acvite when the last man left. Perhaps I can try rightnow! Never worked before, but maybe, just maybe GOA have changed a little....

So, the new patch is coming soon... Anything in there that I might be interested in?

BTW - Thanks for the welcome back :)



There's no in-game help like that.

Battlegrounds are lower level rvr areas, the first at the moment is Thidranki, which is at levels 20-24, then Murdaigean (sp?) at levels 25-29 and Caledonia at levels 30-35.

You do not have to go into any of these, it's choice pure and simple. To get there you buy medallions at the normal merchant in the portal keep (Castle Sauvage, Svasud Faste and Druim Ligen) entitled Battlegrounds Medallion and it will automatically port you as normal, but to the correct battleground for your level/rp.

There are rp caps for each battleground - it's 350rp for BG1, not entirely sure of the rp cap for BG2 but BG3 is RR2.

There is a Central Keep in each battleground which can be helld by any realm. You can get siege equipment from the Siege Merchant at each portal keep in the battlegrounds.

At the moment, the Alb SI class necromancer are dominating all areas of RvR because they have no LOS for their pets, and cannot die until pet does. This is fixed in 1.60 so you may wish to wait until then before doing much RvR.

Hope this helps!


Originally posted by -seraphim-
There's no in-game help like that.
The ingame help is as Sortbane said, F1, and /advice where help full players are doin the help, such as anserwing questions about their class, etc.


Originally posted by Fafnir
The ingame help is as Sortbane said, F1, and /advice where help full players are doin the help, such as anserwing questions about their class, etc.

I know, but when I said there's no in game help like that, I was responding to this comment:

Originally posted by shatter
by which I meant DM's able to help with appeals and so forth...


Re: Phewwwww

Originally posted by shatter
Thanks for the heads up. I have just done some trawling through the internet and the entries for Battleground and others looks interesting, but somewhat daunting to absorb. Surely new comers do not have to go through all this... Is there a new manual (PDF) available from somewhere? I have looked on the offical sites but I can only find the very first one. Perhaps I am overlooking the link.

On my last point perhaps I should have stressed it as "is there and IN GAME help", by which I meant DM's able to help with appeals and so forth...

The Guild problems seems to be a .... well... Problem... It seems as though I was not automatiicaly selected as leader, and this was possibly because my charracter was not acvite when the last man left. Perhaps I can try rightnow! Never worked before, but maybe, just maybe GOA have changed a little....

So, the new patch is coming soon... Anything in there that I might be interested in?


Hard to know what you might be interested in without knowing anything of what realm/classes you have at the moment. ;)
As for a manual... no, there's no comprehensive in-game manual. You can find documentation on, which won't correspond exactly to our current version (1.57) but will answer your questions regarding the BGs, realm abilities, and so forth and so on.
Also on that page you'll find patch notes for the incoming patches, .58 .59 and 1.60.
Alternatively, just post here, I'm sure some of us are helpful :p


Scheduale for patching???

Okay, I think I am slowly coming up to speed. I am still a bit freaked by finding my charracters still alive with the INV still intact (like being in a timemachine) but I am getting to grips with it...

From the look of the patch notes, the 1.60 will be the next big interesting one. All of these are current on the USA servers, but whats the scheduale for the European release....

I have to say that one thing Turbine DID do right with AC2 was the simultanious patching of servers in both the EU and the states...In fact while I am on the subject, why dont I meander over to the AC2 DOAC thread jsut a couple of lines up from here and see what others think...

Meanwhile, thanks again for the help so far.

Shatter (or Rubin)


on the guild thing - there's nothing automatic with guild leaders etc. on the european servers (I don't think there is anyway)

If you wish to get your guild back - send a RightNow in and ask :)


Thanks dude, but I just looked on the rightnow page and there is a warning there that they cannot (wont) promote remaining people to GC... Only way out is to kill the guild off then reform it... But to be honest I only wanted to do it so I could get some nostaliga going... Add to that my only charracter in this guild (Mystics of Albion - remember them????) is the charracter that I no longer want to play... Although I might change my mind if I do a respec...

Which brings me roundly to....

I have a lvl 8 wizard and a lvl10 elementist... They have both not been used since last year and seem to be both likely candidates for a full respec.... Anyone got any ideas on this? The direction I want to head in with either charracter is a PVP charracter for battlegrounds and RVR stuff, but I would like the charracter to be good for a Dragon hunt or going down a dungeon...

I got kind of interested in the mez stuff and being able to charm humonoids into my pets... Anything here changed or nerfed?

Shatter (lvl 10 Elemetist)
Rubin (lvl 8 Wizard)


I remember you Shatter, from ages ago. I think you may have been in the beta too, and then a few weeks into retail. Welcome back!


Yeah thats right Plebo, I was there at the Beta and then got sucked away from the game when I went on holiday last year for a month... Got back and the offical boards were closed and I got so pissed that I cancelled my account... Kinda wish that I had not now as I think I missed out on a lot of fun.

But in the mean time I did write a book (doing the publishing rounds as we speak) that would never have got finished if I had been playing DAOC. So I guess there is a silver cloud in there somewhere...

What was your in game name?

At the moment I am playing a Sorc called Rubin on Prydwyn... Look me up in game.


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