Returning the spirit of the community ....ML RAIDS/ARTI HUNTS in fast fashion


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
After dinging my nightshade to master level 10 with the help of Usp from Hibernian Dragon Slayers of Prydwen Hibernia in damned quick time. I have decided to turn my attention to the problems related to excal and master levels for some being group related or lack of communication in some form or other.

In the next two weeks I will be organising a series of raids for master levels five and upwards with a nice spice of artifact hunts that will see you ding in ubah fast fashion from ml 5 upwards.

Watch this space and get ready for the rush as this will be a series of fast pve fest in which everyone is welcome {Public raids} so that it gets all of Midgard ready for the tests of RvR on this server that has been awaiting many for a long time since we were gimped by TOA.

All raids will be calendar driven.

Details in the next few days with a two week warning so you can dig your hole in case of nuclear attack to accomplish your goal of master level 10.

******** This is not SPAM <even though most of you wish it was :p, it's not a joke, it's for real. *********


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Probably for the hibernia forum.Cause we got nuthin more than raids all the time :)


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
sigh, and you are ? this has been my main server from when i started the game, since when did you have the right to question who i am? and secondly right forum right post right race ok? Is that clear or can you not read ? oh sorry yes this is mid excal.

Now be quiet and await the details or miss out.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
First of all m8 you gotta expect that someone asks who are you when you appear as the grand saviour to save us all.
On the other hand thare are quite a number of ML10 chars on mid/excal if you didn't know so all this talk about how desperate we are is completely trash.
Never heard anyone complain that there aren't enough raids since each week you see more than 2-3 raids of various MLs.
I wouldn't have bothered replying to ya again but someone has to tell ya not to talk when ya don't know what you are talking about.So you see i will not be quite and actually there is nothing that i will miss :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
firegird said:
First of all m8 you gotta expect that someone asks who are you when you appear as the grand saviour to save us all.
On the other hand thare are quite a number of ML10 chars on mid/excal if you didn't know so all this talk about how desperate we are is completely trash.
Never heard anyone complain that there aren't enough raids since each week you see more than 2-3 raids of various MLs.
I wouldn't have bothered replying to ya again but someone has to tell ya not to talk when ya don't know what you are talking about.So you see i will not be quite and actually there is nothing that i will miss :)

He said he would run fast raids?

The current raids are slow as fuck because 80% of the people have their heads up their arses, and their fingers somewhere else than on the keyboard.
Or maybe I just go on the wrong raids.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
TBH I applaude u Imgormiel for trying to take the reigns (as it were) and organise decent raids, I will be in on any u run.

Its typical leet Mid attitude that ruins the game imo (not at all like the old days). Who cares who he is? (Even Ardamel started somewhere) hes trying to help that matters (even if there are other raids on). The more raids that mid run, the better and he deserves some respect for trying to help out.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
shrye, 90% of all ppl here doesnt know who you are, the other 10% has nothing but bad things to say about you, fuck off back to hib or wherever you come from, no one likes you in mid anyway, you should have noticed that by now, unless your totally blind

Firegird, does it really matter who he is? fyi i doubt anyone outside your guild knew who you was before you did some ml raids, give him a chance ffs, there might be enough raids for ppl to get ml10 with their mains, but ppl who wanna catch up with 3-5 alts this is a good thing, dont like it? dont come


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
i know imgor. ;)
former member of PC before merger with AB,
good luck with it mate, i'll prob tag along with on some of tho's ml's
and what dose it matter who he is ? at least he's taking some initiative..what have you done for the realm shyre ? and who are you anyway ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Imgormiel said:
I have decided to turn my attention to the problems related to excal and master levels for some being group related or lack of communication in some form or other.
We have some fine examples of the problems right here in this thread. People who cant see that Imgormiel is trying to do something good, but care more about who he is, where he is from or what he knows.

For anyone that doesnt know him, maybe thats your problem and not his fault? Hmmm? Or do you know everyone? :rolleyes:

Imgormiel said:
In the next two weeks I will be organising a series of raids for master levels five and upwards with a nice spice of artifact hunts that will see you ding in ubah fast fashion from ml 5 upwards.

Respect to Imgormiel for doing this imo. :worthy:

Good luck mate, hope it works out and Midgard benefits.

And YES I know him. :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Actually guyz i think you missed the whole point of my posts.I wasn't wondering who Imgormiel was (since i don't see why should anyone care who makes the raids anyway.It was shrye who was wondring and i said that it was logical) or tried to disapprove what he trying to do.I was just judgemental to the way he put it on his first post.If you guyz feel ok for someone to come here and tell ya how lame you are and how you cannot do anythin right until the "saviour" comes it's perfectly fine by me.I was just trying to protect the effort so many ppl put into raids since TOA came out.I don't care about who knows me or not.I do care though when we had over 50 raids in the past 2-3 months organised by many good ppl (excluding myself) and someone disregards that.FYI fotm noone knew me b4 TOA cause i was just playing the game 2 months before TOA came out.Try to read between the lines please guyz.If ya search this forum you will see that i never flamed anyone for any reason.But when someone shows no respect to so many ppl (or maybe just how i saw it) i had to reply.Thank you for reading my words.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Thornea said:
Who cares who he is? (Even Ardamel started somewhere) hes trying to help that matters (even if there are other raids on). The more raids that mid run, the better and he deserves some respect for trying to help out.

Believe firegird explained it perfectly. It's possibly he might have played mid/exc from the beginning, however for those who doesn't know who he is, it sure as heck raises an eyebrow when someone enters like that.

Leel said:
Err, who's Shrye?

Mebbe if you rvr'd, you'd know... Altho on the other hand, I ain't the one comming here to save the world, don't got any need to explain myself.

fotm said:
shrye, 90% of all ppl here doesnt know who you are, the other 10% has nothing but bad things to say about you

Funny, that'd be a perfect description of yourself - 90% ignorance and 10% hatred towards others... Who pissed on your cheese sandwich this morning?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
firegird said:
It was shrye who was wondring and i said that it was logical) or tried to disapprove what he trying to do.

Don't see why I, or anyone else, should disapprove of somebody running raids for others, I know what kinda effort it takes, first hand. Hence you're right in your first assumption again.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
just re-read orig post, and i see were firegird is comming from ;)
I stil applaud your effort imgor, but i can also see how someone would inturprate it has you beating down on the hard work others have been doing, ppl like adarmel, frodoe, and more, however i do not belive that was your intentsion, and i'd recommend you to tweak that orig message a wee bit ;) to just imform, "Me imgor, me stlong zerk, me make fast Ml's, all welcome" :p
and leave out the whole problem bit. it only serves to piss off ppl.. :cheers:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I really welcome what Imgormiel is proposing but I'd recommend he learn to bottle the attitude and not rise to some of the twats on the forums. Anyone has the right to ask who you are, you get respect when you've earnt it (or not on these forums). One thing to remember though Imgormiel is that there will always be people willing to have a pop at you no matter how helpful you're being, usually the types that have sod all better to do with thier time.

good luck!

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