Returning player need some help and advice


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2010
Hi guys.
Im reactivating my account now again, havent played for like 4 years or something, stop play like ½year after toa release.

So im wondering whats new? :)

Gear: what new gear do i need? is my toa gear useless? ive also read that its possible to buy gear for bp's, is that what ppl do nowadays or is it pve/quest farm?

MLs: any need of MLs?

im thinking of playing my warrior but i got a savage and a zerk also, wich one is to prefer to get grps in rvr?

thankful to any tips and info, thanks!

Zerubiel Propane

Loyal Freddie
Oct 22, 2007
Gear: what new gear do i need? is my toa gear useless? ive also read that its possible to buy gear for bp's, is that what ppl do nowadays or is it pve/quest farm?

If you have a good template with the ToA gear, then no.. its not useless.
I would still suggest to make a temp with all the new items though.

MLs: any need of MLs?
Its highly recomended.

im thinking of playing my warrior but i got a savage and a zerk also, wich one is to prefer to get grps in rvr?
Yes, a warrior is a good solid class to play.
And if you give your savage a big two-handed, that should work well in groups aswell.

In the end though, its all about skills, RR, knowing people, and template.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2010
Okey thanks alot for all info :)

I guess ill stick to my warrior now in the beginning, i like swords so ill go for that one, as it is now i got SoK as 1h and battler as 2h... gimp? do i need new weps? if so wich ones is the highlights? :D

thanks again for any answers :D

Zerubiel Propane

Loyal Freddie
Oct 22, 2007
You should go with the champion weapon for 1h, and i recomend a 6.0 spd weapon for two-hand.

Don't take my word for it though. Try different things out yourself.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2010
okey, will go for that i think :D think of going for the dragon fury 2h when we merge with us, heard it will be possible to buy it for dragon scales:D

know any nice shields? :D


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
okey, will go for that i think :D think of going for the dragon fury 2h when we merge with us, heard it will be possible to buy it for dragon scales:D

know any nice shields? :D

since you last played all toa stuff is moreorless useless including many artifacts, people use dragon, SI or dragonslayer armour mostly champion/dragon weapons dragon shiled or crafted shield genrally and thiers a fair few good labby drops going about, but dragon templates are the best u can get atm


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
since you last played all toa stuff is moreorless useless including many artifacts, people use dragon, SI or dragonslayer armour mostly champion/dragon weapons dragon shiled or crafted shield genrally and thiers a fair few good labby drops going about, but dragon templates are the best u can get atm

i do agree ;)

Trash your toa temp, farm scales and make a Dragon template ...

And don't ever give credit to Zerufreak ... he played on 1.9x on Eu last time checked, unless he's a 0 knowing wannabe ....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2010
Hehe okey :) thanks for info! :D just waiting for the us merge then:) im ML8 right now on my warr so i have bodyguard, is that enought or is ML10 recommended? for rvr that is..


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Hehe okey :) thanks for info! :D just waiting for the us merge then:) im ML8 right now on my warr so i have bodyguard, is that enought or is ML10 recommended? for rvr that is..

As a Warrior ml8 is really all you need.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Have to agree artefact armour and weapons (some still use maddening scalers) are useless now. Some of the item slot artefacts are still used, Shades of mist, Eerie Stone, Gem of lost memories etc. Dragon armour and weapons are most commonly used due to them being so much better, these can be got through quests or by farming dragon scales in each realms dragon zone. There are also some decent quest reward items which are usually seasonal, medal of honour for one is very good indeed. Oh and BP items too (items bought with bounty points)

Oh and dont worry about your ML Level, master levels can be bought with bounty points.

Things have come a loooong way since TOA :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2010
Yea i realy notice nothing is the same anymore! ok ill stay at ML8 for now then, i saw i can buy other MLs but if ML8 do i dont want to waste BPs on more =) and about the artifacts i notice its DAMN expensive to repair them, do they still break in rvr? was like 100-200g for 1% repair so if i got 3-4 artis i will get broke pretty fast :S

ok, i read some about the quest but dunno, if its possible to just farm scales and buy that seems easier =)

thanks again for all info :D

oh one more thing, warrior in grps, do they use shields anymore? or stick with 2H and grapple/bodyguard?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
speaking of buying MLs .. does it work like a scroll you hand in to get the ML in question or do you get it there and then? Asking because I don't have bps on all chars, but one has plenty so it could get a few others through the MLs if I can just hand the "item" over for the new chars to hand in to the NPC.

messy sentence, but I hope my question is readable :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
speaking of buying MLs .. does it work like a scroll you hand in to get the ML in question or do you get it there and then? Asking because I don't have bps on all chars, but one has plenty so it could get a few others through the MLs if I can just hand the "item" over for the new chars to hand in to the NPC.

messy sentence, but I hope my question is readable :)

Last i was playing i think it was a scroll/token thingie you bought, i think they were transferrable but im not sure about mlxp?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Last i was playing i think it was a scroll/token thingie you bought, i think they were transferrable but im not sure about mlxp?

they werent transferable but i havent played in close to a year now so dunno


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
speaking of buying MLs .. does it work like a scroll you hand in to get the ML in question or do you get it there and then? Asking because I don't have bps on all chars, but one has plenty so it could get a few others through the MLs if I can just hand the "item" over for the new chars to hand in to the NPC.

messy sentence, but I hope my question is readable :)

All Bps items are now tradable, so you can buy MLLevels and MLxp Scrolls or Bounty Points items and either sell or give away to other chars.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 10, 2005
excelent stuff. I will have cool chars available then :)
God I want my bainshee to be fixed :p LOL


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Anyone that can tell around how long it's going to take to farm these dragon scales?
Is it like months and months of farming stuff to get a decent amount to buy some gear or can it be done in roughly a week or so?

Problem is I stopped playing around the minotaur expansion and have templates on my chars from that era will it still be ok to RvR with that or will you be heavily under geared and need months of farming things to get a proper RvR temp going?

It's all cool and all comming back to an old game but if it requires ToA like farming (back when ToA was just released) think ill pass.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 10, 2005
I agree with Andrilyn. I don't want my shaman being pwned because of the under gearage. I want to be pwned because yeah, i suck because i haven't played for years.

My shaman template will need to be remade i am afraid but i have plats available. I don't want to farm etc :(


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Anyone that can tell around how long it's going to take to farm these dragon scales?

Problem is I stopped playing around the minotaur expansion and have templates on my chars from that era will it still be ok to RvR with that or will you be heavily under geared and need months of farming things to get a proper RvR temp going?
Scale farming for a template in the dragon zones seems to take about the same amount of time or maybe a little bit more as lvling arties 1-10 (so can do it at same time).

Probably some possibility to do some farming on dyvet b4 transfer also, without all the zones being totally full. Then also keep lords drop keys which there is a chance for trading in for a fairly big stack of scales. They are also tradable if you have a load of plat. You can sell bps which tend to go fairly well too, although price might drop with xfer...

Probably different depending on class, but most of my casters have pre-minotaur templates (casting stuff maxed, 40%+ PP, about 280 hps, 1 or 2 gimped resists). Nowadays caster templates tend to have lower PP, close to 400hps, no gimped resists, dragon chest pieces with nice heal proc, and soemtimes some fluff like duration/debuff bonus on them. Newer templates tend to have dragon stuff and less arties on them, so less toys to play with, so in some ways old ones are better.

tbh mostly fine imo with the old templates to play at least casual without being a rp cow, but depends how fussy you are. Might be different 1v1 on melee or whatever...

Zerubiel Propane

Loyal Freddie
Oct 22, 2007
go play your 1900 WS melee scout noob

Aww you still hanging on to that.
How sad.

Get real or get a life.

I was merely making a joke because you wanted to brag about killing some random dude.

You succeeded in failing, and got trolled.
gratz, asshat.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Aww you still hanging on to that.
How sad.

Get real or get a life.

I was merely making a joke because you wanted to brag about killing some random dude.

You succeeded in failing, and got trolled.
gratz, asshat.

except no1 said anything about me, just every1 in the thread called you a ****.



Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
This is me.. Getting my popcorn


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