Return to Camelot




I used to play back in the beta and for the first month after I bought DAOC but didn't continue with my subscription due to finance/personal reasons. I am now wanting to carry on playing but it looks like their have been a lot of changes sice I last played and I feel like a newbie again. So here's a few questions.

1. What's the best server to play on? I prefer a more RP style of play to the Quake style. Not so much in the deep characterisation sense but more of the no l33t.modern names and l33t speak sense. And the less kill-stealers the better.
When I played before I played on Prydwen as that was aiming to be the RP server. Is that still the case?

2. What Realm should I join? Before I was a Torgamundus the Mercanary of Albion. I also tried a short lived dwarf on Midgard. What Realm is the best?

3. What are buff-bots and Nerfing? Is there any other new terms I should be aware of?

4. What is the most annoying thing you find about the game? (Either other players or game mechanics etc).

Thanks for listening and I'll see some of you soon.


all of these can probably be answered by a 10m read through this forum :)

but that aside I'm sure we'll rally round and answer it all anyway ;)


I did have a ten minute read earlier. I just couldn't remember what was old and what was new.

I also thought it would be a good boasting thread for people to try and persuade me to join their realm/server.


Originally posted by GothChip

I used to play back in the beta and for the first month after I bought DAOC but didn't continue with my subscription due to finance/personal reasons. I am now wanting to carry on playing but it looks like their have been a lot of changes sice I last played and I feel like a newbie again. So here's a few questions.

1. What's the best server to play on? I prefer a more RP style of play to the Quake style. Not so much in the deep characterisation sense but more of the no l33t.modern names and l33t speak sense. And the less kill-stealers the better.
When I played before I played on Prydwen as that was aiming to be the RP server. Is that still the case?

2. What Realm should I join? Before I was a Torgamundus the Mercanary of Albion. I also tried a short lived dwarf on Midgard. What Realm is the best?

3. What are buff-bots and Nerfing? Is there any other new terms I should be aware of?

4. What is the most annoying thing you find about the game? (Either other players or game mechanics etc).

Thanks for listening and I'll see some of you soon.

1) Neither servers are roleplaying they both have l33t speaking people on them so sorry about that

2)Well albion have the most peeps, hibs and mids are rather equal, Hibs seem more organised in this patch and mids and hibs appear the most friendly realms with albs continually bickering, but thats just a wide generalisation

3) Buffbots are people with 2 accounts running each one on a separate computer and then having one with a cleric/shaman/druid and then using these 2nd accounts to buff up their primary character to give them that extra edge. Nerfing is when the developers Mythic take away some power from a class for example reducing the dmg the Clerics smite does

4)Most annoying thing, is probably ignorant people and the repetitive action's in RvR though that is just my opinion

Hope that helps its open to interpretation by each person so don't think what I said is gospel


If you want some roleplay I suggest you check out the DAoC European Roleplaying forums:

No server is officially a roleplay server - you will get lewt dewds on all the realms/servers.

Hib/Pryd has quite a few roleplay guilds and is generally seen as being a more mature and friendly realm/server.

Shameless plug ... if you fancy Midgard on Excalibur then I have recently started a roleplay guild there :)

Best realm - that's down to you. Define best - most uber, biggest, highest levels, friendliest etc. Depends what you are after ! Try them out and see which you enjoy playing. They all have quite different scenery and races. The classes all have similarities, but can be quite different. Everyone will say their realm is best, but it comes down to your own personal preference.


1. Excali is more populated. Up to you if that is better or not. It's better imo.

2. If I was starting now, I would play Hibernia.

3. See other ppls answers

4. Getting nerfed :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hibernia/Prydwen rping guilds:
Artisans of Willow
Ny Markee Shee

Order of the Knight Templars
(but who wants to be an Alb?)

Purple Warriors are rp-ish (I think)
(but who wants to be a Mid?;))

95% of the player base are 1337- speak h4xx0r kids... so I don't really know or care.

The most annoying thing?
People creating "I got killed by a purple while I was xping in the frontier... " - sob threads.

Roo Stercogburn

1) RP guilds and players on both servers, don't worry about it. Twits and gits abound so ignore anyone who says theirs is best. Nyd on Midgard/Prydwen are a much respected RP guild. Asgard's Defenders are a new(ish) guild but made of of a previous RP guild. Fedaykin have a mix of roleplayers and nutters. Well, mainly nutters. Many guilds are similar to Fedaykin in this. Keep an eye on the Tavern parts of these boards for roleplay stuff that is going on. (Someone else can post RP guilds for other realms and other servers, perhaps add to the Mid/Pryd list, I don't claim to know the lot).

2) Don't listen to anyone's opinion on which is the best realm. Pick one that looks good and feels good to play on, then go for it. With beta experience you'll already have a feel for it so you've got a head start :)

3) Buff Bots are usually shammies or healers or their other-realm equivilents used by players that have a second account on a second PC and they get them to buff their main char then solo like crazy - faster levelling to a certain degree but not as good as a rock solid group that knows what its doing. Nerfing is the effects of game mechanic changes on game play that act to the detriment of players. All players moan about this when patches are released that tweak the game play in ways that weaken their chosen char. Don't worry about major changes to game mechanics since you played beta - most of it is tweaks, the major capabilities of the chars haven't changed too much (ok, I know a lot of players are going to scream how their chars have been nerfed by patching but broadly speaking it holds true).

4) No answer to this: everyone has a slightly different view on it. Expect flames and mayhem and much stupidity if anyone actually tries to answer this one seriously :) Most in game niggles vary from class to class from what I've seen on these forums so far but most peeps complain about leechers and peeps that aren't team players. Reviled players often tend not to stay in the game long since its a sociable game after all.



Valorous Warriors
Royal Dragons

I think :)

edit: was Royal Dragons not Dragon Knights.. no idea if they're still around ;)


Re: Re: Return to Camelot

Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
2)Well albion have the most peeps, hibs and mids are rather equal, Hibs seem more organised in this patch and mids and hibs appear the most friendly realms with albs continually bickering, but thats just a wide generalisation
That's true for excalibur, however on Prydwen Alb/Mid are roughly equal, with Hib being the smaller realm. As for level of bickering, I'm not sure it's particularly higher on any realm on Prydwen. If you want to play Alb, I'd definitely recommend prydwen over excalibur.


if you want to RP i highly recommend order of the knights templar, a massive RP community more than a guild i suppose (as i see it that is), a good RvR force, a great event team (and a great event recently), PARP forums, and some of the most friendly players on the server. merlins kin are also another RP guild, but alas i know absolutly nothing about them (sorry lads) but ive never had a bad experience with any of their members.

if RPs not directly important, i would start in Pry / Hib, i am a secret hib lover alas, and i kinda wish id started there now, but at 48 i dont think i can be bothered to completely switch over :) i deep down really wanted to be a mana bomb on creation, but my mates went to alb and so it i :/

i will say this though, currently although every server has their problems, RvR is incredibly well balanced i think (yes slag me off all you like ;) ) on prydwen, each realm has 2 relics, all realms are doing quite well as i see it, and the action, although currently the trend is using only big forces, its still not bad :)


Excalibur is not all l33t d00ds

Well not in Midgard anyways, although I'll grant you there are still a few with completely ridiculous names and l33t speek.

However, Wolverines in Midgard on Excalibur is a semi-role playing guild (although we tend to do it more in open chat than in guildchat as we figure we're the only ones reading our GC ;) ).

Personally I would say avoid Albion on Excalibur like the plague (having had 80% of all my bad DAoC experiences during RvR with moronic Albies), Hibernia seems to be a wee bit better and Midgard still does have its pricks, though I tend to try and avoid them if at all possible.

Wolverines isn't a huge guild and most of us know each other both in and out of game and we have two delinquent Frenchies as guildmembers (shock horror) but all in all we tend to get along quite nicely.

I deleted my Alb/Pryd chars and moved over to Hibernia/Pryd and I have to say I've found people less willing to talk and stuff but that could very well be because it's not my main play area and I only pop in now and again.

Again, I would echo what everyone else has said, if you had a character type you liked playing in Beta then head back and give it another go now and just see what you find is best.


Originally posted by sickofit...
95% of the player base are 1337- speak h4xx0r kids... so I don't really know or care.

Not true, and I'm sure the percentage varies from realm to realm. I never see any of this stuff in Hib.


Originally posted by Myshra
if you want to RP i highly recommend order of the knights templar, a massive RP community more than a guild i suppose (as i see it that is), a good RvR force, a great event team (and a great event recently), PARP forums, and some of the most friendly players on the server

Cheers Myshra, I appreciate that.

Gothchip - I can't comment on other realms or servers because I've only ever played on Pryd/Alb. Matax highlighted the roleplaying site which will give you some pointers.

If you decide on Albion/Pryd, then there's different types of roleplaying available. The Templars are the only full-time roleplay-required Guild (with each other, that is - people can speak however they like to non-guildmates), but there are numerous other Guilds which are either partially roleplay or have some members who like to roleplay. The two that spring to mind (because I know most people in them) are the Griffon Knights and the Pheonix Legion. Both excellent Guilds.

Aethelstan Ironhand
Proud Warlord of The Order of the Knights Templar


1) Excal has the most peeps = more chance to group
Albion - too many peeps already - not much challenge there - always bytching
Midgard - Some nice peeps, good guilds, lots of "eliltists" who think they are gods gift to DAoC - not the most organised (except where Killgorde and CE are concerned - respect)
Hibernia - The greenpeace of DAoC (lol), seem fairly well organised in defence on the frontiers, usually outnumber us pretty well - cant really say any more

Prydwen - Very quiete place
Midgard were the 133T there for a while, but now very even
Albion - quite - same "elitist" level 50 only guilds - some good friendly guilds too tho - lots of high levelers round randomly uber buffing us lowbies (thanx)
Hibernia - about the same, quiete and in general not the easiest place to find good grps - uber buffs again - one or two nice guilds.

As for RvR, well you really need to think about where you can level the fastest for that, as you will get none till level 20 battle grounds, and for true RvR dont even bother below 35, then your still risking it. Frontiers tend to be rather swamped with level 50s now.

2) see above - and think what char best suits you, magic, tank or spirit too, they all got their own bonus's.

3) Someone already covered this :)

4) Lists at places like Lair in Malmohous, you have to wait in line for a place in a group, and sometimes theres enough ppl on a list to form 1 or 2 grps for exping. And also level 50s who take the armour drops home too, despite their epic armour!


I would go hib if starting a new character, simply cause hibs are nicely overpowered really :)
Shame I got so far with an alb armsman :) And sorc :)
Regards, Glottis


I must say that you should buy the US version of DAoC , since there is as someone said here 95 if not 99% lamers and d00d's on every realm.

Excalibur got more people than prydwen.

Midgard on excalibur is full of crap and lamers , and of course arrogant/ignorant assholes. Names like Littlesexykoboldxxx , Crittblade , Poisoned Albionfoodsuply and alot more of them.

Hibernia seems okay , not so much Coolhero KillAlot. Still alot of arrogant assholes.

Albion , no comment.

And to you all in midgard on excalibur. Stop being so damn arrogant , help each other out and work something out to make the alb's and hib's fear us!

Flame me if ye want , really don't care



Originally posted by Isengarth
I must say that you should buy the US version of DAoC , since there is as someone said here 95 if not 99% lamers and d00d's on every realm.

and as everyone knows the US servers are a bastion of roleplay and friendliness ;)

(yes they have RP servers, but they get invaded by the l33t speakers as well... morons are everywhere...)

Alb/Excal gets a bad press but it's not that bad...
get a good guild/friends list and yer sorted...


Would advise joining Prydwen as we do seem to have the more 'adult/grown up' attitude although yes we do still have some kiddies who feel the need to flame at every given oppurtunity. I'm not saying Excalibur is totally like that (and I even found one person who helped me when I played there for an hour one time) but on the whole Prydwen has a more mature player base.

Also I play in Hibernia here since the start when we were massively undermanned and underpowered and that built a really good community, all the higher level players know each other very well as a result and most people join existing guilds and alliances rather than feeling they need to start new ones.

Hib/Pryd would be my choice if you just wanted a more relaxed play style without feeling the need to be as uber or elite as the person next to you saying how they can solo everything they see your group is hunting :)

That's just my point of view, but read what all have to say and decide for yourself, I didn't have any bad experiences playing Excalibur so can't tell you not to go there :)


Both servers have their fare share of idiots, offensively named chars and leet dudes.

I played both, and met the above on both...

I have also met my fare share of decent friendly mature peeps on both. Pick a realm and server and dont worry about it :)

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