Return of the Modem



YUP - I know I tried this in the help forum, but trying again here for the "specialists" who didnt read it in that forum.

Having certain trouble with my Conexant modem and found this article :

"The HCF modem is a HSP, host signal processor, modem...the "worst" kind. The modem card only contains circuitry to connect to the telephone network, and is extra sensitive to line noise. It has no flash memory and no hardware controller, so all modem functions are carried out by your PC. In other words, it's a real CPU hog that doesn't filter noise well.

I was going to get a Diamond SupraExpress 56i until I found out about the new USR one at

One of the claims is :

"And whenever you're ready for some online competition, switch the modem into game mode, where enhanced performance settings give you the quicker response times you need for online gaming. Turn off the game mode, and the modem automatically returns to its optimal non-game configuration"

Only trouble is that this modem is not available in Europe (US and Canada only)

However, I know someone on holiday in Canada now who could probably pick one up for me.

Question is :
Is it any good ?
Any issues with using it over here ?
any worse than what we get here ?


old.Jimbo Mahoney

Hey m8.

If I were you, I'd get almost ANY external serial port modem.

They are the most tweakable and contain their own compression hardware.

I LOVE my ELSA 56k Internet. About £50.

Best modem I have ever had.

It's got a blue top and white bottom (oo er). Make sure you get the serial port version, not USB.

Externals are slightly more hands-on than USB or internals, but are far superior.

I have finally tweaked my connect and play q2 online with 80 fps and zero packet loss, NO lag and a ping of 150-160.

Sure I could get a lower ping, but that would sacrifice stability of the connection.

Hope that helps m8,



from past experience in work, modems from "overseas" ie USA or whatever may or may not have "issues" with the phone system over here. They work or they don't 50/50 chance. Non - BABT approved etc usually being the cop out clause

Internal PCI modems are nearly all "software" - they have system specs of P166 & 16meg ram on the box.
They tend to use the HSP, HCF & HAM chipsets, they are all pants for gaming and not too good for browsing .

The old internal ISA'a are mostly "hardware" and external "serial port" are almost certainly hardware.
USB externals are software.

When my old ISA packs in it's off to the shops for an external "hardware" like a US Robotics message modem - or I may have shitey ADSL or even "wireless DSL" by then :cool:

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