Sir Frizz
Why oh why can't i get on to CS? I go through GameSpy servers, get up to the loading screen with the CS blokey stood there. Then some writing comes up and says:
Could not get IPX socket name
IPX disabled (What is this?)
Reason: WSAENOTSTOCK (And this?)
Then some numbers follow (probably IP addresses)
Then it'll say something like failed after 4 retries to connect to some bollox.
Then it connects to something and details of the game come up. Then nothing, just a [.
What happens next? Do i wait for eternity?
Yes, i am fully patched for both CS and HL. No filters are on either.
Could not get IPX socket name
IPX disabled (What is this?)
Reason: WSAENOTSTOCK (And this?)
Then some numbers follow (probably IP addresses)
Then it'll say something like failed after 4 retries to connect to some bollox.
Then it connects to something and details of the game come up. Then nothing, just a [.
What happens next? Do i wait for eternity?
Yes, i am fully patched for both CS and HL. No filters are on either.