Resurrection Service


old.Burgess Prime

I'm a healer. I heal and rezz people. You all know what a healer does.

Healing people is quite fun, because the whole group watches out for you, so that you can watch out for them. It's probably one of the safest jobs, assuming you've got people who can take the aggro off you. I provide a service, and I get XP in return. Everybody's happy.

But here's the thing. I get asked to walk alone across the toughest territories in Midgard to bring the dead back from Valhalla. I'm not a warrior. I'm a Healer. I can just hold my own against one yellow bad guy if I'm lucky. But, since it's my job, I see it as my duty to carry it out, and if someone needs rezzing, I'll usually do my best, depending on circumstances. Now, rezzing someone usually saves them a bit of cash (from their consitution loss that would otherwise be incurred), depending on their level, and the hassle of getting back to pray to their grave and carry on fighting. I effectively put some of that inconvenience on myself by travelling to the dead people. And it can be a lot worse if I die, because I have no one to rezz me, and I'll have to pay to get my constitution back, as well, as travelling back to my grave.

I've never once asked for anything in return, because no other healer ever seems to either, and frankly, I wouldn't feel right asking. But armour and weaponsmiths make money off their trade. How come healers never seem to be offered anything?

Has anyone ever offered a healer something? Have any healers ever recieved anything for rezzing someone? Just curious, really. Not ranting.


I think it's only fair to offer a resser a couple of gems if they have made an effort to help you. Especially if they have just trekked across Salisbury to find you.


My opinion is you have absolutely no duty to res anyone outside of your group, whether that be in PvE or RvR. Res who you want, where you want and when you want. Heal who you want, buff who you want. Play your character on your own terms. If anyone trys to tell you any different them them to sod off.

By all means pre-charge for res, or post-charge, or make a subtle suggestion that any donation will be welcome or never charge at all. This is a roleplaying game, do what you want (just don't expect to always be universally popular) and don't let anyone tell you what YOU should do or how YOU should do it (within the accepted rules of course). Its YOUR character after all......

Them tight arse Middys never offered me a bean for all the ressing I did in 46 levels.... j/k :p


Tell you what mate... I'll offer you gold NOT to res Middies when they come into the Hib frontier :)


If I have asked a cleric/friar etc to come res me, and they have had to come far, or past dangerous mobs, i will give them a couple gold.
If I am in a dungeon and a cleric runs past, or anywhere else and their is a cleric in sight, I will not normally offer them anything, as they were there anyway, and I'll probably end up ressing them back at some point anyway :)


I will often give a healer who rezzes me some gold - usually sort-of based on the amount I'd have to pay to get the Con back. It's only fair if the healer has had to break from XPing himself, and has missed out on some loot too.

If the healer just happens to run past, rezzing me on the way through, or is working within a few yards of me, I might not offer money but just thanks. I'd be a little uncomfortable about being told I had to pay for a rez, though, unless I was calling the healer from some distance away.

I have a healer as an Alt - have the policy of rezzing anyone I see dead, no questions asked and no thanks or money necessary. I figure that the point of the game is to XP as fast as possible so us Middies can go out and kick Alb/Hibby butt, and by rezzing someone I am helping them to level, helping the realm to win the war!


Originally posted by Burgess Prime
I've never once asked for anything in return, because no other healer ever seems to either, and frankly, I wouldn't feel right asking. But armour and weaponsmiths make money off their trade. How come healers never seem to be offered anything?

Has anyone ever offered a healer something? Have any healers ever recieved anything for rezzing someone? Just curious, really. Not ranting.

I asked for a rez in the Vendo Caves the other night the healer was down near the spiders, but she came and for her troubles I gave her 2 gold without being asked. In fact I had to run after her trying to get the trade window to open up.


troble at higher levels is the fact that the rezzer prolly has more money than you, or has nothing to spend it on like yourself

if someone rezzes my alt, which is loaded compared to the level, a gold or 2 is usually in order


When I am the resurrectee (that sounds a good word! ;) ), then I always try and ask what I can do for the person who does the rezz. Often, those Rezzing players don't want money, but might benefit from a bit of kit you've got or even more often a hand with something they are doing now. Before now I have given over old weapons to a Cleric, or helped a Healer out on finishing a Quest. And this all seems fair to me - if someone puts themselves out for me, then it seems fair that I put myself out for them. Often they have declined any help at all, of course, which is fair enough. At least I asked and gave them the chance.

I have also played a Cleric and a Shaman, and my policy has been generally to ask for nothing. If I would have to go a long way out of my way to do the rezzing, then I will generaly decline, as I have only a limited playing time. Otherwise, the only time I have accepted anything was when I jumped off a horse to rezz someone I saw dying beside me. In that case, I was offered a fair amount of cash, and accepted 5 silvers to buy a new ticket! :) But I have also been given stuff by people before now - older magic items and bits of armour, for example. I don't turn down this largesse, and it has helped both characters develop quite nicely. I guess that it tends to be in the interests of all Realm mates to get them strong - otherwise they'll never be around when you want them!

All told I have had a very fruitful relationship as resurrector and resurrectee both. Most times these things go really smoothly and amicably. I reckon only a small handful of players cause any real trouble, though maybe rather more sometimes get a bit arsey when the game is stressing them out! ;)


I might be a bit.. weird person, but the feeling I get from helping another individual is enough for me. Most people say "thank you" if they have time. If the people to be rezzed are too far off or in too tough place, I just say no. Everyone has always understood when I've explained that it's just not possibe to come and rezz him/her if he/she is lying under the dragons toenail.

Neither I have no problem with being the "main rezzer" in a group, since I am a bard. /release, quick run, rezz evryone else. Much easier and faster than gathering ppl together again after a group release.


And as some1 wise told me so many seasons ago, mana is free so dont worry.. :)

Rez-o-Matic signing off... ;)


I usually rez when reasonably possible.. Since I spend a lot of time in Malmo (the Midgard epic zone), that is not always possible. (I can take on yellows, but four purple executioners make it nigh impossible for me to get there.. ;)

Money I do not need, nor items for Kel. (He's pretty well stocked, and anything you find is most likely of more use to you than me.). However, I do look for items for my hunter, and most people know that, so I do get some things useful to Tes. =)

Rezzing is a service, not a right, but helping me (or my party) out gets you good points in my book, so I might go that extra mile to help you end your groundhugging, and save you a long run back... =)

Besides, I like Malmo. Guildmates are asking me when I build my house there, and what the dragon thinks of me having moved in. ;)


at the lower lvl's i got quite a few silver 4 every rez i did, especialy in tomtes lair (lvl10-20), after that i havent gotten any. i dont need it either so i dont mind.

what i would need however, in RnR, is that groups i rez that have room 4 me, invite me. it seems like i often end up without a group in RnR, coz ppl mostly want RP machines, and i cant pull my load there, but like said before: rezzing dont give healers rp points. the least ppl u rez could do is 2 invite u if they got room. even a lvl +/-35 can rez a lvl 50 tank, so a larger difference in lvl shouldnt matter...

just some facts and thoughts ;)


It strongly depends on the level ...
When you need a rezz at a lower lvl ... you dont have a lot of coin to spare since weapon and armor upgrades r still xpensive. I dealt out some money and items to friendly rezzers or at least did ask them if I needed anything in return.

Still, I have had rezzers running past me while laying dead (well is a risk when soloing of course) and even the one odd r two just standing next to me while I died only to kill the mob with their group.

Thats why I pushed my chant up to 30 asap to get the pala rezz ability. A whole yellow bar and nothing to do with it till 30, imagine :)

Now, when playing my alt (or bored), I just park my pala in places like Salis Plains or Keltoi to get a rezz when guildmates call for it or to help peeps out just like I was helped when starting my char. Course, it also proves that there r still nice peeps playing and that one bad encounter doesnt mean the whole server is rotten to the bone ;)

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