Restore of items-What i think!!

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One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 21, 2004
OK here's your update (and I apologise for not doing it more often we're a bit on the busy side and we managed to pass some kind of icky bug between us last week so that made it worse)

Of the total number of reports we have received we have made it through roughly half (please note that the first three days were the absolute worst of it and over half came in in that time period)

We are still receiving reports, which logically go to the back of the queue.

Guys I know it sucks and I know you want your stuff back and I know you really don't give a rats tail about those of us here doing the work, but we are doing this as fast as we possibly can and sending hate mail via RightNow really doesn't do anything but delay the process.

That was postet By Zenythe.
This is to all that are working with the "Restoring items" Get more people on or somthing and i think that the other half that now have waitet for more than 3 weeks should get 50% more back than postet or somthing. Its alot of work i can see since only half of all have bin restored but i still dont think that we should wait this long and its getting really annying to wait now.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
balkeriz said:
OK here's your update (and I apologise for not doing it more often we're a bit on the busy side and we managed to pass some kind of icky bug between us last week so that made it worse)

Of the total number of reports we have received we have made it through roughly half (please note that the first three days were the absolute worst of it and over half came in in that time period)

We are still receiving reports, which logically go to the back of the queue.

Guys I know it sucks and I know you want your stuff back and I know you really don't give a rats tail about those of us here doing the work, but we are doing this as fast as we possibly can and sending hate mail via RightNow really doesn't do anything but delay the process.

That was postet By Zenythe.
This is to all that are working with the "Restoring items" Get more people on or somthing and i think that the other half that now have waitet for more than 3 weeks should get 50% more back than postet or somthing. Its alot of work i can see since only half of all have bin restored but i still dont think that we should wait this long and its getting really annying to wait now.

dont think Goa will be doing any more mmorpgs......



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Why? in the years they've been running DAOC they've had surprisingly few screw ups. Especially for a company that's more or less just hosting and doing admin on a game that's really supported in another country. I played UO and Planetside, both of which have had more more small and large problems with servers and accouts. UO - Europa ended up with more or less daily maintenance and up to 1 week rollbacks every so often. The one place GOA has consistently been shit is it's subscription system, not in my opinion on DAOC servers.

Lets face it GOA have made quite a nice amount of cash out of DAOC and it's EU players (as has Mythic).


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 13, 2005
suprised Tilda hasnt stomped on this post yet with his dont slag of GoA lock stick


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
balkeriz said:
and sending hate mail via RightNow really doesn't do anything but delay the process.
Hahahahaha, that crack me up! :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 21, 2004
Zebolt said:
Hahahahaha, that crack me up! :D
Yeah me2. I dont see the points of Hate mails or posts can delay stuff like this. But i think alot of people hate that goa have stripped their chrs 100% after opening prydwen from the very long 14 days offline. The problem is that its more than 85% of all players that lost somthing, and thats is a problem huge problem..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
balkeriz said:
Yeah me2. I dont see the points of Hate mails or posts can delay stuff like this. But i think alot of people hate that goa have stripped their chrs 100% after opening prydwen from the very long 14 days offline. The problem is that its more than 85% of all players that lost somthing, and thats is a problem huge problem..

- It wasn't GOA that stripped the chars it was Mythic after Mythic's database went boom.
- Not all chars were stripped 100% my inf still had her vault just her inventory was gone.
- The server wasn't offline for 14 days it was offline for 12 days.
- More then 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot .. as is yours.

By all means flame GOA but at least get your facts straight thanks.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
suelothvar said:
suprised Tilda hasnt stomped on this post yet with his dont slag of GoA lock stick

Maybe they forgot to pay him :fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
suelothvar said:
suprised Tilda hasnt stomped on this post yet with his dont slag of GoA lock stick

Yea.. he closed one of mine because I posted shit :( Just because I asked goa when they would purchase some equipment that actually worked...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Vladamir said:
Is teh sky falling Shan?

Why does everybody always assume that it will be the sky that's falling... ?

Maybe it's the ground that will rise really quick and we'll all get squished between the ground and the sky?

Ever think of that huh? huh?


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 21, 2004
Shanaia said:
- It wasn't GOA that stripped the chars it was Mythic after Mythic's database went boom.
- Not all chars were stripped 100% my inf still had her vault just her inventory was gone.
- The server wasn't offline for 14 days it was offline for 12 days.
- More then 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot .. as is yours.

By all means flame GOA but at least get your facts straight thanks.
yeah yeah mythic's then but what i wrote, I wrote fast and with no details at all. And i really done care who what or where or anything like that. I jsut want my items back like all other players


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
I don't mind about the wait anymore, other than the fact I've wasted maybe 3-4 months of in game time leveling a warrior to 50, a Sav to 44 and a SM to 47 or so.... And have everything taken... Not to get restored JUST as my subs ran out.. I don't need the items restored (though I'd like to) I'd rather just have my SM at 50 =\ and my Sav epic back, other than that i dont care...



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
balkeriz said:
yeah yeah mythic's then but what i wrote, I wrote fast and with no details at all. And i really done care who what or where or anything like that. I jsut want my items back like all other players

No, the game servers and the DB servers are managed and run by GOA, and it isn't a coding flaw, in fact GOA even translates the game, adds their own quests, some of the database stuff is very different here, etc. just we have some lieing flaming user, who thinks if he lies this way and flames people who aren't happy might get him/her good points at GOA. And thinks he/she knows it all.

It was GOA who decided to reboot the server without checking db integrity. It was GOA who doesn't check DB integrity often. etc. And I think they take responsibility for it, and working hard to compensate. If morons say it isn't their stuff, then it just make things worse, and result in more flaming. And the next problem can be blamed on them. After all it is their lies that stop dsicussion of the problem. It is their flaming and lies that stop any improvement. They are happy with the problem, so GOA won't think, they need to check daily database backups, and if see integrity problem act before problem is spreading, etc. It is their flaming that makes it impossible for GOA to find any way to fix item restoration policy. They can't follow the "we replace everything lost on our side, and we don't replace anything else" policy, and if destructive people makes sure we can't recommend any changes to GOA, it won't be implemented.

Who loses in the end?
They lose a lot of respect.
The consequences of their actions make GOA loses customers
The game can lose players
All affacted by current and future bugs (client and server side) will lose stuff even if it isn't neccessary.

Only because 3-4 fanbois, who think it is OK to lie this way and it will get them favors.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

You want to sit back and reread what you just wrote... Take your time I'll gladly accept your apology when you're done.

You are seriously seriously detached from reality here.

You're saying that because of "lieing fanbois" GOA can't do their job. What planet are you from and what have you been smoking tonight?

I felt sorry for you so far but this time you have seriously gone to far... I can't even begin to think how out of contact with reality you are if you think that that list of things is the result of anybodies actions on a forum.

Oh and please. Do tell me where I lied as well.

All the info I've given is straight from posts made by the GM's either on this board or on the internal GOA forums.

I know you prefer your world where everything is either black or white... Although reading your latest brainfart I'd say you will probably see more white then black ... as padded rooms are usually white and the men who should put you there wear white coats.

Oh and "3 or 4"? I'll gladly dig up that post where I summarized how about 8 people basicly tell you they skip all your posts because they are so full of crap ... Keep them on stock and you can blame world hunger on them next week!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Like you read Mythic running GOA server and their tech staff doing the maintenance? If you coaught with a so blatant lie, maybe say sorry for flaming people. But of course, you mention an uncheckable source to "support" your lies.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Shanaia said:
- It wasn't GOA that stripped the chars it was Mythic after Mythic's database went boom.
By all means flame GOA but at least get your facts straight thanks.

/agree with most of your post but can 100% verify that it was not GOA's hardware/implimentation that caused the failure (bad disk) that caused corruptions? I am slightly mystified how Mythic's DB has been fine on countless other servers for so long?

Just something that has been bugging me about the whole sorry episode.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Hawkwind: The database is ran and maintained by GOA. GOA is responsible for checking it, mythic has no control over what they do with it, and it is a problem isolated to one server. The real problem, they noticed bugs, haven't checked db integrity, bugs spread, they rebooted server, haven't checked db integrity, next day it was even worse. No way to blame anyone but GOA for it.

They run the servers. They are responsible for how to maintain them.

I don't blame GOA for the initial bug, don't blame Mythic for that either. There are loads of bugs, that can happen, DAOC is a very complex thing, and even the best drives, controllers have some chance for fault, no way to prevent itfrom hardware. No way to prevent software problems either.

The problem is: Days went without GOA noticing the problem, and one problem in the database (or filesystem) can lead to other, then it spreads.

To further define the problem: Countless times people report bugs, when they stuck, when it is pathing bugs, when it is item duplication, when it is ID bugs. There are also reports when a wrong item is displayed and people lost items because of it, and there are much more. We all know it.

As a very complex software with many many connections, bugs happen, and we have to accept them. But it doesn't mean, they shouldn't be investigated. That database shouldn't be checked.

We get the service we request. If we say, it is OK not to check a bug till it creates a huge crash, and flame all who wants bugs investigated, db checked, GOA will see, the most loud customers want things this way. Would you check databases as night, if your customers don't want it? Would you find patterns and alarming problems when bug discussions turn into flame thread by kids who don't want to speak about bugs, because all is perfect for them? No, you wouldn't. And problems get bigger.

Corran said, it isn't economically feasible for GOA to improve service. While it is easy to fix several problems, they won't do it. Not here, not on less problematic flash, not anywhere. Customers are happy with the problems, why would you solve them? Your money don't depend on it. And you can decide who is responsible for it. People who flame when people report bug, people who flame when people try to find connection between problems, people who flame, flame, flame, and think it will protect GOA. In fact it only kills their feedback, makes it harder to have a good bug handling policy. And it makes more problems happen.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Good points and well argued.

As previously stated it mystified me that people were defending GOA over the cause of the bug. If I were to build a huge DB of every item in my sad little world and not look after it very well. Who would I blame when it finally all goes to crap. MS for the original core product or me for not making regular backups and ensuring the integrity of the data within it?

Having worked for over 15 years with companies from a certain European country that will remain nameless (might possibly get passed the Flim filter ;) ). I have to say I am left totally unimpressed with their expertise and worth ethic. I am not talking about one organisation but many companies from that same country. I am not a racist when it comes to people from there. The company I work for has two offices there to which I travel regularly. Very nice people in general. That however, does not affect my general feeling.

Mythic made a bad choice with the licence. They chose the easy option and farmed the work out. Thus avoiding the capital expenditure of setting up the offices and servers. Bad move imo. No one cares more about your product than you.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Have to agree. What kinda company would run this large a DB, without making daily backups? :eek7:
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