


There's a common misconception kicking around that the crapper resses cost less mana...

(well, a few clerics in the battleground weren't using their best ress until I pointed this out to them, so I'm guessing some people don't know this)

A ress costs:

50% of your mana for an even level con.
25% of your mana for someone <half your level.
100% of your mana for someone your level *1.5

So at lvl 40 you can ress lvl 40 people for 50% of your mana bar.
level 20 and below are 25% (inbetween is somewhere between that)
or someone lvl 60 for 100% of your mana (if you could find someone like that).


If you use crappy-base-level-ten-ress it costs exactly the same
as the i-specced-rejuv-out-my-eyeballs ress.
The only thing that changes is the casting time (which can sometimes be an issue).

So please, use your best ress possible.

(Side note: this means that piety is utterly useless for paladins... it improves your mana pool. Ress costs percentage so if you have 100 mana or 200 it doesn't matter.. it'll still halve it. The only thing paladins spend their mana on is their personal AF shield, which costs 30 mana at the highest level. Ditch the piety boosting stuff for anything else :) I'm sure being able to cast twenty AF shields in a row instead of nineteen won't be missed much)


Big Rezzes for all !!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Unless you piss me off :p


What Fin says is of course true.

However, selecting the which rez to use is still a non-trivial decision.

Give or take a few tenths of seconds, each rez takes 3 seconds longer to cast than the previous.

So, a cleric on rezzing duty, but using the base rez could rez one guy, then rez another, then have a spare 3 seconds in which to sit down and enjoy a well earned a cup of tea, while her colleague is still completing their first rez with the spec 24 rez (50%) spell.

That said, I almost always use the big rez because...

1) Picking people up in the middle of a battle with 10% HP is a little pointless.

2) Rezzing outside of battle is not done under any real time pressure.

Some groups often like pallies to rez so that the cleric can conserve mana for heals. I tend to find this a little specious - since if a pally rezzes a group member, said group memeber will not unreasonably expect to be healed by the group cleric pretty sharpish. However, healing from 10% to 100% will cost almost as much mana as the rez itself, plus it will take longer and have the pally out of action for the period of time involved in rezzing.

Still, each to their own.


Arindra <Shadowlords Society> (lvl 47 rejuv cleric)


100 percent?

Ummm dont think it can be 100 percent of your mana for a higher lev player? I frequently res Orange con players and although it uses more than half my mana it doesnt use all of it. Could it be 75 percent or 80 percent perhaps?

edit - ahhh silly me didnt read post properly, Id have to res a level 66 player to lose all the mana.


The reason I'll use differant a differant rez for differant people is nothing to do with the mana cost but more to do with the casting time.

PvE there's often no point doing a big rez on a tank that dies mid fight cause they don't really need and hp as rez sickness means they're not going to be getting any agro so a small rez gets them back and hitting and gets you back ready to heal if needed quicker. Had plenty of times when people have nearly died while I was waving my arms about trying to do the 50% rez :(

Save the big rez for a caster/cleric and give the tanks a quicker one unless time isn't an issue (no agro end of an RvR battle etc...)


oi for gods sake, rez casters with your bigggggggest rezz..I mean really, it takes the same power and a bit more time, but you giveing us even a little hp and power saves us about 4 min. wich means I can mezz that nasty little troll on his way to bash your pretty chain coif!


Ditch the piety boosting stuff for anything else

Think that every paladin in his or her long career stops at a certain moment wondering why the hf*ck the Piety stat increases. Doesn't affect spells, can't rezz more, ...

But face it, lots of Paladin stuff and drops still have piety bonus next to the other enhancements. I'm over a 110 on the stupid thing. And seen the fact that we spend so many skills on chants, an improved pally rezz would be a fine reward for it (but I'm just dreaming away now :( )

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