


Yeah this is very interesting. I guess you could spec your char such that at low lvls when soloing is realy viable you will be uber soloer, then respec into the less glamourous but more group freindly lines later.

I can see assasins having a field day with this, as they will no longer need to basically gimp themselves for 40 or so lvls just to get a useful RvR template.


Fine if they chose to do it, but they wont be able to respond to any future changes in the assasin class.


Cool, I don't need to start a new character to change to being a crush Merc :)


That is just great I have to say =) Then I can make the changes I have been wanting to do. But then, the question is when this will be implemented in the euro version :rolleyes:


what i have to say is oooh :) ill have to get a few slashes to try :) Then when it comes over (ages away) i can try a sword-shade and see if it does any better than the pierce shade :)

i think this is all in all a very good thing :) on my druid for example i would be able to spec nature\regrowth, then at 25 clear nature and respec some in nurture some in nature, then at 40 respec again without the nature (if i wanted to)

just an example :)


I'm totally in favour from a gameplay point of view, will make a lot or people happy (including me, can get rid of those wasted 10 levels of Blades on my bard finally).

From a role-playing point of view you can *sort-of* justify it too - take my bard for instance. In his early days he relied upon his blade and shield to gain experience on his own but as he matured and found others who were willing to adventure with him he relied more and more on his musical and magic abilities and gradually, over time, his skill with the blade became rusty with disuse, like the blade itself...


I agree with it for the people that specced badly - they didn't go to catacombs to plan out their character in every minute detail... or they did and specced in one line because they thought it was Uber ...

I'm not so sure I like the 'rejuv cleric? no! smite cleric now!' aspect of it - i.e. people using it to level fast then change to something better for RvR

(being a merc and all there ain't no way I can go better for PvE or RvR :) I deal damage and then I get mezzed)

Spose I could change to thrust merc for the armour-piercing stuff - which does make me better in RvR ... but I'm gonna go crush at lvl 25 (or whenever this comes onto the euro servers... I know people say it'll be ages - but you ain't seen how slow I gain xp :p)


unless u played alot of beta or us servers, your first player will always be a bit screwed,

so this is a great move :p




Ambient Sounds

In order to combat the "empty" sound in the game when you are not involved in combat, we're taking steps to add many new ambient sounds and make them tie more directly into the landscape.


All sounds great, I can't wait for the changes...

Pity we'll probably have to wait until early 2003 to see them in Euro :p


Originally posted by Spiritwolf
All sounds great, I can't wait for the changes...

Pity we'll probably have to wait until early 2003 to see them in Euro :p

Wow that soon! :eek:)


Originally posted by fatgit

Level 25 & 40 you will be able to 0 ONE line and respec it. Thoughts ?

I can see that ungimping a char will be nice, but its waaaaay open to abuse :/
Sure is it great in the sense that a spec you thought was a good idea was in fact bad as you level....
But as you said fatgit, it is open to abuse, big time... imagine all the people changing your specs according to what is suitable at a current level, and not the fact that your char is gimped.


That's exactly what will happen. With these repec-options, scouts and assasins have it far easier to ignore stealth for the first levels and instead pump their melee-skills for example. While some classes like true fighters will never really benefit from this (almost impossible to gimp an armsman or merc, unless you cant decide on which weapon-type to spec in), others will make huge profit.
On the other hand it's nice for casters so they can check out different spell-lines, but here you will have the same thing: Lvl 1-25 you go for solo-spells and DD nuke, later you change the line to the best AOE nuke. All in all this will still make life easier for those who keep themselves informed and check their character-planning in advance – just as it is now.
I am not sure if I am supposed to like it. It will sure make leveling easier for those in the know. But that counts for all realms, so no big deal really. Still, it favours some classes, while the pure fighters gain nothing from it.


as an assasian (at least ns) from what ive seen its best to ignore stealth greatly for a few levels anyway to get your base damage up, it won't help an assasian really that much other than if you wanted to test a different weapon type (as i do) :)


Yes, but you dont have to save points till later and can fully go for other skills. As a scout for example you could spec shield quite high, then completely drop it after 25 and put the points back into stealth. But I agree that assassins have not enough skill points anyway :) But still the casters wil love this I dare say.


well, I have the patience of a thing with very small amounts of patience, and my 3 attempts at rolling a sb in middy have resulted in me deleting them all. The problem for me was the stealth/critstrike/weap/envenom puzzle. Truly the assassin is a bitch to spec. The last spec I tried was axe, left axe, and some into crit. Let stealth auto and leave envenom be. I sucked soloing as a result, and groups don't really want to hear how I was specced b4 they turned be down for yet another thane. Had I had the option to spec early and heavily into envenom, I am sure that I could have soloed as well as almost any other class. I could have then chosen to respec away from envenom into CS and Stealth when RvR beckoned.

Clearly for those classes that are challenging to spec ( basically classes with several lines), respeccing means options, options, options. For dullass classes with 3 lines, respeccing is a mere curiousity.


Cool this means that all the points I have put in to stealth being a minstrel I can get back

Now only 16 lvl's to go DOH !



I didn't spec stealth until level 36 and have it at 39 now with items at 40,0. If you want to try soloing an assasin all the way up to this level its going to be bloody hard if you don't group, even with the possibility to ignore stealth and then respec. It's also very very dull, to a group its not going to make a huge amount of difference.

I can see why people might object from maybe clerics going from rejuv/enhance to smite etc, but then when changes come (they're were trying to slow down rvr to allow melee classes a better play etc) and healing becomes more important they may not be able to respec back into any rejuv.


Excellent, now one day my cleric can get rid of the wasted extra point in enhancments that totally screwed up her spec plan and put it to good use. Me happy.


I didn't think they'd ever actually do it but I think it's great that they're willing to sacrifice a bit of the game state to make players happy. As others have said on here, a lot of people, especially those who started playing early on the USA version, couldn't possibly have known how spec lines would have turned out far down the line. I'm tempted to reactive my USA wizard account to have a play once this goes in as I messed up my spec by spending, what looked then, to be free points into a secondary line a month or so before they added a lvl 50 bolt to the primary.


Humbug! I know some of you have some evil respeccing thoughts in mind, grr!
Oh well.... we are a long way from his patch :D

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