Respeccing Gimpy Armsman



Ok well I've waited a very long time for this to happen but very soon I can respec. Now I've studied some of the US boards what they think a good specc would be for an armsman. The following 2 came out of the big pile:

50 Polearm
42 Shield
39 Slash/Thrust/Crush
rest parry


44 Polearm
42 Shield
39 Slash/Thrust/Crush
rest parry

As we all know I can only try 1 on Gorre. So I'm wondering what would be the best specc to use. Some already have the 2nd specc I think maybe they could say if they love it or if they would change it? :)

So I do know how to respec and which ones are good, but now I just wanna know what others think or have experienced already :)

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Khalen

As we all know I can only try 1 on Gorre. So I'm wondering what would be the best specc to use. Some already have the 2nd specc I think maybe they could say if they love it or if they would change it? :)

Can you not do a full respecc to template 1, try it out and then do a line respecc taking the 50 levels out off Pole then putting 44 back and the rest into parry ? Those 2 templates are very similar 50 42 39 would equal zero points in parry though i think. Wheras 44 42 39 would give you 24 parry.

Personally I cant make up my mind yet weteher to have 50 pole 7 shield 44 thrust and rest parryor 44 pole 42 shield 39 thrust and rest parry. I so seldom use shield and would love to have the 50 chain.


The second template is the one i currently have, and works well for me.
Will be respeccing tho, I don't really think all the much of parry and will be respecing to 44 pole/44 thrust/ 42 shield/ 13 parry when the chance comes giving me the ability to do a bit more damage with 1 handed and less varience with polearm.


heheh im not going to get into this argument again.

Madonion Slicer

Oh what to do what to do, currently Madonion is a S+S Armsmen with 41Slash 35Shield and parry, left over xbow do i take they leap into the Polearm or stick it out with Shield and Sword??

I know you cant really answer this for me but you experiance with Polearms will be welcome.


50 shield
50 slash
Rest Parry

= RA defensive, mastery of blocking III-IIII, aug con + thoughness.


44 Polearm
42 Shield
39 Slash/Thrust/Crush
rest parry

looks like a really nice spec. but choices choices on the damage type! ;) not as simple as crush any more :)


I'd go for the second template :-0

Altough i am going to respec to 50 slash,50 shield,rest parry.

Pve all the way :)

Bleri McThrust

Re: Re: Respeccing Gimpy Armsman

Originally posted by Bleri McThrust

Can you not do a full respecc to template 1, try it out and then do a line respecc taking the 50 levels out off Pole then putting 44 back and the rest into parry ?

In answer to my own question NO


true, if u do /full u will loose /line respec


1.53 will hit us at some point = tanks will most likely have max
slash and trust.

Crush seems out.

Trust seems nice, but worse s&b styles. But neutral against most
hibs and good against mid chains.

People have high slash resist now, but will even in 1.53. Also
hero's and bezerkers are weak to slash, and a lot of these
are made.

I would chose slash as a good allround alternative.
Weak against skalds and healers, but better s&b styles.

And the hybrid 44/39/42 rest parry do look quite good.
I think thats also how most heros spec. The best from
2handed and s&b, at the cost of a little top damage.
Also soon 9-0 will be implemented on quickbar making this
allround spec easier to use.


Well I've tried the one with 50 now and the 50 style sucks bad... Phalanx is the first move to do before Aegis but it does the same damage :( so it's not worth it. I do however love the slam and the Rage + Revenge combo :)

So I will go 44 pole specc way :) and I had only 6 parry on gorre but I still parried nice... weird :\


u can raise parry with RA's u can't raise ur min/avg base dmg.

44dmg 44pole 42shield 13parry 4xbow!!1 (0 left over)


Strange that you didnt notice more damage with Defenders Aegis - it seems to give far more damage than Phalanx for me.

Considered trying the second spec you listed on Gorre, but in the end went with a tidied-up version of what I have now (50 pole, 44 slash, 7 shield, rest parry)

Works well enough to keep me happy :)


The L50 Polearm style is definately not worth it, could have told you that from start, the reason to spec Polearm to 50 is to without reservation know your (cap) is as high as it can be, how much actual difference after RR, items there is.. overspeccing to 55 or to 60... I do not know. Same goes for melee spec. Since you are only looking to regulate variation I would believe that 36 + items/RR to 50 would suffice. I would most certainly not take it to 44 with Polearm points.

Advice to you is to respec full on gorre (duh), make sure you are stocked up on polearm items and then slowly raise your spec, go test, raise a few more points, go test again, switching the polearm items on and off for each test.

For instance you spec to 39 Polearm 36 Slash
test with items, test without items
increase to 44/36
test w/wo
increase to 44/39
test w/wo
increase to 50/39 OR 44/44
test w/wo
increase to 50/44
test w/wo.

Bit annoying to do, slight risk of hollowing out the results by doing too brief tests, but it will allow you with slight exceptions try your damage for your different specs. See how much overspeccing actually gets you.


heh, since i respecced from crush to thrust i got thrust auto trained, on a 44 polearm/ 44 thrust/ 42 shiel/ 19 parry now (3 bow aswell).
Didnt notice much difference in damage, cept I dont get a nice bonus vs scale no more :(.


Tigerius: Take a look at how many +polearm items there that anyone has access to and would want to use at 50 - basically none.

In terms of how high to spec polearm 44 gives you the defenders revenge style - stun. Nice for duels, how much use it is in a more normal situation is debatable.

50 gives what Ive found to be a useful style. Phalanx on anyone attempting to run followed by Defenders Aegis with a nice movement reduction just incase it didnt do enough damage to kill them outright.

I dont expect anyone to agree with my spec, but itll keep me happy. For now I dont expect to be using my respec on Excal.


lvl 50 pole not worth it..nuff said spend points in parry instead


+4 or +5 from the weapon itself and +2 for the DF jewel. Not items you wish to use on the live server always but that isn't the point really, the point is more to simulate how different specs perform under different RRs. I'm still very much concerned about the benefits of overspeccing, if there are any beyond 8 points higher damage cap or whatever.


Originally posted by K0nah
u can raise parry with RA's u can't raise ur min/avg base dmg.

44dmg 44pole 42shield 13parry 4xbow!!1 (0 left over)

aug strength :)

I'm a parry-glutton
44 slash 50 dual 37 parry :)


Originally posted by Treniel-
lvl 50 pole not worth it..nuff said spend points in parry instead

I'd disagree :)

max damage...

and revenge/rage, strafe, phalanx/aegis :) (easy to do after 1.54)


but you do suffer in your defence

Madonion Slicer

After playing on Gorre last night i am going with my 50Slash and 50 shield, playing last night with 41Slash and 41Shield i was amazed at my blocking and damage, had duels with orange and few red cons and did very well indeed, did not lose once against any yellow con of any class and won most orange.

I beat Red Con bard named Keri, i know bard v tank is probably not a good example but she was red and to me that cant be bad

And most of these duels where won due to block over half the attacks, so i might not be a huge damage dealer but in melee i am a tough bugger to kill.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
I'm a parry-glutton 44 slash 50 dual 37 parry :)

What happened to that "uber" 40/50/40 template? :p

+12 Str for 4 points or +12 Parry for the same cost, hmm tricky... :rolleyes:


Originally posted by K0nah

What happened to that "uber" 40/50/40 template? :p

+12 Str for 4 points or +12 Parry for the same cost, hmm tricky... :rolleyes:

ahh but I'll be getting the +12 parry too :)

note: I always pointed out my 40/50/40 template was gimp. I claim the same for my 44/50/37 :)

Are you keeping your "uber" dual-damage spec? (which you obviously thought was shit-hot (or embarassing) as you've never actually told anyone what it is :))


I vote we kidnap him and torture him for it :/
I want that spec dammit! :p
Still agonising over thrust or slash for my PvP merc, need to take my borrowed merc into mass RvR a bit and see how easy all the positionals are to pull off. After playing slash minstrel, i'm 100% used to just spamming amethyst slash :)

Speaking of which, do we have "/stylecancel off" yet?

Another question: how come there aren't more people respeccing to 42shield/50slash/40parry? Pure defensive template surely would be real nice with the parry/block fixes? Especially all you types that are in proper organised RvR groups 99% of the time, and can thus count on at least a yellow dex buff...


Originally posted by Tigerius
+4 or +5 from the weapon itself and +2 for the DF jewel. Not items you wish to use on the live server always but that isn't the point really, the point is more to simulate how different specs perform under different RRs. I'm still very much concerned about the benefits of overspeccing, if there are any beyond 8 points higher damage cap or whatever.

If the DF jewel your referring to is the Accursed Jewel of Arms it doesnt have +polearm (its +2 slash/crush/thrust/2handed). The only non-weapon in DF with +polearm is plate gloves (AF92).

Sure you could conduct some tests with and without those gloves if youve a pair handy (or can access DF on Gorre) but Im not convinced +2 would be enough for a worthwhile test.

Otherwise your hunting for a pair of weapons with the same speed/quality differing in stats only. Ive a fair selection of polearms vaulted, but cant think of a pair that would be useful for these purposes.

Im happy enough with my spec as it stands, if someone else requires any slash polearms for testing on Gorre let me know.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Are you keeping your "uber" dual-damage spec? (which you obviously thought was shit-hot (or embarassing) as you've never actually told anyone what it is :))

yes im keeping it and have fun hitting mids in chain for -41% with both hands wont u.. ;)


Originally posted by Khalen
Well I've tried the one with 50 now and the 50 style sucks bad... Phalanx is the first move to do before Aegis but it does the same damage :( so it's not worth it. I do however love the slam and the Rage + Revenge combo :)

So I will go 44 pole specc way :) and I had only 6 parry on gorre but I still parried nice... weird :\

can't slam + rage + revenge i'm afraid, however if it was possible it would just rock :) , guess you are stuck to slam, phalanx, phalanx, rage, revenge (or rage again) if he used IP or something.

patchday tomorrow, will keep my awake all night wondering what I should respec too :)


Mythic designed it so :

Dualwielders have advantage against s&b, since they get
nice bonus agaisnt shield and parry.

S&b have advantage against 2handed, since the increased blockrate in 1.53 will leave the 2hander dry of end..

2handed has advantage against dualwielders, since he has
little defense agaisnt those massiv blows.

Why the hybrid spec is so popular, and it also gives 2 long
duration stun moves.

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