


Is this meant as a one time opportunity or as a redoable action so you can try out different combinations of skills?
Just a thought I got yesterday :)


A normal "respec" is a one-time chance to take all the points out of ONE skill and then put them wherever you want them (including putting some or all of them back into the skill you just reset, if you want). Starting in version 1.52, all characters will earn one "respec" at level 20 and a second one at level 40. They have to be used right away, or at least before you reach the next level (21 or 41).

In addition, any character created BEFORE the 1.52 patch goes live will get a free, one-time "respec" to ALL their skills. They can set all their skills to 1, recover all the points, and then put them back however they want. Any character created AFTER 1.52 will not get this chance. Also, you have to use it within 2 trains of the patch - that is, if you are level 35 when the 1.52 patch arrives, and you get to level 37 without using your full respec, you lose it (although you will still have your level 40 1-skill respec to use when you get there). It's a one time only thing, you don't get test different combinations and keep starting over to see which one you like best. :p


Close but no banana :)

Respecs are there to de-gimp yourself... not to try out different things:

All old characters no matter what level get a FULL RESPEC after 1.52.
Once only... you can nuke all your skills and retrain.
This is meant so you can change your character after all the changes since you created it and 1.52.

This must be used before you gain your second level. Alrindel's example here works: level 35 when 1.52 arrives, you ding 37 and like that "whoosh" it's gone.

All new characters reaching level 20 get a SINGLE LINE respec. This means you can take all those points out of fire and put them in ice. or whatever.

This has a ONE LEVEL LIMIT! - ding 21 and bang it's gone.

You get a second one of these SINGLE LINE at level 40 (again, ding 41 and it's gone).

Also note: if you're level 19 and still have the FULL RESPEC then ding 20, you don't get the single respec. You only ever have one respec available.

I'll recap:
old character: full respec available for this level and the next.

ding level 20: as long as you've spent your full respec, you get to respec a single line this level.

ding level 40: as long as you've spent your full respec, you get to respec a single line this level.

And also for anyone confusing this with realm abilities.


Full explanation in the us patch notes:


basically, it means you can go the easy way of life with your class, and then respec to the the most viable RvR template there is

I plan on getting 42 shield when it comes


I'll throw in an example...

Jimmy the level 19 Sorceror,
Billy the level 39 Berzerker

two months time, patch 1.52 comes in.

Jimmy has a full respec available when he logs in.
He goes out xping, dings 20.

He still has one full respec, so does not get the single line.
He dings 21 and loses his full respec. He didn't mind - as his spec was what he wanted it to be anyway.

Billy is level 39 and really really regrets speccing both axe and sword... he respecs fully and makes himself completely axe. Full respec gone.

He then dings 40 and gets his single line. He's been convinced by his fellow thanes that hammer is the way to go, so he zeroes his axe line, and trains in hammer.

If he waited till he was level 41 he'd no longer have a single line respec to use.


Well thx alot :) most useful info, I just got a bit confused if it where a oneshot or you could keep doing it :)


Be really careful when you do it.

You wouldn't believe how many people fooked it up on Percival server I used to play on. Every 5 minutes someone would be whining in alliance about how they gimped themselves.

And there we even had a test server to copy chars to so we could test out the respec before the real thing.


Hmm, how did the people screw it up? I know I read some stuff (warnings) saying that be very carfeul when doing it since the CS people will not help you afterwards.
Anyway, I didn't remember a full respec and think it sounds great :)
I can gimp, screw up or whatever and then when the patch hits us I am perfect. Hehe...
My scout will be getting most changes :rolleyes:


RESPEC is there to give us more clones to be honest.... if you know what you are doing you wont gimp your class :)


I reckon you should get a respec every X realm ranks to make up for the wasted +points... what do you think?

old.Trine Aquavit

The best way to approach the re-spec si to work out exactly what you want to do before you do it. The best way to do this (that I know of) is to use the DAOC Catacombs Character Builder.

The only thing to be wary of is that this builder doesn't include the extra 25 spec points I believe you get at 50.5. So you should have 25 more spec points to use for a full level 50 template.

Please correct me if I'm wrong on the above statement - I read it somewhere ages ago and it may be incorrect.

Brannor McThife

Respec and auto-training...

Scenario (a):
Warrior at L46 (me :) ) does a full respec. Gets all those nice auto-train points from sword and hammer to use elsewhere.

Scenario (b):
Infiltrator at L47.99 does a full respect and then groups with some friends to kill one or two mobs to level him. Trainer goes "ooh! ooh! You're in need of some auto-training stealth" and trains your stealth to X for free. You can then spec accordingly with what points you have for 48 levels.

Thoughts? Possible?


[PS, these will be tested on Gorre... ;) ]


From what I last heard, there is a HUGE question mark on how the auto-train works as far as respec is concerned. Some feared it would even be lost. I haven't looked at the US forums since the respec ability has been opened on the test server though.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Respec and auto-training...

Scenario (a):
Warrior at L46 (me :) ) does a full respec. Gets all those nice auto-train points from sword and hammer to use elsewhere.
Nope, You do a full respec, and immediately, your trainer says 'ooooo you need axe/sword/hammer' and puts your points straight back in. However, if you had auto-trained ALL three weapon lines, you would then have bonus points to spend elsewhere.
Scenario (b):
Infiltrator at L47.99 does a full respect and then groups with some friends to kill one or two mobs to level him. Trainer goes "ooh! ooh! You're in need of some auto-training stealth" and trains your stealth to X for free. You can then spec accordingly with what points you have for 48 levels.
Again, as soon as you respec, your trainer thinks 'oo need stealth and puts the points in.


Brannor McThife

These points he puts back in? They come from your "pool"? Or do you get them free?

So at Axe 45, Shield 36, Pary 37, Sword and Hammer auto'd.

When I respect it'll take points that I have remaining, and assign them FOR me? so Axe 10, Sword 10, Hammer 10? Kind of thing?

How do you know this Vell? <- Genuine curriosity.



Have read posts on this... autotrain hurts :)

If you're a mercenary (autotrains slash and thrust) who specced in slash/parry/dual wield (like me for example)

You hit respec... you get back all your parry points, all your dual wield points...

however you only get back most of your slash points - it stays at 12 (even though I paid for 1-12 the first time round)

If I respec to thrust I lose nothing - I've gained the 77 free points in there...

if I respsec to crush I've lost 77 spec points :( (2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12).

If I was a crush merc respeccing to slash I'd have gained those 77 points.

Basically if you move from an autotrained line to a non-autotrained line you lose 77 points.

Brannor McThife

Ouch, yes, that is true...hmm, would be something to add to testing on Gorre. That does seem a bit unfair, HOWEVER, if you do plan on respec'ing to a non-auto line when you've trained in an auto line, I would suggest speaking to GOA...<wanders off to bug someone>...



It's a bit naff...

there were three ways to solve it:

Give everyone all their points, remove autotraining. Annoy the infiltrators etc. that autotrained stealth.

Give everyone all their points, keep in autotraining. Rewards the old characters, penalises the new ones. Also annoys the autotrainers a little bit because they lost their 'edge' that they gained by painstakingly gimping their character till a high level.

Current way. Annoy everyone who moves from autotrained line to non-autotrained.


You could however go to Gorre when 1.52 is in testing (that's the respec patch) and try out a wierd combination there. Of course you can only respec once there too, but once on test, once on live...
just an idea ;D

Also, fingoniel... i agree that's a bit crap, but bear in mind Mythic intended autotraining as a way to avoid gimping your character. (lol @ 12slash by lvl50 'ungimping' a merc) My point being that if you've used it as a means of getting free points (like i did) then you don't really have a grounds to complain...


old.LandShark: yes we could, except Gorre never changes to Prydwen database :(


It's not the people that used it as a way to get extra points that are being hurt :)

It's the people that don't want to use the autotrained lines... if you trained in slash (like a good merc) and you want to use crush... you get penalised...


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

How do you know this Vell? <- Genuine curriosity.


You mean you haven't figured it out yet? I know everything, because I know everything. If I didn't know everything, then I wouldn't, but I do know everything, so I do.

Brannor McThife

Nah, if you knew everything, then you'd know I play in Hib/Pryd as well...




Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Nah, if you knew everything, then you'd know I play in Hib/Pryd as well...



For some reason i wouldnt be surprised ;)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by ivan_tribbiani
For some reason i wouldnt be surprised ;)
I would actually expect more outrage... :p



best way to solve the autotrain issue, imho:

Save info about the char, and how it was specced every level. The game would then know what points you yourself allocated, and which points was there from autotrain.

/respec could then successfully remove the points YOU spend, and leave the correctly specced Autotrains.

this way, noone could abuse the system and gain points, and noone would lose any.

Problem solved

(i imagine this would require some code, tho :p )


shame the opportunity to save it all is gone :)

since all these characters are already there at their spec levels now...

and new characters don't get the full respec anyway...

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