Hello there, wondering if you could offer your (hopefully constructive-criticism-like) comments on a possible respec of sade to 44 crush instead of slash.
Know there are few crush/pallas around, but myself and others feeling abit put of by the post-patch damage changes with the new damage tables.
Have been seriously considering a change for some time, being a palla i know my role in the force/zerg/borg. RvR seems to be changing for the better within albion, and the casters/healers/mezzers of the other realms are now being targeted alot faster. Post patch i was quite dissapointed with the new resist ables, and my damage dealing took a sharp turn for the worse.
The reality of the rvr is to get stuck in, and interup enemy casters/healers as fast as bloody possibe. One thing we paladins pride ourselves on with our new fandangled aggro-sell.
Could have a finaly template for 44 Crush/42Shield/44Chants/10 or so in parry, and wondered if you could offer your thoughts, and experience with crush weapons in the past.
Thank you for your help, Sade
Know there are few crush/pallas around, but myself and others feeling abit put of by the post-patch damage changes with the new damage tables.
Have been seriously considering a change for some time, being a palla i know my role in the force/zerg/borg. RvR seems to be changing for the better within albion, and the casters/healers/mezzers of the other realms are now being targeted alot faster. Post patch i was quite dissapointed with the new resist ables, and my damage dealing took a sharp turn for the worse.
The reality of the rvr is to get stuck in, and interup enemy casters/healers as fast as bloody possibe. One thing we paladins pride ourselves on with our new fandangled aggro-sell.
Could have a finaly template for 44 Crush/42Shield/44Chants/10 or so in parry, and wondered if you could offer your thoughts, and experience with crush weapons in the past.
Thank you for your help, Sade