Respec To Crush...



Hello there, wondering if you could offer your (hopefully constructive-criticism-like) comments on a possible respec of sade to 44 crush instead of slash.

Know there are few crush/pallas around, but myself and others feeling abit put of by the post-patch damage changes with the new damage tables.

Have been seriously considering a change for some time, being a palla i know my role in the force/zerg/borg. RvR seems to be changing for the better within albion, and the casters/healers/mezzers of the other realms are now being targeted alot faster. Post patch i was quite dissapointed with the new resist ables, and my damage dealing took a sharp turn for the worse.

The reality of the rvr is to get stuck in, and interup enemy casters/healers as fast as bloody possibe. One thing we paladins pride ourselves on with our new fandangled aggro-sell.

Could have a finaly template for 44 Crush/42Shield/44Chants/10 or so in parry, and wondered if you could offer your thoughts, and experience with crush weapons in the past.

Thank you for your help, Sade


tbh crush is bad for alb it is neutral to chain neg to scale. Where as slash is neg to chain bonus to scale. I would stay with slash ;p I respecced my arms to thrust, but thrust aint really v goodfor a pala since you have low dex.


First of all i would say skip those 10 points in parry as you block as hell already with 42 shield and a good +shield shield (sounds abit confusing eh? :p) and put them into chants making it 46 chants. Gives you: better heal chant, better dmg chant and 3 better resist chants. After that i would say look at this site: The Silver Knight- Armour Table for patch 1.52+
After that you'll see that trust would be kinda the best, but 1h trust for paladins is crap, as some styles need evade and you don't get dex as a pally when you lvl meaning your base dmg would be abit low. ok Then you check crush. Crush has 4 vulnerable enemies, 4 resistant and 8 neutral. Slash on the other hand has 7 Vulnerable but 9 resistant. Also you need to notice that Hibs have moose mode in which case you really don't want crush. Also notice that only Warriors with norse chain have a reasonable high hp table (compared to armsman they are allmost the same) Meaning if you would go for slash, only warriors could be a problem, especially with the improved block/parry ratings.

Just think about it, you hate Mids? go for Crush, you hate Hibs? go for Slash.

Greets, Cuth :)

SoulFly Amarok

you allready are slash, so if you do a /respec all you will have 12 in slash and 12 in chants, that's 77 + 77 points used allready for you by mythic.

So, those are not autotrained They are used from your total points.

You would have 2979 points to spend without these "default" specs..with those pre-set skills you will have 2825



Aye soulfly mate, know about the 12/12 points allready in slash/chants. Have been pondering why mythic would see fit to basically tell paladins what attack style to be, not really giving them a choice in the subject?

God forbid someone actually wanting to be different and not choosing slash as thier main attack style hmm mythic?

Was actually very please with the speed increase in the crush weapons, and my blocking is forever improving of late, which is something else to think about.

Got the crafting bug with my alt, so am ploughing my efforts in that of late, so am just going to leave sade blank-skilled until i truly decide what to go for.

Any more comments would be useful, especially about the re-given 12 in slash by mythic....something alot of my friends are arguing over at the time.

Cheers, Sade


well, if I was an alb.. I'd respec to a hib ;)

seriously tho, I would go with slash rather than crush..

however, depending on your personal opinions of what clases you target is how you should base your decision, you'll want a damage type that maximises your bonuses to the types of classes you target most often.. if you find your self hitting main tanks most often, then go slash.. if you want to hunt NSes and bards more then go crush... if you want a better chance vs me go slash ;) you get the idea I'm sure...

personnally I use crush mostly cos it's best overall vs mids (neutral all) and vs albs it's only bad vs mercs scouts minstrels and clerics. scouts are dead no matter what weapon I use if I can reach them, similar for misntrels. there aren't enough mercs actively rvring to worry about them.. the only real bad thing from th points of view of using crush in hib is clerics.. however since that really means there's only 1 bad class for using crush on overall crush is by far the best choice in hib :)

and as I said, were it me, I'd use slash..


Sade, I think you should go for crush

its neutral to all mids and pallys arent really good at heavy fighting, we should go for support classes while casters and other fighers take down enemy tanks.
and the first target in a hib army is the bard, also some healers are targets and thus crush is better

but I cant tell you what to go tought but Ive played crush since beta and its loads of fun =)
and there arent to many of us around so drops arent hard to come by =)

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by old.Isos
Sade, I think you should go for crush

its neutral to all mids and pallys arent really good at heavy fighting, we should go for support classes while casters and other fighers take down enemy tanks.
and the first target in a hib army is the bard, also some healers are targets and thus crush is better

but I cant tell you what to go tought but Ive played crush since beta and its loads of fun =)
and there arent to many of us around so drops arent hard to come by =)
there're no good ones tho, 25%bonus is a no no for tanks. 4.2spd crafted 16.x 35%bonus would be yes yes..4.2dspd = great damage :)


yea but my yellow ball on a stick works pretty good to =)


Considering this thread is here to help Sade choose what he/she wants to respec to as a _PALADIN_ your comment of polearms was hardly be gone you foul smelly person you!
<runs off and goes back to work>


Originally posted by Euthanasia.
Considering this thread is here to help Sade choose what he/she wants to respec to as a _PALADIN_ your comment of polearms was hardly be gone you foul smelly person you!
<runs off and goes back to work>

your post was equally unconstructive really, oh and I'm allowed a crappy useless post cos I gave the best on topic reply I could already ;)


yeh but i'm allowed to make useless and unconstructive posts because ...i'm "special"
and bored


Originally posted by Sade
Aye soulfly mate, know about the 12/12 points allready in slash/chants. Have been pondering why mythic would see fit to basically tell paladins what attack style to be, not really giving them a choice in the subject?

God forbid someone actually wanting to be different and not choosing slash as thier main attack style hmm mythic?
That's only if you respec. If you spec crush from the outset you don't suffer a penality in spec points for it.


Thank you all for your comments, and yes roalith, i have seen your weapon which i can best discribe as a washing line ;)

Comming back to danyans point, i think with alot of peoples spec you suddenly realise that, after playing for a few months, you could, and should have done it a different way. Had i had the foresight that i have now, i would have indeed specced crush from the start but hey, whats an attack style between friends.

Trying out a respec on crush, i liked the styles very much, and was able to get off the block-chains quite effectively in RvR. The small damage varience was vastly made up for by the speed of the crush weapons (Was using a spare Featherlite Granite Hammer) and i think my role as Iterupt-King on the battle field was bettered with crush rather than slash.

At a cost to my 20% energy resistance chant, however, i have now reverted back to slash. It really does tell when you are keep taking and get hit PBAOE'd for 300 instead of 600, and paladins are the group-king after all :rolleyes:

I dunno, had a mid life crisis with sades spec when this respec came, as im sure everyone else did, so many spec choices so little time :)

Hope everyone else had a good respec, and im sure many like i reverted back to the spec they know and works well for them.

Thank you again for your comments, i shall see you on the battlefield.

Regards, Sade

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by Danyan

That's only if you respec. If you spec crush from the outset you don't suffer a penality in spec points for it.

did I say that :r~

train crush -> autotrain slash ;e~


I haven't noticed slash being particularly slow. There are fast slash weapons - I use a 2.6 speed arcanium jambiya and it's pretty damn quick.


I was slash and am very happy with the armour tables change.
I didn't respec
Buy yourself a nice arcanium sable ayou even do decent damage :p
Slash styles are great. The riposte // beduffler combo rocks in PvE (don't use often in RvR cause i slam and switch to pole) and amathyst is you no opener always hits style (high bonus to hit)
Slash is good versus persky assasins and amathyst helps against evade best

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