When these puppys come out how do u think we will go about divding them?
1)Uber Guilds/people will keep and horde them all so they can try out new flavor of the month specs?
2) Unselfishly shared amongst the realm and given to people that truley need them?(altho with resec now at lvl 40 new charcters cant really gimp them selves?)
3)mix of both?
I know killing the dragon isnt exaclty "easy" but its actually one of the rare events where we all play(and lag) together, and can actually be fun.
Im guessing the value of these will be either high or rediculously high as they effect the entire balance of your charcter, but i dont want to see people hoarding them in vaults on lvl 5 charcters so they can try out the afore mentioned flavor flavor.........
1)Uber Guilds/people will keep and horde them all so they can try out new flavor of the month specs?
2) Unselfishly shared amongst the realm and given to people that truley need them?(altho with resec now at lvl 40 new charcters cant really gimp them selves?)
3)mix of both?
I know killing the dragon isnt exaclty "easy" but its actually one of the rare events where we all play(and lag) together, and can actually be fun.
Im guessing the value of these will be either high or rediculously high as they effect the entire balance of your charcter, but i dont want to see people hoarding them in vaults on lvl 5 charcters so they can try out the afore mentioned flavor flavor.........