Respec patch


Tafaya Anathas

European daoc players' life is more difficult compared to US ones. If it is possible, could be a nice present to give us the respec ability what will be in 1.52, but that patch is so far-far away.


Theoretically it's easier for us to cope without the respec for longer... we get advance warnings of the changes :)

But it'll get here soon enough, worry ye not.


European daoc players' life is more difficult compared to US ones.

yes, we have to walk 5 miles to the well for our water, then drag it back 'home' to our shack made of plywood and rusted bits of corrugated iron.

wake up!

there is nothing ruining our gameplay apart from jealousy of the us.


There are many major class changes introduced in version 1.51 and 1.52. That is why Mythic chose to introduce the respec option at this time instead of earlier. We do not wish to run into the problems they sought to avoid with this decision :)


OMG, first post I have ever seen done by Zargar! :D
But about the actual topic... the instant I read it I thought "This isn't either possible or a very good idea" as Zargar has pointed out. It would be nice, I agree... but it would complicate things.
Plus have you noticed we got news today instead of friday stating that GORRE will likely have 1.50 very soon... awesome.

Orin Askhammare

Yup, that's perfectly reasonable! Now give us the wednesday news, I'm bored ;)

EDIT: <laughs> post this, read SFX's post. I checked the main site less than an hour ago I think to see if there was any news but there wasn't.


I doubt Mythic would allow GOA to have a different version of 1.50 than they have in the US, apart from major bugfixes that come in later patches(exploits etc)

Bedroc the Hero

What would be really nice is if GOA could combine several patches into one and thus save time. If they do 1.50, 1.51 and 1.52 at the same time they might save time. They could ( if they wanted to ) do this on the englis servers right away. Then they would get experiance for the launch on the others when the translation was done.


Bedroc, i dont know if you where around in March when they did 1.45 or June/July when they did 1.48, but as i recall it, patchday when 1.45 went live was a nightmare.
And another thing is that it takes GOA 1 month per patch to translate, test, implement, fix and whatever they do to it. So combine 3 patches will take us back to the 3 month waiting period that atleast i thaught was unacceptable. Im not totaly sure what to think of the 1 month delay now, as it takes mythic 1 month aprox (maybe alittle more) to develop a new patch, and it takes GOA the same time to fix it for the euro servers... im getting the feeling that GOA is trying to reinvent the wheel or something.
But still, one month between patches is way better than 3...

And as stated afew times before (by Kemor and on DAoC-Europe news) you cannot patch the english servers before the french and german... same patcher, login server or something like that... it would make the servers go berzerk and probobly deny everyone entrance



With the arrival of epic armor in 1.49 which caps AF, my self AF buff was rendered useless. that means i've spent 902 spec points in a line that only offers a poor dex/qui buff (even a level 26 shaman can give better dex/qui buff).

GOA: please give me back those 902 spec points.

When we get 1.50, every BG graduate out there will be getting See Hidden, a realm ability that renders my level 36 stealth completely useless.

GOA: please give me back those 665 spec points.

as Zargar says: "There are many major class changes introduced in version 1.51 and 1.52. That is why Mythic chose to introduce the respec option at this time instead of earlier. We do not wish to run into the problems they sought to avoid with this decision "

Well i think you can see from these 2 points alone that our class has indeed been changed majorly.. and a respec is highly nessesary if i am to be able to continue playing my hunter.

(When i specced my hunter, See hidden hadnt been invented yet, i made my own spec as a pure sniper, i suck in melee, stealth was my primary armor, so i would be able to hide from those infiltrators.. with 1.50 that is no longer possible, and i stand 0 chance of defending myself.... impossible to play, unless i stay unstealthed in the middle of a group. (hello? im a rouge))

So you(Zargar) say that you do not wish to run into trouble, well if you dont help me out here, im running into BIG trouble


Hey blood think everyone weeps for the highest RP holder of prydwen.

What about the insta save my life speed buff (to run away from the infs that are so bad)?
The megafelid pet you like to take around?
How about the lvl 50 stealth which saves your attention from everything but infiltrators(and the NS if they had existed).



Hunters are way too powerful anyway.. They can shoot someone from miles away for nearly as much damage as i can do from right next to them. Roll up for easy rp. Surely hunters need be nearly as unskilled as cleric to get lots and lots of kills.

A point about Critshot
Why isn't it directional, like the CS backstab and PA?

A point about archery in general
Why can an archer shoot you even if you run in zigzags or very quickly sideways? This is virtually impossible IRL.

- Pathfinder -

Unskilled? Oh yes, we can stealth into a zerg and oneshot blue/yellow on mages, easily :rolleyes:

Tafaya Anathas

Hehe, the class which will really suck the See Hidden is scout, we haven't got selfbuffs, haven't got speed, haven't got pet. We have high stealth which will be totally useless. We will have Volley and Longshot, which are less usable than SH, but more expensive. If SH will ruin our life, with 1.52 my scout will look like this:

Thrust 50
Shield 42
Longbow 39
Stealh minimum.


Your AF buff gets sorted in 1.52... so shush :)

and archer stealth gets toned down from stupidly powerful to not wonderfully great.,.. then back up to useable, but not overpowered between now and 1.52

Tafaya Anathas

Originally posted by Fingoniel
Your AF buff gets sorted in 1.52... so shush :)

and archer stealth gets toned down from stupidly powerful to not wonderfully great.,.. then back up to useable, but not overpowered between now and 1.52

Archer stealth is stupidly powerful? Then what about assassin stealth? See Hidden will render the archer stealth totally useless, not useable.


Originally posted by old.Iunliten
Hey blood think everyone weeps for the highest RP holder of prydwen.

What about the insta save my life speed buff (to run away from the infs that are so bad)?
The megafelid pet you like to take around?
How about the lvl 50 stealth which saves your attention from everything but infiltrators(and the NS if they had existed).

Well actually Death has been the highest RP holder on prydwen for a couple of weeks now.

That insta save my life speed buff is just as effective if i only had specced 16 beastcraft instead of 43

The megafelids are hard to find, most of the time con green, always gives away my position, when it is fighting it breaks my speed spell, and does so i cant stealth. With See Hidden, a megafelid standing around = a hunter asking to be ganked by the first infil to walk by. (Even Mythic have made it clear that the hunter pets are nothing more than a novelty item)

I currently have level 51 stealth, and after next patch, that is going to mean absolutely nothing.

After next patch i _cant_ play pure sniper any longer, i am specced as a pure sniper (and im currently very effective at it, see my RP), but after next patch there is no such thing... atleast give me a chance? give me a respec out of it? let me change my spec from 16 melee (spear) to something usefull (like 39 or 44)


all archers and minstrels will be in the same position with see hidden.
At least you guys can look forward to a fix in 1.52


hehe stop whining about see hidden . it only lets assasins see you . and do you really think theres gonna be a ton of assaisns out there now knowing they cant one hit kill n stay stealthed ? imo there will be a lot LESS assasin classes come future patch . and to combat see hidden in patch 1.51 or 1.52 archer classes get a new skill at lvl 26 "i think" called Camoflauge which makes the archer totaly invisible to assasins . the main reasons archers moaned about see hidden was because they couldnt do there job scouting . so now they got camo hence enabling them to do there job of survielence .
yea its on a timer and u cant attack whilst camo'd . those who delete/retire there archer just because of see hidden meaning more assasins kill em imo is a whinger . casters/tnks etc etc cant see u easy only asssasins.


Originally posted by Tafaya Anathas

Archer stealth is stupidly powerful? Then what about assassin stealth? See Hidden will render the archer stealth totally useless, not useable.

Currently archer stealth is stupiudly powerful, you can stealth up, shoot me from the middle of the emain bowl at range 2300, re-stealth and run off.. spend a couple of hours in the MIDDLE OF A FIELD killing people without being caught.

Assassins have to get >< close to kill you, when they do, anyone standing close will hand their arses to them.

Archers can kill people in groups with no repercussions at the moment, assassins can only rez-kill and kill greys with that power (and they lose even that in 1.50)

Snipers are no more as of 1.50

in 1.52 you'll be able to scout again (Conceal once every 10m) but you'll never be standing in the middle of emain taking potshots and never being found.

all but 2 of the classes out there still haven't a clue where you are.


ok, let me try to explain it another way:

I play a pure stealth sniper, 51 stealth, 65 bow, 42 beastcraft and 23 spear (spec 16), any of the level 50 infils on my server (Artemis, Niar, Derric, Gwendel, Camillo, Jadow) will mostlikely attest to that they have no problem killing me whatsoever 10 out of 10 times they find me. After 1.50 they will have 0 problem finding me, so i can no longer play a stealth sniper.

See Hidden was put in to make hunters group, since i am a stealth sniper, that changes my way of playing in a fundemental way, that i had no way of anticipating when i specced my char.

All i am asking for is to be allowed to change my spec, so i can still play effectivly, im not asking GOA to remove See Hidden, im not asking to be given an "I WIN" button..

ps. Werdious "Hey blood think everyone weeps for the highest RP holder of prydwen." well excuse me for playing my char effectivly, excuse me for playing alot.


We've all done things when creating characters that we would rather be able to undo after seeing some of the changes Mythic has made to the game. When I created my cleric I put 10 points into strength, now I wish I had put 10 points into dex. At the time of creation time Mythic had not announced that dex would affect your casting speed so there was no reason for me to put any points into it. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Many people are in the same boat and although it is only a small issue compared to your major character changes Blood it is still annoying :mad:

A slightly more pressing issue is the major smite nerf that has come in after many of us clerics have hit 50 and reached our final templates. That is something of the order of what Blood is talking about and quite frankly sucks :mad:


if a hunter has 50 stealth see hidden isnt that effective from distance the infil has to be pretty close to see a stealth archer who has that kinda stealth, (no really close). archers have to be killed by something, if infil couldnt see them archers would rarely die.


Originally posted by old.Kladen
if a hunter has 50 stealth see hidden isnt that effective from distance the infil has to be pretty close to see a stealth archer who has that kinda stealth, (no really close). archers have to be killed by something, if infil couldnt see them archers would rarely die.

If you have any idea what you are talking about, then this is a blatant lie, else its just uninformed babbeling.

DETECT Hidden approximately doubles the normal stealth detection radius, and is what is currently on the EU servers.

SEE Hidden is what any infil can buy in next patch, and will allow them to see us from clipping range, regardless of our stealth level.


i do know what im talking about. you can see low stealth archers very far from you but a a archer with same lvl is harder to see you cant see archers far away. anyways you can just leg it if you get hit by one


To Kladen:
o you don't, see hidden isn't implented in the game yet and comes next patch which renders archers and ministrels stealth useless if an assassin is near.
The thing you are using is detect hidden which well works unless the enemy is highstealth.

But blood you think you are loosing your ability to solo in RvR, I am loosing my ability to solo in RvR, and if you don't wanna go with the group of 33 nonstealthers go with a 1 - 2 shadowblades or another hunter.

seeing someone that is stealthed at great range is hard if you move with terrain as background and the cover of night.


Any assassin with see hidden can see any archer/minstrel of any level stealth and any level character from clip range. This is see hidden. There is no level adjust whatsoever of the range. This is why people have such issues with it, because you can have a 50 hunter with 50+ stealth and be spotted by a grey con infiltator from miles away who comes running over with his group and smacks you about.

BTW camo doesn't make archers invisible to assassins, it's a simple see hidden negation. If you get close to a camoed archer you will still see them.

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