Respec is wrong!



I'm a lvl 50 armsman, I got the gimped specc of: 44crush 47pole and 39parry, now I want to respec but whatever I do, how ever I respec I will never be able to use my points to the fullest of there purpose cause the Respec ability is not a bliss, it's just gimped and should be changed.

Let me explain, an armsman autotrains in slash and thrust, there for when I respec the ability puts all my points at 0 and places everything in a big "point pool", than it will look at slash and thrust AND TAKE POINTS OUT OF THE POOL to autotrain slash and thrust to lvl 12 (the lvl it should have been on autotrain) but if ya just think about that, it's wrong! I mean, first off, I don't want the 12 thrust and if I were to specc right from the first time off I'd have 12 thrust but wouldn't loose any points because of it!!

Now I want to go 42shield 44pole 24parry 39slash but I just simply can't cause I loose 1+2+3+4+5 ... =78 points.

Shouldn't this be fixed?!?


Auto-train doesn't take any points out of your pool.

End of story.


Armsmen auto train in slash and thrust nice

Hero gets fuck all

Imho take out auto train altogether


Originally posted by old.Dillinja
Auto-train doesn't take any points out of your pool.

End of story.

Auto train due to respec does!

Originally posted by old.Greggor
Armsmen auto train in slash and thrust nice

Hero gets fuck all

Imho take out auto train altogether

Fair enough, take out autotrain all together, or just take autotrain out of the respec, but don't start screwing people who just simply want another spec.


it was designed like that so that the people that auto-trained before anyone even knew what the word respec was wouldn't feel fucked over.

Besides, when your reset your points to zero with a respec it takes into account all skill levels including auto-trained levels. So the points pool includes the points you've specced as well as the points that auto-trained. This leaves you with the same number of points you had at your disposal while giving the people that went to the trouble of auto-training a few extra points.


did you check the amount of points you got back and calculated the amount ?
a lvl 50 arms should recive 2979 points from a full respec.
you only 'lose' points if you respec out of an autotrained skill that you put points in,
respecing from crush to slash will actualy give you 78 extra points


If you have auto trained any skills you do not loose those points from a respec.


Originally posted by old.Greggor
Armsmen auto train in slash and thrust nice

Hero gets fuck all

Hero also doesnt need to spec a 1H weapon line to reduce variance.


Originally posted by Jenkz
Hero also doesnt need to spec a 1H weapon line to reduce variance.

.........which means any time we have to use 1h we make stupidly low dmg.


Originally posted by Novamir
.........which means any time we have to use 1h we make stupidly low dmg.

no which means the guy above complaining about Heros not autotraining pieces/blades is kind of wrong, as they dont "need" the autotrain as much as a class who has to spec two lines to get exactly the same as a hero gets for speccing one

armsmans 1H damage is hardly "increased" due to autotrain, its the fact they have to spec it. nothing stopping you speccing a hero: 50 LW/42 shield/39 blades you'd just miss out on some parry, which armsmen HAVE to do if they want to be a slam poler.


it was designed like that so that the people that auto-trained before anyone even knew what the word respec was wouldn't feel fucked over.

Besides, when your reset your points to zero with a respec it takes into account all skill levels including auto-trained levels. So the points pool includes the points you've specced as well as the points that auto-trained. This leaves you with the same number of points you had at your disposal while giving the people that went to the trouble of auto-training a few extra points.


if you aoto train in slash, and you spec in crush, you will have gained 78 points for free at level 50, in Slash.

IF you chose to respec then, the respec will reset all skills to the MINIMUM they can be at your level. (1 for non-autoed, 12 for autoed@50). If you then proceed to spec slash instead of crush, you will have gained 78 points!

If you do it vise-versa, and spec slash (the autotrained) and want to respec to crush, you will lose the 78 points.


Originally posted by liste

if you aoto train in slash, and you spec in crush, you will have gained 78 points for free at level 50, in Slash.

IF you chose to respec then, the respec will reset all skills to the MINIMUM they can be at your level. (1 for non-autoed, 12 for autoed@50). If you then proceed to spec slash instead of crush, you will have gained 78 points!

If you do it vise-versa, and spec slash (the autotrained) and want to respec to crush, you will lose the 78 points.

Yes, I feel smarter now :p

I thought something whas wrong, and out of pure and other most stupidity I posted this ... anyway, thanx for the help all, I now know that I won't be loosing any points ;) ... even gaining some points :)

Thanx alot :)

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