Respec help...



I have a Lvl 28 Paladin, and want to have a bit of a change with him come the next patch!

He is presently 1 HS/Shield, with Chants at 24, Shield and Parry both 12 or so.

I was considering a change to say 2 HT, because I've read Thrust is better than Slash and Crush against Hib and Mid armour.

Could you suggest how I should change his spec please to make him an RvR and PvE animal?

I realise he'll never out damage an Armsman, so I want to do the best I can for him spec wise.

If it's better that I stay 1 HS, how high should I spec Chants, Shield and Parry? Obviously at my lvl, I'd intend to spec Slash to my lvl.

TIA :)


Chants spec to 44? or 38?

Re 1H vs 2H I've always been 1H and know I'd miss my shield, plus after asking opinions on this a while back the consensus I got from people was that the 2H extra damage was not necessarily worth it, and considering Paladin role in grp.
large 2H damage = Pole Armsmen

Another issue is how high to spec chants.... I was thinking not worth going above 44 for best end chant....

however problem with speccing 44 chants over 38 is cost of 249 spec pts, for that you get:-

Self AF +10 AF
DMG Chant +1.5 DPS
Heal Chant +8 HP
End Chant +1 End
And +10% to Resist Body/Energy/Spirit

Dunno if you think it's worth it but I don't think it is, I may even stick at 36chants as the AF grp chant will be fourth choice behind the end/health/dmg chants.

Was thinking final spec (if i ever make it there :rolleyes: ) will be

Slash 44, Chant 38, Shield 42, Parry 24

EDIT: It is up to you though, I know 2H paladins that have been having fun since day 1, I'm just set in 1H my ways by now ;)


Thanks mate - very useful reply :)

I am not really interested in what a Paladin's 'role' is supposed to be a group - I also have a Smite Cleric and am fed up to be honest of playing according to the wishes of others ;)

It's not often you see a 2H Paladin, and when you do they are generally Slash specced. I thought 2H Thrust would be a nice change.

Of course, I should also consider 1H Thrust or 1H Crush - any opinions on this? That way I get to keep my shield.

The end spec that was suggested to me was:

Slash - 44
Shield - 42
Chants - 42
Parry - 18


this is how I´m gonna respec:

44 slash
44 chant
42 shield
13 parry

the reason why ppl tell u why to play a certain way in a grp is because that´s what makes a grp work. for instance:

ur a cleric, but u dont heal = ppl die

ur a s/s pally, but u dont use slam = ppl die

u gotta find what style u want to play, and then make a character according to that, it´s abselutley no use what so ever to make a character, only to play him in a completely different way than he is intended. I would have hated, hated, HATED to have u in my grp as a cleric if u didnt heal - and so would a lot of other ppl.

so if u dont intend to play the pally defensivly - as he should be played on rvr - DON´T MAKE A PALLY, make a 2H armsman.

I seriously dont like seeing u say that u are fed up with ppl telling u what to do in a grp, cause ppl are telling u what is best for the grp, hence what is not only best for u, but also for other ppl, and if u are fed up with that, that´ll mean u dont give a fook about the ppl u play with - dont be like that.


Back off Gwal.

Read my post again, and tell me where it says that I refuse to heal? I openly admit I love to smite, but only do this when no-one needs attention.

As for my query regarding my Paladin, once again - back off mate. I do not play the game to suit you or the rest who dictate how I should play because 'you' happen to think a Paladin 'should' only be defensive on pain of death.

Grow up FFS! A Paladin is a tank, second only to an Armsmen. As long as I can pull aggro and deal decent damage it should make no difference to the group what weapon style I spec in.

Lose your preconceptions about characters and the way they should be played. Your attitude, and attitudes like yours are elitist and offensive.

If you ever grouped with either of my characters you'd know I am capable, polite, honest and do my share of the work. I've never let anyone down in a group, and never intend to.

I'd appreciate sensible comments that will help me respec well. If you can't adhere to that, I'd rather you e-mailled me to moan or just kept your thoughts to yourself, but please don't spam my thread.



Originally posted by Danamyr
Back off Gwal.

Read my post again, and tell me where it says that I refuse to heal? I openly admit I love to smite, but only do this when no-one needs attention.

As for my query regarding my Paladin, once again - back off mate. I do not play the game to suit you or the rest who dictate how I should play because 'you' happen to think a Paladin 'should' only be defensive on pain of death.

Grow up FFS! A Paladin is a tank, second only to an Armsmen. As long as I can pull aggro and deal decent damage it should make no difference to the group what weapon style I spec in.

Lose your preconceptions about characters and the way they should be played. Your attitude, and attitudes like yours are elitist and offensive.

If you ever grouped with either of my characters you'd know I am capable, polite, honest and do my share of the work. I've never let anyone down in a group, and never intend to.

I'd appreciate sensible comments that will help me respec well. If you can't adhere to that, I'd rather you e-mailled me to moan or just kept your thoughts to yourself, but please don't spam my thread.


:clap: :clap: :clap: well said :) u re-spec/play how you want to . untill somebody else pays your subs then play how you want . if those folks dont wanna group with you then fuck em! they can go find another grp .


If you don't accept or even listen to some people in RvR who make suggestions how you could play, then I would say you are just as all the other zerglings who die each day over and over again. Just try and see what they sometimes tell yah and if it's indeed not correct then don't do it, but don't say that everyone talks crap how you should/could play in certain situations...

As for instance I don't have slam and don't have the polearm stun style. Which gives a me huge disadvantage in one to one combat situations. So every new armsman that asks me how to specc an armsman (and that's a lot) I tell to go 42 shield always and 44 polearm and the rest they can make up for themselves. Do they have to do that? No it's their own choice to do so. I just gave them advice what a good specc is and why to specc that way.

And may I remind you, YOU requested for people's opinion about paladin spec.. so don't tell people to backoff who give their opinion about their char. And your talk about elitism, pfff go home little kid. The only people who are elitism are the people who scream it each time and think they are so great. Gwalmar is one fine paladin out there who defends our frontier very well. And he never said you were not capable of healing... It's you that makes the presumptions my dear. Gwalmar is just pointing out somethings which happen very often in RvR these days.


Originally posted by Khalen
If you don't accept or even listen to some people in RvR who make suggestions how you could play, then I would say you are just as all the other zerglings who die each day over and over again. Just try and see what they sometimes tell yah and if it's indeed not correct then don't do it, but don't say that everyone talks crap how you should/could play in certain situations...

Why is it you see only what you want to see in a post? I *do not care* only about RvR. I only play PvE at the moment, and will do for the forseeable future. If you play DAoC purely (or mainly) for RvR then good luck to you. If I ever reach the dizzy heights of 40+ then I may have a go, but TBH BG did little to inspire me.

Additionally, I was asking for specific advise on how to spec, I was not asking for advise on how to play as a Paladin. It doesn't concern Gwal or you how I choose to play my character, and I was not asking for the benefit of your 'expertise' in this area.

As for instance I don't have slam and don't have the polearm stun style. Which gives a me huge disadvantage in one to one combat situations. So every new armsman that asks me how to specc an armsman (and that's a lot) I tell to go 42 shield always and 44 polearm and the rest they can make up for themselves. Do they have to do that? No it's their own choice to do so. I just gave them advice what a good specc is and why to specc that way.

Good for you - that is the sort of advise I asked for. And of course you are quite right, it is none of your business how they choose to spec or play their chars, and it's good to see you admit that.

And may I remind you, YOU requested for people's opinion about paladin spec.. so don't tell people to backoff who give their opinion about their char.

Yes, I did ask for advise in how to spec my Paladin - quite right. I did not ask for advise or opinions on how to play him ingame though. That is different entirely. I told Gwal to back off because although the very first portion of his post was useful, it quickly went downhill from there, and I found the majority of it offensive. In that vein I feel I was quite right to post what I did. I mean him no ill will personally, but he mustn't force his opinions onto others.

And your talk about elitism, pfff go home little kid. The only people who are elitism are the people who scream it each time and think they are so great. Gwalmar is one fine paladin out there who defends our frontier very well.

Little kid? That's amusing! I am 28 years old, married with one daughter and am in a highly professional job. Do not make assumptions based on your inability to correctly read threads, or from your inability to form self supporting arguments. I am sure Gwal enjoys the game as I do. I won't bow at his feet, or anyone else's for that matter.

The fact that you are all a higher level than me means nothing more than the fact you have more spare time, and have been playing for longer. It does not imply some sort of subserviance, or require any begging at your feet or telling you all how great you are. I'll get there one day myself - it's not rocket science after all.

And he never said you were not capable of healing... It's you that makes the presumptions my dear. Gwalmar is just pointing out somethings which happen very often in RvR these days.

He didn't say that in those words, but suggested it just as clearly in the following paragraph:

it´s abselutley no use what so ever to make a character, only to play him in a completely different way than he is intended. I would have hated, hated, HATED to have u in my grp as a cleric if u didnt heal - and so would a lot of other ppl

You have to bear in mind that this was in response to the aspect of my original thread relating to my Smite Cleric. So I'm sure others will agree my interpretation of this is spot on. He's suggesting that Clerics were never intended to be nukers, and one should only be played as a healer. He has clearly just assumed that because I typed that I was a Smite Cleric that I did not heal. Anyone who has ever grouped with Riverwind knows that this could not be further from the truth.

I have nothing against Gwal (or yourself) personally, but I don't like your attitudes in this area. I guess we shall have to agree to disagree.

If anyone else would care to give me specfic spec advise (not advise on what I should be doing in a PvE/RvR group!) I'd still like to read from you :)


Can we manage 2H & Slam?

This is a really interesting thread I found on the VGN boards:-

Read the thread and you get a good argument for being able to both 1H & 2H spec

1spec discussed was the following which also includes the item bonues this bloke had:

29 Slash (+14, Amy Slash)
39 2h (+14, Doubler)
42 Shields (+4, Slam)
15 Parry (+4)
38 Chants (2nd best of everything)

Maybe gimped or may not be, I think I'd like to give it a go as it means best of both worlds and hopefully some fun :)
1thing is I'd probably spend pts in 2H last so would not really be able to use until 46+ I think....


Thanks Nume, your first post in this thread was spot on as well :)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I agree 100% with Danamyr...well, maybe 75%. This is a game and people should be allowed, nay, they ARE allowed to spec and play their characters how they choose. People shouldn't be pigeon holed simply by the class that they pick. I chose to be a wizard so I could blow things up, NOT so that I could provide tank support during RvR. That is a secondary or possibly a tertiary concern for me. I have only been to Thridanki for about a couple of hours in total and blown up some XPing middies near Odin's gate. Although it can be fun at times its not something I salivate over.

Not everyone chooses to be a Paladin so that they can stand around and protect casters all day (not that I object if they do ;)).

The same goes for clerics. There is no law/rule that says they MUST heal and do nowt else. If they are specced for Smite then good for them. Their primary function in the group is to heal and as long as they do that then thats all you need to worry about. I was in a Tangler group last night with a cleric and he was SOOO bored that he started making patterns on the ground with loot bags. There was simply nothing for him to do in the group apart from heal every now and then and create weird ass patterns on the ground. Being a cleric can be extreeemely dull at times so who can blame them if they spec in Smite to amuse themselves?

On the other hand, a certain Theurg who wanted to tank and not cast any spells found himself out of a group pretty dang fast. ;)



I think you guys are looking at it from two different angles.
Danamyr seems to mostly want to play the pve part, the others look at it from more the rvr point of view. That's two different things.

In rvr the tank isn't there to do damage, he's there to be a distraction and protect the casters that deal damage and the healers. Most pve groups consist of numerous tanks and only a few casters, this ends up in the tanks being handed the damage dealing role(The targets are also mostly static in pve). In rvr they are moving and therefore range is needed. Tanks cannot provide that. You probably already know this though.. So I'll stop now.

On to speccing, how you spec DOES affect how you play. Decide what you want to do then spec to be able to do that. There is no perfect spec, it all comes down to how you play. A cookie cutter spec is _easier_ to play, it doesn't mean it's better.

Disclaimer: This is just my rambling, my point of view, you don't have to agree/disagree, or follow it, feel free to ignore it.


Nice post Tranquil - pretty mch spot on from my perspective too.

I'm not saying I never want to go RvR, but not yet. From what's been posted so far, it's pretty apparent the play style for RvR is substansially different from PvE.


That's why you get 3 respecs. You get one full respec that has to be used very soon(can't remember how fast you have to use it though), and you get 2 single line respecs each at lvl 20 and at lvl 40.

The single line respecs at 20th and 40th level needs to be used within that level. That is before you ding 21 and 41.

Found this on the Camelot Herald:
There are two kinds of respec for skill points available:

Full Respec

If you have a current character in Dark Age of Camelot, you may elect to do a full respec. This resets ALL of your character's specializations to zero (or that spec's minimum allowed for your class), and gives you the equivalent number of spec points back to you so you can retrain however you see fit.

**Please note that respeccing is a one-time thing, and is irrevocable. You cannot do a full respec again, so be sure you know how you want to spec your character before you do this.**

NOTE: If your class has a "min spec level" on any specialization you will automatically be trained to the minimum required level. Your skill points will be spent automatically to raise your skill to the required level. Your available skill points will reflect the auto train appropriate to your level. You cannot go under your class minimum (based on your level) for those specializations.

ALSO NOTE: Full respec is only available to current characters of the game, and is offered to them as a way to take advantage of the many game features that have been implemented since the game began (and presumably since their character was initially specced). Future characters will receive the normal "spec-line" respecs at levels 20 and 40, but not a full respec.

To do a full respec, go to your trainer, select him, and type "/respec ALL". You will only have a limited time to do a full respec: within two levels of when you first log into this version. So, if you are level 22, and you want to respec, you will have to do it before you attain 24th level.

In order to facilitate faster re-training, you can now select a specialization at your trainer and click the train button mulitple times. Previously, you had to select the specialization you wanted to train in every time you trained in it. Now you can just select it once and click the "train" button multiple times.

Single-Skill Respec

From now on, when a character reaches the levels of 20 and 40, they will gain the ability to "de-train" a specialization by doing a single-spec respec.

To do a single-skill respec (when you reach level 20 or level 40), go to your trainer, select him, and type "/respec SKILL NAME". Please note that you cannot redo this - once you respec a skill, it is done.

Please note that you must perform a spec-line respec within the level that you gain the ability to do so: at level 20 or level 40. You will not be able to "hold" spec-line respecs forever; you must use them at those specific levels.

Also, please note that you gain this skill when you level from 19 to 20 and from 39 to 40. This means that an existing character who is level 20 will not gain the level 20 single-spec respec, but since everyone gets the full respec, that player could fully respec (and in fact must do so before attaining level 22 if they wish to respec at all before level 40).

Finally, you will not gain the single-skill respec if you are eligible to use a full respec and have not. So, if you are 19th level, and you have a full respec available to you, and you advance to 20, you will not gain the single-skill respec because you still have the full respec available to you. Any changes you want to make to your character can be made through the full respec at that time.


Well people can spec as they like, but be advised that some
ways might make it a lot harder. Mythic did not make all spec's

PvE :

There is a reason why people like pbt and shield spec'ed tanks.
Tank getting hit --> healing from cleric --> agro to cleric --> disorganized group.

RvR :

Palas are weaker than main tank classes, both in dam output and hp, but is compensatet to some extend by chants. This means that when facing an enemy heavy class tank, you have to go defensive, because he has the advantage. Slam + block is best
way here. Against soft targets like mages 2-handed might be useful to dish out that more dam, but the experience is that
1-handed will do the job nearly as good.

Basically a pala is a group oriented defensive tank. Some may
try to spec him to be the big killing machine, but he wont be.
Best chance would be to make Mythic alter the class :)

Slash/trust/crush, well read my post about it. Based on the popularity of enemy classes, and the resists against trust after
spellcrafting, i think slash might be a very decent choice.

PS : A good deal of the americans on US boards are morons. Dont
trust what they say.

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