


  • Crush

Does ne1 have a link to some info on what resists actualy resist, I've been wondering for a while.

Heres what I know / guessed (maybe to wrong)
Resists effect the modifiers at the end of hit mgs, ie (+3) they have a negative resist and (-3) if they have a possitive resist.
crush - blunt weapons
slash - blades weapons
thrust - piercer weapons
heat - magic dmg
cold - magic dmg
matter - magic dmg from other rlm (not sure on this 1)
body - all melee weapons (not sure)
spirit - sleep spells (mez and stun I guess, not sure)
energy - all magic dmg (not sure either)
(plz excuse my hibbyness)

can ne1 correct my mistakes or give a link to a good resists guide?

would be nice to know when to use my debuff resists and on who :)


Originally posted by fade-
  • Crush

    crush - blunt weapons
    slash - blades weapons
    thrust - piercer weapons
    heat - magic dmg
    cold - magic dmg
    matter - magic dmg from other rlm (not sure on this 1)
    body - all melee weapons (not sure)
    spirit - sleep spells (mez and stun I guess, not sure)
    energy - all magic dmg (not sure either)
    (plz excuse my hibbyness)

  • Well, your basic idea is correct and while I'm on the top of my head at 4am no expert I can make a few amendments

    Crush - Hibernian Blunt, Albion Crush, Midgard Hammer
    Slash - Hibernian Blades, Albion Slash, Midgard Sword/Axe
    Thrust - Hibernian Piercing, Albion Thrust
    Heat - Mentalist DoTs, Wizard Fire line, Wizard Earth line, fire procs, Shaman bolt (?), some Runemaster spells (?)
    Cold - Eldritch Void line, Wizard Cold line, several Runemaster Runecarving spells, several baseline cold DDs and procs
    Matter - Shaman, Sorcerer and Cabalist DoTs
    Body - Skald, Minstrel and Bard DD shouts, Sorcerer & Cabalist DDs/Lifesteal DD. (will lower duration of stun styles and spells in later patches)
    Spirit - Theurgist, Cleric and Spiritmaster (?) DDs. (will lower the duration of MOST mez spells in later patches)
    Energy - Thane Stormcalling line, Eldritch & Enchanter Mana line

    Still missing some classes / spells, and not 100% sure of some but this is a bit better summary I believe :)


Sorc spec DD on body line is energy. Dunno about baseline lifedrain.


Re: Re: Resistances

Theurgist dmg output lines are:

Ice - Cold
Air - Spirit
Earth - Heat


so basicly my warden resist buffs (body, spirit and energy) are useless cept maybe in rvr and on 1 or 2 mobs... :-/
not sure I really see the point... maybe spirit resist will come in handy for mez's


Then we get to the age old question in RP. Is an axe a crushing or a slashing weapon? :p


All spiritmasters DD is cold(booooh GOA)

Eldritch got all cold based DDs and bolts except the PBAE which is energy(or will change in a coming patch was a time since I played my eldritch) and the baseline DD in light which is fire.

Poison from assassins is body I think.


axe? slash of course
and i think cleric smites were energy...


In this game the axe is a slash weapon, i was talking about all RP in general. And i don't mean the roleplay going inside a general but in general. Like a general hospital. :p I still say it's a vauge thing, it does afterall "crush" a bit like a hammer.

- Pathfinder -

Unless it's a very dull axe, I'd say it's a bleedin' slashing weapon :p While it's obviously not suitable for thrusts, overhand axe blows will cut through you just like a sword :)


But if you a latemail on and it doesn't go through, it dents the thing. Thus being a "crushing" weapon. Also one could use a one sided axe the other way around...

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
But if you a latemail on and it doesn't go through, it dents the thing. Thus being a "crushing" weapon. Also one could use a one sided axe the other way around...

The same could be said for a sword. Are you now arguing that swords are crushing weapons? :p


Not at all. But axe is, as i said, vague in that matter. A dull axe is still an axe but hardly a slashing weapon. :D

- Pathfinder -

Attacking someone with an axe, you'd have to assume that the person in question is trying to cleave you :p He won't try to skewer you, and it's unlikely that he'll try to crush you (although the impact of a heavy implement will cause trauma nm what). The term slashing is misleading; if we refer to it as edged damage, it might be more appropriate; slashing indicates that the weapon is used to, well, slash. You could use a rapier or similar "pointy" weapon to do crush damage as well, but that would defeat the purpsoe of it :)


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Attacking someone with an axe, you'd have to assume that the person in question is trying to cleave you :p He won't try to skewer you, and it's unlikely that he'll try to crush you (although the impact of a heavy implement will cause trauma nm what). The term slashing is misleading; if we refer to it as edged damage, it might be more appropriate; slashing indicates that the weapon is used to, well, slash. You could use a rapier or similar "pointy" weapon to do crush damage as well, but that would defeat the purpsoe of it :)

True, true. The term is incorrect and that's why there is the "Age Old" question, is axe slashing or crushing along side of who lifts more, Spiderman or Hulk :p

Take skeletons for example. In most games(rp, not comp game), skeletons cannot be harmed by a slashing weapon, now an axe is termed as a slashing weapon so you can't crush skeletons with an axe? :D

- Pathfinder -

Seeing as axes aren't crushing weapons anymore than large swords are (think claymore etc), if no sword was allowed to damage a skeleton, it'd be logical to do the same with axes :p

As I said before, the term slashing seems inappropriate in any event; slashing is what you do with a smaller, edged sword (cutlass, scimitar etc), while larger, rather unwieldy weapons still inflict the same type of would, ie a cut; however, as the force from larger weapons tend to be applied from above, naturally there will be a "crushing" effect; you'll get this using ANY implement whacking it down on someone's shoulder, head, or whatever. This does not mean that it is a crushing weapon; a true crushing weapon (mace etc) will inflict crushing damage nm how it is used; if you swing a mace at someone's legs, you'll inflict crushing damage; if you swing an axe (as it's intended to be sued), you'll cut him.


Yet again another post that goes OT into the confused world of Rp gaming mythology when attempting to compare to the real world. In the real word, swords and axes will cause crush, thrust and slash damage, depend on how they are wielded. Roman soldiers sometime slashed with their Gladiuii, but they were mostly trained to pierce their enemies, as this was considered a better way to cause death.

Mythic has simplified the system by categorising each weapon with an attack type. It just so happened Axes are slash since there are only 3 weap types and this is the most sensible.

And it makes me rofl when people say 'slash doesn't do damage to skeletons'....why ever not ???

Back OT, the best melee resistances to get are those which will offset the negative resistances your armour type is weak to. So Chain wearers whould look for thrust res items, plate wearers crush resist, leather slash resistance and cloth wearers should be afraid...very afraid ;)


Originally posted by old.chesnor

And it makes me rofl when people say 'slash doesn't do damage to skeletons'....why ever not ???

BEats me and they beat me plenty when i couldn't use my axe...don't ask me, ask the game devs :D

- Pathfinder -

Doesn't the fact that you're fighting skeletons make you rofl in the first place?


It's called RP...not gonna go there...another thread would be needed for RP flaming

flaming ---->:flame:

Me ---->:eek6:


matter: earth wiz line (it is NOT fire, not even the bolt). this includes the bolt, DoT and aoe DD+snare. (1.51 patch)
this is one of the reason earth wizzies tend to hit quite well in rvr, as matter resist aint too common.

also, a runies spec bolt & aoe is energy.



I thought Darkness line Raven Bolt and the Raven xxxxx DD was cold damage? as was the AoE Dark DD, dont they all also have a cold debuff to boot?

Just to add

All Thanes spells are Energy, all Skald/minstral shouts are body
Mez is currently without a resist association (will be moved to energy like sorcerors in 1.51)

All assasin poisons are body, shaman cave magic is predominantly body

(Melee damage is NOT body at all to correct a earlier poster)


Earth wiz spells (the bolt and the aoe) are matter btw :)

Roo Stercogburn

Slightly off topic...

I had a Runie friend say that when 1.48 came out, he didn't get the Energy Resist debuff and the best Runie damage is based on energy. Is the lack of debuff thing true?

SMs got the Energy Resist debuff on the Spirit Dimming line and I wondered if any SMs and Runies had got together to see how much extra carnage they could cause with this combo?

Playing an SM, you spend an unhealthy amount of time thinking about resistances and stuff ;)


If you check the Camelot Herald mezzes are different types. Sorc mez will be Energy, and Minstrel mez body, Theurgist AE mez is spirit, Cleric PBAE mez is spirit. Bard AE mez = spirit,Spiritmasters mez = cold etc etc... So, youre not even safe from that ;)


RMs are supposed to have a matter debuff. 'Vex of Earth' sounds like matter to me. If it was an energy debuff in an earlier patch, it wasnt ment to be, because giving energy debuff and energy dmg spells in one line would make the class quite powerful (especially after 1.51 when the debuffs are instant). It was listed on some spell sites as energy debuff, but now it's listed as matter on Camelot Herald.

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