Request to the masses



Hi folks,

Hit 49 last night and would like to ask a big favour of a few of you. In what seems to be an never ending battle to get some XP, I am doing to too badly, however as Herb said when I told him I ding'd last night 'Bah, You still suck ;P'

So in light on my suckiness, does anyone fancy helping me get to 50 over the next week?

I will be online from about 7:30GMT until about Midnight GMT, every night, and would like to have a group I can XP with, regularly until we are all 50?

If you are 48/49, and would like to be part of this XP group for a few hours each night, please stick your names below....

Also, ideas for XP spots would be nice, Trees suck imho, Stone Lords in DM might be fun, or DF if it is open.....

Names to be edited in, if there is a good enough response, hopefully get the ball rolling tonight (Tuesday).

1. - Eastern Beats - Minstrel
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I'd like to keep this open for 48/49 peeps, but if numbers don't look good, I'll consider 47's too.

The reason for this post: If you don't have a lot of time to play for whatever reason, (this week I have a lot on) but would still like to keep the XP bar moving, it is really tough to find a group. Then you are usually lucky to get a good group, without people leaving every 5 mins etc, and this means your 2-3 hours are reduced to about 1 hour of actual XPing, which quite frankly sucks ass.


Are times really so bad you need a thread to form a group?


Well, think you missed the point on my post Pin, I'd like to have a group organised so that when we all log we aren't farting about for hours with people leaving etc.

Little thing called organisation?

Edit - Not very helpful Pin =/ Exactly why I started this thread.


Hmm, I can't honestly blame you for trying but I'd be surprised if you got this to work. =/

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