Request to all hibz from teh bard



Please consider stocking at least one ram, and/or one catapult in your vault, or at a vaultbot in DL.. this would a help lot in general frontier issues but also if we need to go on the offensive.

And if that ram/pult is used/needed?

Then please look to restock it as fast as you can.

If you have any questions on using building trebuchets (3rd tier ram), then please ask, and I'll try my best to answer them <aware that there is a ram thread up :p >


What do I need for a ram, how do I use it, how heavy is a full ram, and how must does one cost?



2 Swing harness, 1 Ram beak, 1 Ram Cladding, 300 Ironwood.

Need 1 Siegecraft to build it, put on QB and craft just like normal crafting.

Use the little controlbar that pops up (Aim load fire).

Dont know exact cost, but it's something everyone with a level 50 char can afford easy.


Originally posted by Aio
2 Swing harness, 1 Ram beak, 1 Ram Cladding, 300 Ironwood.

Need 1 Siegecraft to build it, put on QB and craft just like normal crafting.

Use the little controlbar that pops up (Aim load fire).

Dont know exact cost, but it's something everyone with a level 50 char can afford easy.

I got 14 gold atm, enough? :p


I always have 2-3 rams in vault + one on my person. That is when i play my druid.

If anyone needs a Ram or Trebuchet, i can make all parts. Plus i can make the crafter only ammo. Anyone need some Balls of Ice. Just give me a little warning and dont expect me to hold items for you, coz my vault is mostly full.

If you plan to actually make (and use) the Ram or Trebuchet, it's worth powerlvl'ing Seige Craft. I have 64 SC. This can be done easily and cheaply by making regular ammo first then the afore mentioned special stuff. If you get SC to 51+ then all Siege weapons will be grey = no failures, half the time to make.

Nothing more frustrating than failing 3 times in a row to build a Ram.


Originally posted by Aio
2 Swing harness, 1 Ram beak, 1 Ram Cladding, 300 Ironwood.

Need 1 Siegecraft to build it, put on QB and craft just like normal crafting.

Use the little controlbar that pops up (Aim load fire).

or make macros


and btw u need a Sew Kit, Plaining Tool and a Smith Hammer to build a ram ;)


Originally posted by old.Laryssa
and btw u need a Sew Kit, Plaining Tool and a Smith Hammer to build a ram ;)

Lol yes. :p
Was about to say that, there was an infamous guild raid to fens last year where a certain crafter forgot to bring his hammer. :p
Still rib him about it to this day. :)

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