Repairing Question




As im sure you know items have both durability and condition. When an item is repaired, (repairing by a tailor is the only way?) does it lose durability, or does it not? People say it does.. people say it doesn't, i was informed items cannot indeed be repaired unless they are 100% durability so it made me question my thoughts. Any help would be aprreciated =)



When does condition lower on
a.) armour
b.) weapons

Is it when

a.) you take dmg
b.) naturally? effected by how much damage you take but will decrease anyway?

a.) when you hit melee
b.) when you use melee OR spells


Condition is as it suggests the pressent condition of the item, it will lower as you give out / recieve damage depending (not sure on the precise mechanics there).

As the condition lowers you need to repair it or your effective dps/af/whatever will lower as your weapon or armour is not up to its full standard at the moment, and when you repair the condition goes back up to 100%.

however repairing an item wears out its durability, durability being the measure of how much an item can be repaired. So the more you repair your item, the more the durability will lower, when an items durability drops to 0 it can no longer be repaired, therefore when the condition drops the item will deteriote beyond use eventually.

This takes a long time, very long time in the case of high quality items.

Masterpiece 100% quality items have a durability above 100% so its quite awhile before repairing brings the durability down to a noticable level.

Its normally reccomended to repair items when there condition drops to around 96 /97 % as below that the magical properties supposedly stop working to full effect (never noticed it myself in the virtually non existent testing i've done). Personally I repair stuff at 98 % minimum but im a perfectionist.


A little add-on to what Kagato wrote:

For bards, when using an instrument, the condition gradually wears down - standing with ie. speedsong running and crafting in TNN, your lute will eventually break (50% durability left on mine, and I've hardly moved outside TNN after purchasing a lvl 1 lute from NPC ): )


Items can be repaired by either NPC smiths or player crafters. The repair is exactly the same, but it doesn't cost crafters anything to do it.

Whenever an item's CON is repaired, the DUR is reduced correspondingly. As was said, items with 99% or 100% quality have a DUR initially set higher than 100%, so you don't see the item losing any durability for the first few repairs, until it finally drops to 99%.

I'm not sure exactly what degrades jewelry like rings and bracers, but their stat bonuses stop working when the CON drops below 70%. You will see this message: "the xxx is in dire need of repairs" when you equip it.
Q: What does condition/bonus/ quality matter on jewelry?

A: Condition – at or below 70% you stop getting stat increases or specific benefits. Bonus – (the bonus field, I should say) at this time, nothing. Quality – at this time, nothing, with one exception: all items including jewelry with a quality of 99, or 100 have extra “hidden” durability past the displayed 100, and thus those items last longer than items of lower quality.
You can repair an item until its DUR drops to 0%. An item with 100%CON and 0%DUR is exactly the same as an item with 100%CON and 100%DUR, the only difference is that the first item can't be repaired any more, so it's on its last legs.

Weapons take damage when they are used to hit something, but I'm not sure if mage staffs take damage when they are used to cast spells. Musical instruments wear out slowly as they are played. Armour takes damage as you get hit (melee only, I think - I don't think spell damage degrades armour but again, I could be wrong about that). When I rolled a cleric on Prydwen I equipped a full set of purple armour at around level 22 and when I was 40 it was all still 100% CON because I rarely got hit by anything.

Oh, one last theory: I suspect that lower quality items degrade faster than higher quality ones (store bought 85% quality stuff seems to wear out a lot faster than crafted) but I have no hard evidence of that, only observation.
Q: Do you lose more durability if you wait to repair your items as opposed to repairing them often, vice versa, or neither?

A: Neither. Durability points are converted to condition points by a ratio formula. You may lose a percentage point of durability to our system rounding up if you happen to hit it at the wrong moment, but that is the only exception. You basically need to keep your stuff at 90% condition or better, as there is a noticeable difference in the damage you take or give at that point. It’s an exponential drop – you won’t notice much of a difference anywhere in the 90s, but you’ll really feel it as you go below that point.


Originally posted by Alrindel
Weapons take damage when they are used to hit something, but I'm not sure if mage staffs take damage when they are used to cast spells.

Oh, one last theory: I suspect that lower quality items degrade faster than higher quality ones (store bought 85% quality stuff seems to wear out a lot faster than crafted) but I have no hard evidence of that, only observation.

Mages staves does wear down when used to cast spells (that's why they decade so fast, when you equip that legion staff on your new chanter alt, despite never meleeing with it).

Also, I've made the same observation concerning item quality as you have.


True, caster staves do lose condition when casting spells. And because of the quoted thing above me (the one about losing durability), i repair things whenever I remember and they aren't 100% (as I am a tailor, I repair my own cloth armor for free :) ).
Edit: typo.

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