Relicattack tonight



Today (monday 26 aug) we tried to get our sweet beloved power relic back, but because of some evil hib God we failed :|. Thanks all for participating, thanks to:

[The Fellowship], for keeping hibbies of our back as long as possible. Tnx to Gremon for leading them, and Andrew and all others I forget for organizing such a force at pretty short notice.

<Herfolge Boldklub>, <Red Devils>, <First Cohort>, <Black Falcons> and <Legion of Darkness> for keeping those smelly mids of our back ;). Tnx to Arthwyr for leading, and Krane, Ialkarn and Filip for getting it together and keeping me informed.

And offcourse everyone from [Albion United]. Special special :p thanks to Drclink and Winter/Gunnerr for their scout work, Khalen for being an excellent guide (although a little grumpy sometimes :p) and maintank, Aindalon for being maintank of 2e pullgroup, our sweet pullers Insurrection and Laypoh (those guards hurt eh Laypoh? ;P), Gregorian for leading the 2e pullgroup and to Herbal for getting those rams on those expensive doors. And offcourse to all the guilds for being there, you're too many to name, but you know who you are.

It was fun though, hope you all had fun too, even though we didn't get any relics. Now I'm gonna eat my pizza :m00:


:clap: Kcinimodus
:clap: albion

fear the next attempt, hibbies...then we will be successful !!!


Good Plan
Poor Attempt

Had us worried for a moment though :clap:


The guard pop was just insane. And the border force couldn't stop a full hib zerg, expected that actually so can't blame them really. We had it hard enough with the uberguards, when you arrived it was just too much :p.


Great organisation and planning tbh.
Keeping middies floored sure was fun and an evenly well setup group at MMG for that part (excellent job on arthwyr for that)

So /salute to everyone involved at both planning and execution and we'll get it next time.


Great planning for the raid by Kcini must have taken alot of time to contact all the ppl even though with several alliances formed each can concentrate on its own task a bit easier then in the early days. Rellic raids post patch are new to all of us, maybe its time to start experimenting with those nasty siege weapons in wall / frontier keep blockades and perhaps even on the rellic keep itself.

As for my part, I really appreciate the compliments but there was not much to lead with so many great and experienced playersgathered at MMG, it all sorted itself a bit and mids didnt stand a chance. Great job of all the guilds who showed up there.


Everything was well planned but big big misstake not taking the keeps, hibs didnt zerg us, the gaurds did.
Well later hibs did too hehe, still. :p


Kudos for the organisation, good time had by all regardless of the result.

Just a shame the servers went down today and presumably repaired the door for them. Oh well.

As others have said - we need to at least take most of the keeps before going in.

Personally I don't believe you can hope to do that in a lightning raid; and a steady progression through the keeps would result in a hib zerg at the relic.

So my suggestion would be to take (at least 5 of) the keeps early - and once taken have one guild responsible for each, upgrade the keeps to hell, then converge the zerg on the relic keep some hours later.

It wouldn't hurt to repeatedly take the keeps each night for a week or so before the raid either. Just so the hibs don't get too worried when we form up for real.

Might be worth trying a few trebs in the siege mix as well as all those rams too.


Actual thx to the bigger chat group its perfectly well to coordinate an attack on all the keeps within a v small timeframe. But it will need lots and lots of players


Hmmm, not convinced you want to try and use a 50 person cg on a relic raid - espeicially as there is no way to give people hear but not speak rights.

Use of cgs in the relic raid worked really well I thought.

1 for ram building co-ordination, another for raid scouts, another for group leaders and so on.

IMHO the general chat for a big raid (in this case /as) has got to be restricted to information from whomever is running the show, or very urgent messages from GMs or other officers running individual parts of the raid.

Personally if communication lines had held up a little better around Dun Crim, I suspect we would have been in better shape to withstand the relic guards a little longer at the relic site.

This isn't intended as a critism of the way the raid was run, merely an observation with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight.


The way from ATK to Crim was a bit stressfull, I was lagging behind, but turned out I was still encoumbered, even though I had enough strength (short sprint fixes it). Because of this, Khalen was too far away all the time, and we eventual arrived at Crim :p. Didn't know what got into the little alb minds, but they felt like bashing doors, even though I didn't give any command to smack the doors down. But with such numbers, if one starts hitting the door, others will follow, not actually knowing what's going on.

So after some yells 'get ur ass heading S and follow me', we were on way to relic again :). Sorry for that little misunderstanding. Ah well we learned some things with this little event, let's not spread our wisdom public to all hibbies and middies, and keep our newly thought off tactics to albs only ;).

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