Relic scouts ?




After our recent raid and succesfully took all the st relics . i would like to syggest "if this aint already being done" that the big alliences set up a relic watch .

for example the main albion alience ...
for everyday of the week each guild takes it in turns to sit in the relic keeps and watch for inc enemys .
i presume most the main guilds have at least ONE member online at all times that are able to speak in allience chat and send warning of intruders,

if this were to happen both relic keeps would have 24 hr watch on them and HOPEFULLY make them safe from successfull enemy invasion due to word getting spread and our forces getting there faster .

i sit in excaliber far to many hour for my liking and v rarely see any other people except for 2 i see there reguler "Vana, Vanitys alt " the only time i see others are when they are runing past to make there way to elylls .

so unless this idea is already being sorted . i think it would be wise of us to draw up some sort of ROTA where EVERY guild that signs up is to help the realm keep the relics safe both pow and st relics.

and main thing is if it does become a reality that the relics are watched 24/7 they should stick to it , so if somebody in a particuler guild has been there 1-2 hrs . somebody from same guild travels there and let him go exp and he takes his place watching . sure might be boring sat there but end of the day this will hopefully make our relics EXTREMELY hard for enemy to steal due to our repsonse time being a lot faster than accidently stumbling onto a enemy relic force .


I'm sure theres a system in place - no need to give other realms tips on how to watch relics... :m00:

Herbal Remedy

relic watch caught the hibs who got spanked in hadrians relic is safely back in snow gj and wd to all involved


Originally posted by K0nah
I'm sure theres a system in place - no need to give other realms tips on how to watch relics... :m00:

wasnt giving tips to another realm "i'm an alb" . i was suggesting we create a relic watxh time table ,
as for a scout catching hibs at relic was it a actual scout sat in pow keep or just somebody exp'ing nearby who spotted them by chance ?


It was a scouting group departed after unusual amount of Hib activity (though estimated nowhere near what it in the end was).

What Konah is trying to say is, whatever we have in effect or are decidiing on it won't be discussed here :)

I take a bit of personal blame for not checking Myrddin more, it's my turf, but today I figured I'd be better off eliminating any threat in HW already and I did expect it to be Mid. The Hib threat at some point through lots of bug abusing etc eliminated me though. Then they made my taxi go to bed too, further complicating matters.


well in our guild for some interesting reason only 1 or 2 ppl have alliance chat, not inc me


Originally posted by bishibosh
well in our guild for some interesting reason only 1 or 2 ppl have alliance chat, not inc me

then ask for /as access, if ure denied find a guild that will, its for your realm after all.


a limited amount of people have /ac, and for a good reason. While there may be alot of people who may see /ac there are relativly few who can chat in /ac. This is t keep down the spam. And if you see something that needs to go in /ac discuss it with your guild. In my guild we have a rule (mostly followed) that nothing is said from us in /ac that isn't discussed in guild chat first.

Not many people NEED to have access to /ac. As long as one person online in your guild at all times has it then there shouldn't be a problem.

And as for the scouting and relic watching. Every ½hour to an hour I hear in guild chat Wall clear/keep clear/relic safe....I don't know if this someothing they do personally and they are the only ones (I doubt it) or if it's something that has been arranged, but as far as I'm concered I feel safe.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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