Relic Raid



Moan moan moan moan moan. It failed, get over it instead of blaming everysingle alb that turned up, albeit uninvited, to help. I still find it hard to take in that people are blaming people that turned up to help for it failing. Oh yeah, silly me, more people means less effect. How could i miss that one.
Why can't people just have fun together instead of all the goddamn p*ssing and moaning that seems to be happening ALL the time. No wonder Albion is the laughing stock of Excalibur. All the level 50's think they have a right to tell all the lower levels what to do, well im sorry but i think i speak on behalf of all the people just wanting to play for fun when i say "STFU all u level 50's, we'll do what we want, when we want and where we want".

<<100th Level BAD BOY>>


I think I will use a l33t-term that has been widely employed recently:



Sort it!

Too much of this 'angry at daddy for not buying that posh car you alwaays wanted' bizzness.When will these people wake up an realise its not real,Go pick on sum infants school kids or summin.xXx


Before you moan about the so called moaning about some people, do a post with your ingame name first.

And of course not everybody knew about that relic raid and that was well done. Do you really think we should tell everybody lvl 30 or unknown player at what time a relic raid is happen? So I have an idea, lets post it on BW, that everybody can read it or even better, lets post it on mids and hibs boards.

Ckiller ofDust

i acctually didnt see any moanin bout this relic raid only some stuff that could have been done but wasnt because of time...

All in all it was a good relic raid :) although we would have made it with more ppl and then once again albs WOULD RULE THE WORLD :)


Originally posted by beerswiller
No wonder Albion is the laughing stock of Excalibur. All the level 50's think they have a right to tell all the lower levels what to do, well im sorry but i think i speak on behalf of all the people just wanting to play for fun when i say "STFU all u level 50's, we'll do what we want, when we want and where we want".
<<100th Level BAD BOY>>

And you wonder why the relic raid failed with a attitude like that?

k thx bye

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