Relic Raid Attempt 2


The Dragon

Massive thankyou for all those that came to Help on Relic Raid!!

I was so much more impressed this time and 10k richer in the Rps

A super thankyou to the Shadowlords Society alliance even if a lot of them did pull out, and a big thx to Nibor for coordinating it, you did a sterling job

An immense super thankyou to Ferus Legionis who are in my opinion well coordinated. well organised and highly efficient. Orticus you represented your guild well, and I look forward to working with you again, you surpassed all of your objectives.

and of course a big thankyou to my alliance whose turn out was brilliant and really picked me up from last time.


Things Learnt.

1) guard the gatekeepers to stop ppl from entering.

2) spies again =( (early warning was due to this, the confirmation was possibly due to our numbers) but there were ppl waiting at our objectives before we moved out.

3) Chanters are overpowered and unbalanced. I am not one to moan about these things but it is becomeing apparent. (more of that on another post)

4) give more than 1 hour organisation time =) and dont be the ram mule if your organising such events lol


hmmm i did notice one thing just sitting back and relaxing in my chair - that popping teh 2 keeps near mt.collery in quick succession = rr.

The Dragon

they were onto us way before then, otherwise I would day fair enough


I usually nag the groups sorc/mezzer to keep watch for incs and mezz long before they reach the gate keeper.

Its pointless having them just target the gate keeper as they can just click him or speak enter/exit the minute you break mezz and get a rezz inside even if you do kill them. And kill them outside they can still be rezzed in. Have to stop them on the hill before they get close, its up to the casters as the tanks cannot react fast enough before its to late.

If you have any lowbies wanting to make themselves yourself, have them at base of hill as an early warning system to the sorc.


Once again, grats to all involved for the effort.



Well done, everyone! Sorry for Shadowlords Society not showing up as promised, we had an existing event scheduled for the time, and announcement of the upcoming raid reached some of us rather late.

Anyway, well done, Draven, for organizing this, and Nibor, for handling the our alliance's part in this. :clap:


When you zerged our guild group at amg we realised something was up :)

So we moved to nged and noticed both doors are down, the rest is history.

The Dragon

in the defense of our spy accusation

HIbernians were already in place before the zerg, we zerged the amg way after we knew that the more 'stealth aspect of the raid' was already being thwarted =), you already knew before the Relic Keep force had left albion. So yep spies were used.


Spies = 99% Paranoia.
Most likely you were spotted. All depends on your luck.

I noticed the build up in Sauvage, so thought someone was organizing something.
My question is how far did you get?
How many rams were planned and in the end used on each door.
How many groups were you in total?
How many keeps were down?

I have organised a RR before and also took it upon me to get all the rams for the raid on my alts.
Kinda stupid when you think of it.
Cannot a guild get rams from somewhere else themselfes?
Pretty easy to get them really. Step inside Cornwall station, ask for a lvl 500 Tailor / Weaponcrafter / Armorcrafter and you will have a ram in no time.
Otherwise plan ahead look on the internet who can make the required items and ask them to make the parts for you.

I think it is good practice to have at least one ram in once vault.
That way when you are asked to help on any type of raid or keep (re)take you won't be hitting any doors with your weapon.

Anyways grats with your efforts and I'm sure you will succeed in the end.

And give The Ministry a call on your next efforts. We or any guild in our alliance are willing to give a helping hand.


well, our GM gorre, his alt crafts our guilds ram, only thing ya gotta do is buy wood and dump it in ya vault, I always try to have 2 fully rams rdy in way rly


aww i missed it

I would have been there but Im having the worst time trying to get back on daoc. I lost my subscription password and, my e-mail changed. So its been hell gettig it since Fri and now they are going to Mail it to me.. no not e-mail.. POST MAIL. Anyways ... sorry i missed it draven :( keep on trying ... we will get it at some point ;) hehe :clap:

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