Relic Defence



I would just like to thank the guys that helped defend the relics even though mid and hib were working together.

My guild and i spent our whole guild fund and even with donations from rumble and mis we spent in excess of 13plat to get inner door shut and to 60% and shut outer door. We are totally cleared out.

Cannot afford to keep up thsi pace with midgard or hib if they attack relics again. Thanks to some of teh shadowbeed and immortals that helped defend and fund too and Cyric fora cracking on teh doors.

This will take all guilds to pull together to fund repairs and that we have done all we can i am asking to help from other guilds now if you can please drop me an email or msg me in game tomorrow.

Very knackered 4th night ive been up past 5am. But thanks to all who stayed to help and protect our relics.


Maybe its time to..............

I have mentioned this in many groups to many peeps.
If all interested GM`s could get together <without bickering etc.>,
and try to work out a multi alliance war council,on such subjects as:- a guild tax purely for relic doors,some of the bigger guilds sharing their rvr knowledge with the lower ones,also some form of battle plan which all classes adhere to,these seem to work perfect for relic/keep raids but in normal rvr,headless and chickens spring to mind.
Like you say Scunner, the past few raids have hit our finances
Anyway guys it`s just a thought,but some positive feedback would benefit us all methinks>


Originally posted by scunn

My guild and i spent our whole guild fund and even with donations from rumble and mis we spent in excess of 13plat to get inner door shut and to 60% and shut outer door. We are totally cleared out.

this is all good news, ;)

our zerg-alb-relic-and-fail-at-3rd-door works then? ;)


I was at myddrin with around 10-20 albs who all fought well its a shame not many people cared to defend it then i rushed back to excal and died there hehe due to some bug.But in future i wish more albs would defend myddrin better i am not the only one saying this,those who were there fought well and done a great job.

After that we had another load of hibs and mids which at the time most albs were in bed(as usual)which overpowered the mighty albs that defended there.To be honest we did a good job defending the first time though but second time most albs went to bed because they didnt expect it.

Oh well beware hibs and mids we come back for you even if we have to fight both of you at once we will:)


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
I was at myddrin with around 10-20 albs who all fought well its a shame not many people cared to defend it then i rushed back to excal and died there hehe due to some bug.But in future i wish more albs would defend myddrin better i am not the only one saying this,those who were there fought well and done a great job.

After that we had another load of hibs and mids which at the time most albs were in bed(as usual)which overpowered the mighty albs that defended there.To be honest we did a good job defending the first time though but second time most albs went to bed because they didnt expect it.

Oh well beware hibs and mids we come back for you even if we have to fight both of you at once we will:)

I think the expectation was that the Middies would take Excalibur, so most albs were defending that.

When I scouted Hurbury and saw the Hibs taking that, I reported on Alliance channel and then went to Myrrdins to scout that too. Only Sami from Sotl was there with me when the Hibs arrived.

I informed the alliance and the Albs started arriving in small groups to defend the keep about 5 minutes later. They did a great job defending, until the main alb force arrived to kill the hibs.

Then we all went off to Excalibur to stop the Mids, but by the time most of us arrived Excal was safe.

Plebo Lazarus, Lvl43 Mercenary.
The Fallen


Uhh the woodruns and lack of funds.
I remember those days in mid, where both RKs were bashed down, and the whole day doing woodrun from bledmeer to RKs.
Good to know you are as poor as we were back then, but be safe to know; we will be coming back, we will bash on the doors again, you will be even more poor.

Hope it helped


Just our little guild that is short of funds, not the big guns like SoTL, Dragon Senate and Lords of England. It just so happened that it was predominately Disciples of Aldur who were defending against you in the early hours of Sunday morning.

I am sure that any and all other Albion guilds will be happy to fund repairs. We can go knock on your doors now instead :)


hmm that aint true.... we certainly aint loaded.


Originally posted by old.Plebo
When I scouted Hurbury and saw the Hibs taking that, I reported on Alliance channel and then went to Myrrdins to scout that too. Only Sami from Sotl was there with me when the Hibs arrived.
I had been scouting there but had one the those lovely 1 hour lds that I kept getting over the weekend. :p

some of the bigger guilds sharing their rvr knowledge with the lower ones
How about, people actually turning up to defend the frontier before the mids have 6 keeps and are bashing down the doors on excalibur, instead of sitting in emain dying to hibs for hours then saying "why didn't you stop the mids?!" (Note, this isn't directed at you maxgirth, or DoA, just at albions in general).


Originally posted by Turamber
Just our little guild that is short of funds, not the big guns like SoTL, Dragon Senate and Lords of England. It just so happened that it was predominately Disciples of Aldur who were defending against you in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Ummmm Turamber please check with these guilds about what they spend on door repairs before saying something ?

First of all I cannot speak for SOTL and LOE but I will say that I have seen a few of their guys at the doors doing repairs all last week before the raid this weekend. I also do know that Gideon personally brought money for the doors, althought i don't know how much that was...I didn't bother to ask. (kinda rude to I thought)

As for TDS, we have depleted most of our guild funds on those !@#$! %$#$#!@# (censored for your protection!!) doors.
I have personally spent close to 3 plat of my own and money I was holding from guild tax. (we collect guild tax just for this reason and for our crafters which we can't pay now) I know for a fact that almost every night last week we were doing wood runs out of our money and even giving our money to others not in the guild so they could carry wood since they too said they were broke. (not complaining, this is how it should be) All in all I think that TDS has spent close to 20p on those doors alone, and that all in just last week. We are now basically broke, all of this realm defending has cut out our farming for cash time.

I have not said anything earlier about this because I did not want the other realms to know our financial situation, which is bleak at the moment. But the original poster has gone and revealed the truth.

So guys, while this is definately a problem, might I suggest in the future that we get a meeting of all the leaders of the guilds and discuss realm funds and door repairs before pointing fingers?

We all care about our realm and our relics and are doing as much as we can. (I am even learning woodworking so I can repair doors too, for goodness sakes)

BTW, the only reason I was not there (first time in months!) defending the relics is because my husband wanted some time alone with me. Any other time I am there with the stray 20. Guess that will teach me for wanting some time away from the game! :(


NOOOOO!!!! fecked my DSL on sunday morning first thing and couldn`t get up and running untill this morning otherwise i`d have been at Myddrin and excaliber defending like hell!

curse you middies/hibbies!!!

little did i know that pipex was run by hibgard players!


We spend so much time moaning at things Mythic got wrong in game design, I think sometimes we forget to give credit to things they got right. Relic Keep doors are economic warfare. It's a great idea that, even if a realm is more powerful than the others, the others can wear it down through bankrupting it. The Hibs and Mids nicked their relics at the weekend largely because they busted the doors of Myddrins and none of the remaining Albions there had the cash to repair them.

What goes around comes around, of course, and while Albion cash reserves build up, Midgard and Hibernian cash will go down as we knock on their doors. It adds another dimension, and should be welcomed rather than criticised.

And yes, the Templars are also stony broke, although at last Hendrick has started to earn money, rather than doing his impression of a bottomless ale-and-gold pit !


Originally posted by scunn

My guild and i spent our whole guild fund and even with donations from rumble and mis we spent in excess of 13plat to get inner door shut and to 60% and shut outer door. We are totally cleared out.

It is very expensive to use the wood from the relic keep mercs.

You need a wood train to get heartwood ideally, or if in a rush, get wood from ludlow.

Heartwood will repair a level 8 door for about 1.6 plat.

As for people paying, I see the same ones pay over & over. A lot of people disappear as soon as anyone mentions helping with door costs.

Many people I know, inc me, have shelled out in excess of 5plat each in 6-8 weeks on door repairs.


money of all things

i would like to thank my guild for making this months book keeping nice and easy :clap:

as i have less to count any even less to ask ppl for as i deuct what ppl spent on keep defence off there tax


please for those that require interguild cooperation for funding from us

please contact
my self (name bellow)(finance dude)
Kyra (senator)
Choppy (senator)
Lakarell (senator)
Fightersuntzu (senator)

ok :confused:

as to this pish about not helping
we all (as in most guilds) at one time or other have spent the most of our money on keep defence of rams and stuff

as in what else have we got spend opur money on



Kyra, if you read my post again I am -not- suggesting other guilds have failed to repair the relic doors. It seemed to me it was better not to advertise the fact that all Albion guilds are broke, but way to go other posters for letting the enemy know that...


Originally posted by minstrel_kyra

I have not said anything earlier about this because I did not want the other realms to know our financial situation, which is bleak at the moment. But the original poster has gone and revealed the truth.

No he did'nt,Scunner only mentioned himself and his own guild.

My guild and i spent our whole guild fund and even with donations from rumble and mis we spent in excess of 13plat to get inner door shut and to 60% and shut outer door. We are totally cleared out.

Turamber even backed him up.

Just our little guild that is short of funds, not the big guns like SoTL, Dragon Senate and Lords of England. It just so happened that it was predominately Disciples of Aldur who were defending against you in the early hours of Sunday morning.

But it seems everyone else did.

Like you say Scunner, the past few raids have hit our finances

hmm that aint true.... we certainly aint loaded.

As for TDS, we have depleted most of our guild funds on those !@#$! %$#$#!@# (censored for your protection!!) doors.

And yes, the Templars are also stony broke, although at last Hendrick has started to earn money, rather than doing his impression of a bottomless ale-and-gold pit !

Some people are just a bit too eager to flame someone, that they do'nt even take the time to understand the point of the post.
It was only a simple thankyou and the realisation that repairing relic doors costs a lot of money,which would cost any guild almost all their reserves.


my apologies then turnamber, but that is what a lot of my guildmates read into your post also.

I certainly hope my post was not seen as flaming anyone, I am sure that we are all giving our fair share. any of those out there who aren't however, should be ashamed for not helping out.

okay enough chatter, gonna go make some money :)


Originally posted by Turamber
Just our little guild that is short of funds, not the big guns like SoTL, Dragon Senate and Lords of England. It just so happened that it was predominately Disciples of Aldur who were defending against you in the early hours of Sunday morning.

I am sure that any and all other Albion guilds will be happy to fund repairs. We can go knock on your doors now instead :)

The Dragon Senate has a team of alts dedicated to repairing doors at relic keeps. In last week we spent about 15 plat on door repairs at excal, in the last month we spent our entire guild tax fund on door repairs. Last week I personally spent 200g repairing a keep claimed by another guild after I arrived to find the first door gone and second door badly damaged. No one asked me to repair those doors, I just did it because it is my duty to the realm and I don't give a shit if another guild has claimed it as the keep is still benefits Albion. The Dragon Senate cares about the upkeep of realm but we are also not a bottomless pit. I am over 1.2 plat down this week, that is money I had saved for crafting and helping lower level guild members.


Please read posts, and the explanation of posts, before flaming realm mates please. The purpose of my post was to put the Middies and Hibs off the scent. But okay, lets get this in the open:


How is that? Happier now?!


everybody calm down :)

theres a waaaay easier approach to this.

do as i do (lots of you must have seen it, or been 'abused' by it),


do this 3-4 times, and money starts piling up. people give you 20 gold, 40 gold etc.


then the SAME people, give 100 this time, or 150. We're now talking about 200-250 per person. if you do this when the usual 30 people army is hanging out in front of the doors, you will get loads.

Last week, i raised 8 platinum, +2.5p from PARP, that all went straight to doors.

after the run, i had money in excess, which i then kept and spend on the NEXT run.

this way, Everybody pays. even the unguilded!

<takes pride in his annoying but ruthlessly effective tactics>

<edit: this method wont work, if the bulk of the people dont trust you to actually fix them doors :) >


As a guild we have decided to all stock up on wood, putting it into our vaults -- that way there is a decent supply close to hand. I do need to go cash farming first though, am seriously broke after this week.


Turmaber ;)

Fancy abusing and misrepresenting our words of correction in such a manner - words which at the end of the day - show how much effort Guilds and Alliances of Albion are putting into supporting our realm - which we are rightly proud of.

Im sorry if the response that you got didn't fit into your reasoning forthe post, but we're not mind readers (just WHEN are they going to patch that RA into the game?).

To Liste's words and to the next defense of Excalibur!

Come you enemies of the realm - Doors or naught we shall be there!


Originally posted by Turamber
As a guild we have decided to all stock up on wood, putting it into our vaults -- that way there is a decent supply close to hand. I do need to go cash farming first though, am seriously broke after this week.

Turamber you seem to be taking this very personally. All we have stated is that The Dragon Senate is also throwing all it's resources at repairing doors. I can't speak for LoE and SoTL but I am sure it is a priorty for them too. As some one rightly pointed out, relics swing back and forth. Relic wars are wars of attrition, where you aim to either bankrupt your enemy or catch them off guard. For weeks out doors have taking a battering and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that we as a relam would be running low on cash. Froler and svartalf are just baiting you by making it seem like they didn't know we have spent alot on doors. It is all a tactic to cause division amongst us and reacting like you have makes it look like that it is working.

The fact is Albion needs to organise a realm wide council for relic defence and door repair, till we get that we will get splintered efforts at repairing doors and that will cost us more relics. Individual guilds can not afford the upkeep of the relic fortresses but as a realm we can more than afford too. For example ;

Last night 230 Lvl40+ players online

230 x 20g = 4.6 plat

That is enough to repair all 3 doors with heartwood, 20g can be made in less than 30 minutes for anyone over lvl40. That is the kind of effort we need to make as a realm if we expect to hold more than 2 relics for any period of time.


How about, people actually turning up to defend the frontier before the mids have 6 keeps and are bashing down the doors on excalibur, instead of sitting in emain dying to hibs for hours then saying "why didn't you stop the mids?!" (Note, this isn't directed at you maxgirth, or DoA, just at albions in general).

I know what you mean bud, how many times have you seen 40+`s still xp`ing at ellyls etc,? when your are en route to defend or retake keeps


My posts are very clear and explicit. They do not criticise other guilds. The last post of mine was passing on information about what we thought was a good idea, use it or ignore it as you will.

It's very hard to breathe without some people in Albion taking offence.

EDIT: and Max you are absolutely correct. Before now I've seen level 50's drop hunting while level 30's are manning Excalibur for a relic defence. It's hard to criticise people for how they want to play a game, but some individuals seem to have no concept of what the game is about.

For the record I was checking my e-mail Sunday morning 1:30am, did a quick check of the keep status from the templar website (very good site) ... thought "crap" and logged on for an hour or so ... till I fell asleep at the keyboard ;)


Sunday morning at 4am I awoke with my head on the keyboard and drool down my chin :)


Okay so what have we learned?

we all want what is best for albion, but we all can't be on 24hrs a day.

many of our residents are contributing for door funds, even if its not as obvious to others.

we need to make sure we continue this wonderful line of communication that we are keeping. (unity has kindly set up a separate forum just for this purpose. also tds has a website that is available for updates for unity leaders and all members of our alliance... contact me or choppy for these urls.)

turamber and I had a little chat yesterday and he was not trying to get anyone worked up. i think he was simply stating that those who are not doing their fair share, should. only he didn't quite word it that way and got a few of my guildmates concerned that the rest of albion would think we are not contributing.

so group hug everyone.. .now lets get out there and take back our relics!!



Ok all i think the purpose of the post has been blown out of all proportion. It was not aimed at discrediting other guilds not at pointing a finger at those not defending.

All guilds defend just at different times we just happend to get all of ours online to excal at that time.

The point i actually made was we were broke not everyone else and that i was putting the idea forward whether as a realm all guilds collectively we could come to some arrangement ideas of how to fund relics defence etc or just simple cash farming rather than leaving each individual guild to do it. Some smaller guilds cant afford to farm themsleves and the more we involve the tighter this realm will pull together.

I frankly think albion as a whole dida damm good job and it took a combined mid/hib effort to bring us down. You all must know me by now it wasnt a post to flame i dont flame it was amking what i saw as an important point to try and help the realm not point teh finger oh such and such why cant they help.

I hope this clears things up for u. Many just seem too keen to jump to conclusions :(.

And mids/hibs dont think ur doors are safe we already invested in decent rams before we spent cash on doors!!!

Sleep well cause the nightmare begins when u wake up :p

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