Relax people



I've noticed the amount of angry posts dissing other people and their attitudes has been rising lately. It seems to drown all the real discussion on this board. I really can't comprehend this. I sometimes get irritated in the game as well, but I never think about it for more than it takes to type /release. And some people even go through the trouble of posting rant on a board just because someone acted like an ass or said horrible things.

If you really get so upset playing the game, maybe you should look for something else? There will always be peole playing the game that will irritate you, throw insults at you, etc. But why get so upset about it? Just shrug it off, you're more mature than this. It's not like they are saying these things on your face or punching you in real life. (And even then I would try to be calm, but it sure is sometimes difficult :).)

What I am really saying is that please people, do not respond to insults (or bad behaviour) with another. It will only make matters worse, like we have seen on the board already.

So cheer up, everyone.


Hey pouget.
did I see you in Lyonesse yesterday?

I was playing Cambrensis (Cleric) with a group, fighting the Pikes.
Was that you and the cleric who joined just b4 I left?...
If so, HI :)


Originally posted by danskmacabre
Hey pouget.
did I see you in Lyonesse yesterday?

I was playing Cambrensis (Cleric) with a group, fighting the Pikes.
Was that you and the cleric who joined just b4 I left?...
If so, HI :)

Yup, indeed. Thanks for the invite, good to see nice people in the game once in a while :).

wolvon fury

The reason people are Upset,
Is becuase, servers have idiots, But your realm just takes the cheese,

Rest in Glory my Ice wizard, no more pricks were you are,

(I know there are nice people there, met lots of them, but the over run of idiots is huge)


macabre.... danish....

u wouldnt happen to be studying at the university of Århus?
if so, i think we know eachother......


I would have liked to have stayed.
But I had an appointment with a Pint of Cider in a pub in Århus..:=)


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
macabre.... danish....
u wouldnt happen to be studying at the university of Århus?
if so, i think we know eachother......

Afraid not.
I live in Denmark, but I'm Australian.(my Wife is Danish).
And I'm a Sysadmin in an IT Dept, not a student.

But hello anyway. :)


Originally posted by danskmacabre
I would have liked to have stayed.
But I had an appointment with a Pint of Cider in a pub in Århus..:=)

Hehe, a very good reason to log. In top three I would say :). See you round, gonna switch to Barrows from Lyonesse, though. At least try to, might have to resort to Lyonesse once in a while, tho :sleeping:.


Ywah, barrows is quite good XP.
I was in there a week ago with a group and lvl'ed up nicely.

Might go back every now and then.
The barrows is also more convenient in some ways, as it's nice and close to the DF entrance.

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