Reinforcements in Hibbieland



Hello there all you loving treehuggers!

I'm thinking of starting to play daoc again, I have had a break for around 6 months. Reading these forums and watching in-game videos really got me to remember how it used to be. Great!

So I considered paying to renew my subscription. And now I think it's time for me to help Hibernia. But, starting a new character, without knowing anyone in the realm is obviously not as fun as playing with your old guild mates and such.

I've decided I want to be a Ranger, luri ranger. And this fact means more or less that it will be a hard time to get groups (if Rangers are treated like Hunters in Mid).

So I were thinking that maybe I would look here to see if there is anyone who is also starting a new character, or maybe some people are starting an exp group? Or are you a member of a rather large, newbie-friendly (that is low-lvl, I'm no newbie to the game) guild?

It would be nice to get a good start this time, and hopefully level up quite fast so I would get to experience RvR with a high level character.

Earlier I played around 7-8 months, I had a bad luck of guilds. Every guild I joined split after a while, and the guild members got spread out. I never got into nice exp groups, so my highest char ever were a lvl 32 Healer. And i also had a lvl 29 Warrior, 28 Runemaster, 29 Hunter and more low levels.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to be playing!


Originally posted by nightcrawl
Hello there all you loving treehuggers!

No chance. You lost em on the first line. Go join uh.....a video rental place.


Originally posted by nightcrawl
Reading these forums and watching in-game videos really got me to remember how it used to be. Great!

Its nothing like it used to be................... unfortunately.


Hmm... negative thinking here... its just as great as you make of it or something... join a great guild and get powerlevelled to 50 :clap:


Originally posted by uncle_sal
Hmm... negative thinking here... its just as great as you make of it or something... join a great guild and get powerlevelled to 50 :clap:

Just as great as the client lets it be.


Oh and just as great an experience as the people you play with let it be.


Originally posted by uncle_sal
join a great guild and get powerlevelled to 50 :clap:

do not join BoH ;)
we boot u when u ask for PL ;)


Originally posted by Rubric
Oh and just as great an experience as the people you play with let it be.
you're letting other people control your enjoyment of the experience
change this and your life will be immeasurably improved
daoc is no different to life in this regard, it's a matter of changing your perspective so that the limitations that others place on you are irrelevant.
of course paradigm shifts are never easy :eek:


Originally posted by Amadon
you're letting other people control your enjoyment of the experience
change this and your life will be immeasurably improved
daoc is no different to life in this regard, it's a matter of changing your perspective so that the limitations that others place on you are irrelevant.
of course paradigm shifts are never easy :eek:

Of course the spot stealers & arrogant 13 year olds are easy to get away from.


Originally posted by Rubric
Of course the spot stealers & arrogant 13 year olds are easy to get away from.
there are other spots to go to where you can have just as much fun

and there's a handy /ignore feature as well as realising how irrelevant other people's arrogance is


Originally posted by Amadon
realising how irrelevant other people's arrogance is

The arrogance is irrelevant to you my intollerance is relevant to me.


Originally posted by Rubric
The arrogance is irrelevant to you my intollerance is relevant to me.
Your intollerance is what gives them power over your enjoyment of an experience in which they participate


having just as much fun now as I did when I started ... sucked at playing a bard then, and nothing much has changed :D

heheheh welcome mate, have fun ;)


Listen to amadon, he talk with straight tongue...

He is right ofc, there are idiots in any game you choose to play really, whether by sheer arrogance or failure in social interaction.

I've seen a lot more people getting jumpy over mobs, was near, not camping, the alb prince the other day and someone ina 2fg of hibs yelled he was claimed, was only 6 of us and we were only killing mutilators but we ignored then and stuck at what we were doing.
Been playing since feb last year, had some unpleasent experiences but overall it has not affected my enjoyment of the game and never will, hib is over populated but SI rocks ;)

So just be cool and enjoy, it's simply not worth expending the calories worrying about spawn or items :)


Oh my god, so many replies, but not one that is about what I asked :)

Started to play on Camlann today, was nice. My ranger is lvl 15 now, but no guild wants me there either...ah well, all I can do is hope :)


My old guild Tuatha de Dannan seems to be quite active again... and quite a lot of low levels... you might wanna check out homepage and contact some of the members ingame... ill be coming back myself after summer holidays... very friendly and very funny people :)

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