Regarding US/EU Daoc


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 24, 2004
Im a fairly new player to DAOC so i apologise if this has been asked many times before, i have done a search, but could not find my answer.

Im just wondering if people can clear up a couple of questions.

1. Why do the US have a co-op server, yet EU doesnt?
2. Why are the US 2 patches in front of us? Im thinking its due to translations reasons but could someone confirm that?

Thanks in advance.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
1. Dunno, EU is thin of players as is.. look at Camlann.. 900-1200 at primetime
2. Yes, it's the stupid translations. I find it ironic, now they are opening 2 test servers.. For French and German! May be becayse their player base is much higher than English but.. i find it lame. We get patches damn late because of translations, and french are always considered as priority. I refuse to believe thought, that it's any kind of "racism" (bad word for this), but it really makes GOA look like total shit in the eyes of English server population.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
MrCeill said:
2. Why are the US 2 patches in front of us? Im thinking its due to translations reasons but could someone confirm that?

because Mythic send files to GOA when Mythic want to. Same version on US and EU servers would create competition between Mythic and GOA. Companies hate competition.
For example if you read Friday News, you'll figure out that GOA had to wait 3 weeks after the 1.67 patching day to get the 1.68 patch files to translate (at the same time, US servers was still using 1.68 patch).

French and German aren't always considered as priority. If that were true, Camlann would have been in German or French instead of in English. There are events on english servers that don't exist on french and german servers.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Point having french and german servers are?
1. They have no clue about the english language?
2. there is plenty of countries in europe that doesnt have perfect english knowledge and therefor anyway forced to play english servers.

Im swedish. Yes we have a high knowledge in the english vocabulary in this country.

some other countries doesnt.
Some is germany,france,spain for example.

Only reason I see that US doesnt host english EU servers is due to time difference. and the time frame would make the europe players play on non peak times most.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I think tho that DAoC would have been more appreciated in Europe if the English client and the German/French client had 2 diff. companies behind them with the English one not needing translations etc. and thus being on the same patch as US, perhaps a week in between, but certainly not months where those Translation Monkeys do some fake bits&bytes shifting to make it look like they do something while infact we get the same version the US has (Ever checked the so called Brittish-English spelling ingame, that that consumes weeks if not months to complete? looks alot like American-English if ya ask me :eek6: )

But to confirm what MrCeill asked, indeed we don't have a Co-op server because we simply don't have enough players, which certainly is partially the fault of a lack of advertising and the fact that those currently playing always have something to complain about making it less appealing for others. And ofc. the being behind with the Us patches doesn't do us any good ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
And the sheer fact that most people seem to forget is that we get tweaked patches instead of patches with bugs. Since they improved this procedure we hardly had days of downtime (mostly some hours but not multiple server downs like on the US).

If I would take a guess why it takes longer is because they get all the patches + hotfixes for a version, translate it here and then gotta send the entire package back to Mythic to let em compile it. If something goes wrong they gotta resend it again and fix the mistake. And then there's always the "timed" delay so US Daoc keeps ahead of us to offer people a choice, either the newest patches (with possible bugs) or a game with a little delay in the newest developments but less bugs.

Honestly I don't see any problem in being a little behind with patches, gives us far more time to see what's good and bad about em and what could be tweaked. The people who whine about wanting the newest patch whine again when they got it and see another new patch (they are the ones who are never satisfied with what they got)

And yes there are quite some people who would love a Coop Server but it would spread the people even more out over the servers (not that this is bad as there will always be less action servers). The one thing I don't get is why a PvP server was approved as it's a part of the game and so should be offered to the daoc community but a cooperative one ain't...

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