Regarding our Keeps


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Would just like to point out that although several posts have stressed the need for keeps to be maintained at level 10, I just don't think it is possible unless we come to an inter-alliance agreement on a keep claiming rota.

Shadowlords have maintained Surs at lvl 10 for the first week of NF, and it is getting painful. Despite earning over 3 mill rps in that week we are still in the red for the period.

I haven't done the sums yet, but at 24k per day we will ultimately run out of gbp.

I think this is the general idea. Very few keeps on US servers, certainly Iseult where I play are now level 10. Guilds just can't afford it. I would imagine that most Guilds are in the same position.

Would just like to point this out early so that as a realm we can start discussing solutions.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Skilgannon said:
Would just like to point out that although several posts have stressed the need for keeps to be maintained at level 10, I just don't think it is possible unless we come to an inter-alliance agreement on a keep claiming rota.

Shadowlords have maintained Surs at lvl 10 for the first week of NF, and it is getting painful. Despite earning over 3 mill rps in that week we are still in the red for the period.

I haven't done the sums yet, but at 24k per day we will ultimately run out of gbp.

I think this is the general idea. Very few keeps on US servers, certainly Iseult where I play are now level 10. Guilds just can't afford it. I would imagine that most Guilds are in the same position.

Would just like to point this out early so that as a realm we can start discussing solutions.

Making bigger guilds would be a answer :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Setting the keeps at Lvl 9 could be a solution to this.

Is there really that much difference that an extra cost of 500bps an hour more for lvl 10 is justified. This would in effect double your pool of bp's and allow you to have the option of upgrading during times of real crisis.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2004
Snarks said:
Setting the keeps at Lvl 9 could be a solution to this.

Is there really that much difference that an extra cost of 500bps an hour more for lvl 10 is justified. This would in effect double your pool of bp's and allow you to have the option of upgrading during times of real crisis.

The difrence between a lvl 9 and a 10 is 1 Combatant Hookpoint. Not realy worth the 50% extra cost compared to lvl 9 i tink.
Could always have it at lvl 10 during weekends and holidays and leave it at 9 during the week.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
think the doors are stronger on a level 10

I think we should keep beno at level 10 as it's needed to open either relic gate... other keeps level 9?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2004
How about...

I don't know of a way to see how many bp's any guild has (available) so
perhaps if GM's from high-bp guilds posted here with contact names, we
could pm each other if we know we have to relinquish a keep or know
that one is about to go down, and passing ownership onto a guild that
can afford to keep it.

Might be an idea for guilds to set a low rank able to claim than in pre-NF,
but a low-officer or somesuch to release control to help facilitate this..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
think the doors are stronger on a level 10

I think we should keep beno at level 10 as it's needed to open either relic gate... other keeps level 9?

That sounds like a good workable solution. If the larger guilds also took turns to hold Beno it would alleviate the BP's burden on them and allow them to recoup them on Hibs/Mids before they resumed control again.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Afaik the top5 guilds in albion could hold a keep each at lvl 10 for aprox 5-6 month at 24k/day.
Someone correct me if this is totally wrong, but as I see it.
Keeping a keep at lvl 10 in Albion should not be a problem, if small guilds <no offence> keep towers claimed and dont go for keeps.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Spyf said:
Afaik the top5 guilds in albion could hold a keep each at lvl 10 for aprox 5-6 month at 24k/day.
Someone correct me if this is totally wrong, but as I see it.
Keeping a keep at lvl 10 in Albion should not be a problem, if small guilds <no offence> keep towers claimed and dont go for keeps.
think gol can hold a lvl 10 keep for something like 250 days, if shadow lords are earning 3 million a week that should be more than enough bps to keep em going at lvl 10 iirc


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
The complaints are not over whether keeps are level 9 or 10 - the point was that guilds having keeps claimed at level 5 just isnt good enough.

If smaller guilds cant afford to claim a keep at level 9/10 longterm they should be able to share it with another guild (or their alliance) fairly easily: as someones accidental testing has proven keeps can be released and reclaimed without instantly downgrading to level 1.

If a guild the size of SS cant afford to maintain a level 10 keep somethings wrong with the system IMHO :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Snarks said:
Setting the keeps at Lvl 9 could be a solution to this.

Is there really that much difference that an extra cost of 500bps an hour more for lvl 10 is justified. This would in effect double your pool of bp's and allow you to have the option of upgrading during times of real crisis.
Level 10 keeps also include mini-ballista's... so in keep defense tanks are actually useful. Since the mini-ballista's do about 100-500dmg each shot and hurt siege equipment alot i'd seriously advise keeping major keeps at level 10.

Also as a side note: Covenant of Zak can hold a keep at level 10 for over 175 days.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Spyf said:
Afaik the top5 guilds in albion could hold a keep each at lvl 10 for aprox 5-6 month at 24k/day.
Someone correct me if this is totally wrong, but as I see it.
Keeping a keep at lvl 10 in Albion should not be a problem, if small guilds <no offence> keep towers claimed and dont go for keeps.

HB have 4.7 mill Bps atm

4.700.000 / 24k = 195 days.... that would be enough for some time... and we keep gaining Bps


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
acei said:
Level 10 keeps also include mini-ballista's... so in keep defense tanks are actually useful. Since the mini-ballista's do about 100-500dmg each shot and hurt siege equipment alot i'd seriously advise keeping major keeps at level 10.

Also as a side note: Covenant of Zak can hold a keep at level 10 for over 175 days.

Level 9 Keeps also have this capacity as well :)


Dec 26, 2003
top 18
albs = 7 guilds
mids = 6 guilds
hibs = 5 guilds

albion can hold lvl 10 keeps longer then any other realm


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Draylor said:
If a guild the size of SS cant afford to maintain a level 10 keep somethings wrong with the system IMHO :)

Except when you get certain people whining in the cg that we should let Surs fal into hibby hands ofc !!!

No way on Earth we are gonna do that without a fight...i just sorted my bedroom out (o:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Heath said:
Except when you get certain people whining in the cg that we should let Surs fal into hibby hands ofc !!!

Defending Surs last night was the RIGHT thing to do: for any one that doubts it take a look at which keeps are required to gain entry to the relic shrines. Surs was the last one required at the time.

Fortunately there were more than enough Albs around to do both (at least in the very short time I was online). The flaming about it afterwards achieves nothing - all keeps were eventually retaken without relics being lost.

Realm defence BGs/CGs are currently so moronic, and spammed by so many clueless folks, that I cant stand to join them for more than 2 minutes at a time. Im sure Im not alone in that ;) Hopefully this will change over time but for now Ill be avoiding them as far as possible.

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