



Last season, there were a lot of undesirable clans within BWTFCL. With the tighting of the belt, BWTFCL have cut out a lot of these clans. But still refs need a better weapon than a blunt old kick out of the game.

For one I am sure that most refs are never sure what they are exactly supposed to kick for! Also I feel that this unbalances the game too much. Much better to sort out the silly players and stuff after the game unless they are spamming the server of course.

I propose a system of penalty points. –1 point from your result score for abuse of MM1 and –2 for major abuse. So if you win or lose it bad either way. This also keeps the teams balanced in game so there can be no arguments about, “well the ref kicked 2 of our players and they capped 3 times” type comments.

Thoughts please.


So you saying you'l allow someone to disrupt a game to a curtain level with out warning ?? with out removing them from the game and thus making the game unenjoyable for all players taking part .

I think a warning or 2 followed by removal of the offending player leaving the game to continue and his team 1 man down is better than a points removal system, also your looking at more admin work that I'm sure the odd ref might let it go once the match is over or in the event of a ref being distracted he may have reason not to get around to the removal of points .

Also this is a less direct route of punishment to the individual, some people may not care as much of thier clan's points in bwtfcl as others as I know some people play for themself's and not for the clan .

You also have to be carefull as it could (I'm not saying it would) be manipulated if a ref didn't like particular clan's or players, this could work both way's though for a ref if a he does his job by removing a clan's points he could become disliked by intire clans rather than the offending player, I know the more mature people would understand it but then I'd expect they would be abusive in the first place :/

I don't know the current rules on this but I'd expect rather than to leave a clan with abusive members and just punish every 1 for 1 person's mistakes, upon a player being noted as abusive or argumentative with out good cause he should be banned from the league imo .


The harsh truth is that refs should know exactly when to kick a player, for what, and under what circumstances, if only everyone read the rules and followed them. It's quite unbelievable the level of misunderstandings that can (and have) come about by both players and refs being completely ignorant of the rules.

As for the points deduction system instead of the warning/kick rule, that's an idea that as Moon pointed out could easily be abused by uncaring players and biased refs alike. One ref's point of view could differ from another's - under the current system, what one ref might kick for another might give a second warning. Under your system, one ref might deduct a point while another might give a second warning. We could end up with completely unfair and unbalanced groups, instead of a minute of 7v8 in a match (note that an abusive player returning after being kicked, who continues to be abusive, would have to be removed more permanently, but I've never encountered such a situation whereby one clan is actually reduced to 7v8 for a remainder of any given map).

In short, your system is unworkable in an area where it is down to the ref's discretion as to what happens. And the rules are there to be read - hopefully with only select refs taking part in next season, they will be more competent than in seasons gone by.


hopefully all clans next season won't do that as its a invite system and i guess vuz as picked the good non lame clans to join.

i cud be wrong but their will be less b1tching in games.


ive never had 2 kick a player from a clan match and i dont wish i have to but.
if i have to i go by this if they mm1 and r abusing the other clan or a player on the server they get a warning. if they carry on i tell there clan leader to tell him/she to shut up then if he/she carrys on then they get a good kickin, then if they come back on the server more abusive towards the ref/player then they get a 5mins ban, i think thats fine:clap:

RAH [IM] Reformed :clap: :clap: :clap:

:upyours: :upyours: PH34R:upyours: :upyours:


I propose a system of penalty points. –1 point from your result score for abuse of MM1 and –2 for major abuse

You been sniffing glue?




lol allo fonz long time no seeeee ;) where u been? :p gettin some :sex: ? :eek:

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